Category Archives: Uncategorized

Remembering an ugly font and a forgotten monster

IBM has always loved selling stuff to banks… and banks have sometimes loved to buy that stuff. In my opinion IBMs most iconic banking machines were their cheque sorters. For many years processing cheques was the time consuming bane of … Continue reading

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Remembering the time IBM went to sea and then quite literally abandoned ship

About two years ago I was searching for Creative Commons (CC4) images to add to Wikipedia pages, when I came across a dump of old IBM marketing images hosted by a Norwegian technical museum – and yes this is what I … Continue reading

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Remembering how IBM had a best selling hand held productivity device in 1965!

In 1965 IBM released a truly epic hand held productivity device, so popular it was used by American Presidents and the famed actor Yul Brynner. And the story behind it is wild! The story begins in the late 1950s when … Continue reading

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I have a day in court in Delaware – just like Elon Musk

So you may have heard about Elon Musks recent misadventures in the world of finance. In between repopulating the world with his many children, he made a bid of $44B USD for Twitter but suddenly decided he didn’t want to … Continue reading

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Remembering when a camera company took IBM to the cleaners.

In 1981 IBM Office Products Division (popularly known as OPD) made one of the most spectacularly bad deals in IBM history. A deal that spawned a product that IBM could barely sell and was forced to withdrew in less than … Continue reading

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It’s Halloween, so let’s visit a graveyard…. an IBM Graveyard… filled with typewriters

Hey kids, did you to go trick or treating this Halloween? Yes? No? Ok… how about we visit a spooky graveyard scattered with the bones of products long since dead? Thats right kids… its time to visit an IBM Graveyard. … Continue reading

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Remembering the time that IBM said all tape cartridges could have a good lie down

I recently stumbled across this fascinating study about what happens if an LTO tape drive is mounted vertically. So rather than mounting it horizontally in a rack like this: They tried mounting it vertically like this: Now if they had … Continue reading

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Remembering that time when IBM brought a beehive into the datacenter

I love the idea of biomimicry: the art of solving engineering problems by observing nature. If you have ever used a piece of velcro, then you have used something invented through biomimicry. Japanese bullet trains (or Shinkansen) are also famous … Continue reading

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Remembering the time a giant yellow robot saved IBMs Tape Business.

In 1987 IBM’s Executives in Armonk hated Robots. THEY JUST HATED THEM. Now to be clear I am not talking about this kind of robot: Or even this kind of robot: No… the kind that IBM hated was this kind… … Continue reading

Posted in IBM, IBM Storage, Uncategorized | Tagged | 10 Comments

In 1957 the CIA asked IBM to invent Google Images, and IBM said yes.

This story starts with a scene straight out of a spy movie and I swear nearly every word is true. In the mid 1950s, a CIA spook comes to IBM with a request: “Hey Blue suited dudes, make us a … Continue reading

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