Details for Temple Public Library

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5027005223


Marker Number 5223
Atlas Number 5027005223
Marker Title Temple Public Library
Index Entry Temple Public Library
Address 101 N. Main
City Temple
County Bell
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 658167
UTM Northing 3441698
Subject Codes buildings; women, women's history topics; libraries; post office; women's clubs
Marker Year 1978
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location former Temple Post Office building
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text On March 29, 1900, the Women's Literary Club and the Self Culture Club formed a city federation for the purpose of organizing a public library. Soon the first library opened in a corner of the post office building and later moved to a book store. In 1901 the national library program of steel millionaire Andrew Carnegie funded a library building. The new structure was opened in 1904 in the center of the city park at First and Central Avenue. Citizens headed by Mrs. W.S. Banks held fund drives to operate the facility until 1907 when the city appropriated revenue. In 1918, fire destroyed the building. The library reopened in 1924 and was housed in various business until 1929 when it moved into the Municipal Building. Women of the library board ran the program until the city took over in 1954. After a new postal facility was erected in 1963 the city received this 51-year-old post office building for a library. The Renaissance Revival edifice was remodeled in 1964 using funds from a bond issue and the Carnegie Library Association. A memorial room was named for W. Goodrich Jones, one of the library's benefactors. This facility is a member of the Central Texas Library Association and provides a full program. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1978


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