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case-studyの人気記事 38件 - はてなブックマーク





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case-studyかんするエントリは38けんあります。 performance開発かいはつarticle などが関連かんれんタグです。 人気にんきエントリには 『ソニーにおける App Runner 導入どうにゅう事例じれいせい体験たいけんだん紹介しょうかい / Case study and real experience of using App Runner in Sony products』などがあります。
  • ソニーにおける App Runner 導入どうにゅう事例じれいせい体験たいけんだん紹介しょうかい / Case study and real experience of using App Runner in Sony products

    ねんほどまえ登場とうじょうした比較的ひかくてきあたらしいサービスであるApp Runnerを商用しょうよう環境かんきょう導入どうにゅうした事例じれい紹介しょうかいします。 インフラの運用うんよう手間てま軽量けいりょうできる一方いっぽうで、利用りようしてはじめてづく課題かだいもありました。 本日ほんじつ実際じっさい導入どうにゅう事例じれいもとづいて、ECS Fargateとの比較ひかく、CI/CD・監視かんし工夫くふうから障害しょうがい発生はっせい運用うんよう方法ほうほうと…

      ソニーにおける App Runner 導入事例と生の体験談の紹介 / Case study and real experience of using App Runner in Sony products
    • 分散ぶんさんトレーシングの技術ぎじゅつ選定せんてい・OSS 貢献こうけん, Stackdriver Trace での性能せいのう可視かし改善かいぜん / Distributed Tracing case study

      パフォーマンスに苦労くろうしている並列へいれつ処理しょりシステムを改善かいぜんするために Stackdriver Traceを導入どうにゅうして動作どうさ可視かしおこなった結果けっか、 ボトルネックの存在そんざい判明はんめいしてパフォーマンスを改善かいぜんできた事例じれいについて紹介しょうかいします。 この事例じれいでStackdriver Traceを選定せんていした過程かていや OpenTelemet…

        分散トレーシングの技術選定・OSS 貢献, Stackdriver Trace での性能可視化・改善 / Distributed Tracing case study
      • Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case study

        Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case studyLast updated on 29 Sep 2023 by Prateek Surana   •   - min read When it comes to building web applications, React has been at the forefront for a while now, and its adoption continues to grow. Among the most common approaches to building web applications with React, Next.js stands out as one of the most preferred options. Next.js has also been in the limel

          Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case study
        • Railsアプリ開発かいはつ事例じれい紹介しょうかい / A case study for a Rails App

          リードエンジニアからまなぶMedPeerのプロダクト開発かいはつ https://medpeer.connpass.com/event/181835/

            Railsアプリ開発の事例紹介 / A case study for a Rails App
          • Migrates to AWS Purpose-Built Databases | The Pokémon Company Case Study | AWS

            Launched in Japan in 1996, Pokémon has become one of the most popular entertainment brands worldwide. People of all ages—hundreds of millions of them—enjoy training and battling Pokémon creatures through the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon GO mobile game. In Bellevue, Washington, engineers at The Pokémon Company International (TPCi) are responsible for making sure Pokémon fans outside of

              Migrates to AWS Purpose-Built Databases | The Pokémon Company Case Study | AWS
            • Case study: Analyzing Notion app performance · PerfPerfPerf

              Web performance isn’t going to save you in this crisis. But if you’re building a software product, chances are you’re relatively unaffected. And in this case, having a quick app is more important than ever. Internet is slowing down due to increased demand, and people are holding on to their phones for longer – so if your app is slow, your users will be affected by it. And slow app means worse busi

              • CASE STUDY バーチャルYouTuber名取なとりさな オリジナルきょく 制作せいさく裏側うらがわ|「DAIV」すべてのクリエイターにおく究極きゅうきょくのPC

                名取なとりさな:桃井ももいさ~ん!今回こんかいは『PINK,ALL,PINK!』の楽曲がっきょく制作せいさくをごいっしょでき、名取なとりからの、ラブを!でかいラブのオファーをおけいただきまして、ありがとうございましたー!ニコニコちょう会議かいぎで『あいのメディスン』をうたわせていただいて、そこがきっかけでいちTwitterでもリプさせていただいて、そのふしはありがとうございました~! (おじぎ) 桃井ももいはるこ:いやいや、こちらこそ~。ちょう会議かいぎでね、1コーラスめではざわざわしていたおきゃくさんが、2コーラスめには名取なとりさんのうたわせてがっているのをてですね。このきょくつくったときは、こんなふううたってもらえるとはおもってなかったよー!とおもって。2001ねんつくって、20ねんじゃくがすぎると、名取なとりさんのようなナースもばく誕しちゃったんだなと。 名取なとりさな:ぅぅううれしいですね~!もう、一生いっしょううたいつづけますね!(ほんとに)これからもいろんなひといてほしいなって。桃井ももい

                  CASE STUDY バーチャルYouTuber名取さな オリジナル曲 制作の裏側|「DAIV」すべてのクリエイターに送る究極のPC
                • Case study: Rust programming language community | Zulip

                  Rust: A popular programming language built by 1000s of contributors Rust is a popular modern programming language, designed for performance, reliability and productivity, and used by hundreds of companies around the world. Organized into teams and working groups, the Rust project is led by over 100 team members who oversee the work of more than 6000 contributors. Rust moves to Zulip, one team at a

                    Case study: Rust programming language community | Zulip
                  • A case study on scroll-driven animations performance  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                    What’s new with scroll-driven animations? Scroll-driven animations are a way to add interactivity and visual interest to your website or web application, triggered by the user's scroll position. This can be a great way to keep users engaged and make your website more visually appealing. In the past, the only way to create scroll-driven animations was to respond to the scroll event on the main thre

                    • CASE STUDY バーチャルYouTuber 名取なとりさな×クリエイターPC DAIV「さなあるき」の制作せいさく裏側うらがわ解説かいせつ|バーチャルYouTuber 名取なとりさな×クリエイターPC DAIV

                      映像えいぞうクリエイター×DAIVのコラボレーションで、あたらしい映像えいぞう世界せかいひらく。 2021ねん3がつ自身じしんはつのバースデイイベントを敢行かんこうしたバーチャルYouTuber「名取なとりさな」が公開こうかいした、 バースデイイベントの前日ぜんじつたんともえる映像えいぞう「さなあるき」の制作せいさく裏側うらがわ解説かいせつする。 clocknote. グラフィックデザイナー/アートディレクター。BALCOLONY. 所属しょぞく。 エンターテイメント分野ぶんや中心ちゅうしん媒体ばいたいえらばず制作せいさく個人こじん活動かつどうとしてLive2Dアバターアプリ「mocape」の開発かいはつ現場げんば運用うんよう映像えいぞう演出えんしゅつ楽曲がっきょく制作せいさくなど。 CGキャラクターと実写じっしゃ共存きょうぞんさせた「さなあるき」 今回こんかいの「さなのばくたん。 -ていねいなお誕生たんじょうかい-」は、当日とうじつのイベントだけでなく、「ラ チッタデッラ」ない商業しょうぎょう施設しせつんで、施設しせつ全体ぜんたいをイベント会場かいじょうにするような施策しさく予定よていされていました。 また、昨今さっこん社会しゃかい情勢じょうせいにより、施設しせつないひと密集みっしゅうするような企画きかく

                        CASE STUDY バーチャルYouTuber 名取さな×クリエイターPC DAIV「さな歩き」の制作裏側を解説|バーチャルYouTuber 名取さな×クリエイターPC DAIV
                      • Improving Core Web Vitals, A Smashing Magazine Case Study

                        At Smashing, we’ve struggled with amber Core Web Vitals score for a while. Then after 6 months we finally managed to fix it. Here’s a little case study on how we detected and fixed the bottlenecks, and how we ended up with green scores, all the way. “Why are my Core Web Vitals failing?” Many developers have been asking themselves that question lately. Sometimes it’s easy enough to find the answer

                          Improving Core Web Vitals, A Smashing Magazine Case Study
                        • An EPYC escape: Case-study of a KVM breakout

                          Posted by Felix Wilhelm, Project Zero Introduction KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is the de-facto standard hypervisor for Linux-based cloud environments. Outside of Azure, almost all large-scale cloud and hosting providers are running on top of KVM, turning it into one of the fundamental security boundaries in the cloud. In this blog post I describe a vulnerability in KVM’s AMD-specific co

                          • GitHub - morris/vanilla-todo: A case study on viable techniques for vanilla web development.

                            A TeuxDeux clone in plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript (no build steps). It's fully animated and runs smoothly at 60 FPS with a total transfer size of 55 KB (unminified). Try it online → More importantly, it's a case study showing that vanilla web development is viable in terms of maintainability, and worthwhile in terms of user experience (50% less time to load and 95% less bandwidth in this case). T

                              GitHub - morris/vanilla-todo: A case study on viable techniques for vanilla web development.
                            • Orange You Accessible? A Mini Case Study on Color Ratio | Bounteous

                              Orange You Accessible? A Mini Case Study on Color Ratio I recently completed work for a client who used orange heavily in their branding: it was in their print ads, brochures, posters, and signage, and they wanted to incorporate it on their website. This led to a comparison of orange buttons. Can you guess which button is more accessible? If you guessed the left button, congrats! You are an access

                                Orange You Accessible? A Mini Case Study on Color Ratio | Bounteous
                              • System76: A Case Study on How Not To Collaborate With Upstream – Chris's Design & Development

                                Preface: the following post was written in the context of the events that happened in September. Some time has passed, and I held off on publishing in the hopes we could reach a happy ending with System76. As time has passed, that hope has faded. Attempts to reach out to System76 have not been productive, and I feel we’ve let the impression they’ve given the wider tech community about GNOME sit fo

                                • Large Language Models in the Workplace: A Case Study on Prompt Engineering for Job Type Classification

                                  View a PDF of the paper titled Large Language Models in the Workplace: A Case Study on Prompt Engineering for Job Type Classification, by Benjamin Clavi\'e and Alexandru Ciceu and Frederick Naylor and Guillaume Souli\'e and Thomas Brightwell View PDF Abstract:This case study investigates the task of job classification in a real-world setting, where the goal is to determine whether an English-langu

                                    Large Language Models in the Workplace: A Case Study on Prompt Engineering for Job Type Classification
                                  • つくっておぼえるOpenGLフレームワーク case study in Common Lisp

                                    [learnopengl](https://learnopengl.com/)のpdfを参照さんしょうし、Common Lispに移植いしょくしながらOpenGLの作法さほうやCommon Lispにおけるイディオムを手探てさぐりで構築こうちくしていきます。

                                      作って覚えるOpenGLフレームワーク case study in Common Lisp
                                    • How Recent Google Updates Punish Good SEO: 50-Site Case Study - Zyppy SEO Consulting

                                      How Recent Google Updates Punish Good SEO: 50-Site Case Study SEOs need to rethink “over-optimization” Are recent Google updates now targeting SEO practices to demote informational sites that are “too optimized?” Using metrics provided by Ahrefs (thank you, Patrick Stox!) and collecting thousands of data points across impacted sites, I conducted a 50-site case study to look for answers. To begin w

                                        How Recent Google Updates Punish Good SEO: 50-Site Case Study - Zyppy SEO Consulting
                                      • Deep Learning for Recommender Systems: A Netflix Case Study | AI Magazine

                                        Deep Learning for Recommender Systems: A Netflix Case Study Authors Harald Steck Netflix Linas Baltrunas Netflix Ehtsham Elahi Netflix Dawen Liang Netflix Yves Raimond Netflix Justin Basilico Netflix DOI: https://doi.org/10.1609/aimag.v42i3.18140 Abstract Deep learning has profoundly impacted many areas of machine learning. However, it took a while for its impact to be felt in the field of recomme

                                        • 23 Million Internal Links - SEO Case Study

                                          Rethinking Internal Linking Best PracticesMost SEOs understand that links are an official Google ranking factor. It’s also generally understood that external links (links from other websites) are typically more powerful than internal links (links from your website.) But let’s not underestimate the power of internal links. Whenever I discuss the issue with colleagues at one of our trusted SEO partn

                                            23 Million Internal Links - SEO Case Study
                                          • Oleg's gists - Case study: migrating from lens to optics

                                            As you are reading this post, you probably know that there is the lens library by Edward Kmett et al. which is de facto optics library for Haskell. It's famous also for its type errors. the optics library by Adam Gundry, Andres Löh, Andrzej Rybczak and myself uses different representation for optics (note: slanted optics is a concept, monospace optics is a library name). I recommend reading throug

                                            • Case Study: React partial SSR with SFCC

                                              Lyubomir Angelov (@angelovcode) is a Web Performance enthusiast working as Development Team Leader at Isobar Commerce. Contributing to the web since 2007 he went through hundreds of platforms and solutions. He is passionate to work with people to build great platforms. Perfectionist, sports man and tries to learn lock picking. This case study shows one way to implement partial Server-Side Renderin

                                                Case Study: React partial SSR with SFCC
                                              • Apple Case Study

                                                Apple’s mission statement is “to bring the best user experience to its customers through its innovative hardware, software, and service.” To that end, I feel that there is a marked opportunity on the Apple store to help guide customers toward the particular products that will be most useful for their particular situations and needs. In this project, I developed a series of features and wizard page

                                                • Blog: Enabling Trusted Types in a Complex Web Application: A Case Study of AppSheet

                                                  Want to know more about adopting Trusted Types to improve the security posture of an application? Take a look at our case study describing how we rolled out Trusted Types in AppSheet, a Google product.

                                                    Blog: Enabling Trusted Types in a Complex Web Application: A Case Study of AppSheet
                                                  • こし】Payment distributed transaction case study – Rui Gao【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 | メルカリエンジニアリング

                                                    こし】Payment distributed transaction case study – Rui Gao【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 Merpay Tech Fest 2021は、事業じぎょうとのかかわりから技術ぎじゅつへの興味きょうみふかめ、プロダクトやサービスをささえるエンジニアリングをれるおまつりで、2021ねん7がつ26にちつき)からの5日間にちかん開催かいさいしました。セッションでは、事業じぎょうささえる組織そしき技術ぎじゅつ課題かだいなどへの試行錯誤しこうさくごやアプローチを紹介しょうかいしていきました。 この記事きじは、「Payment distributed(分散ぶんさん)transaction case study」のこしです。 Rui Gaoみなさん、こんにちは。本日ほんじつは「Payment distributed(分散ぶんさん)transaction case study」というテーマで発表はっぴょうさせていただきます。 まず、簡単かんたん自己じこ紹介しょうかいさせてください

                                                      【書き起こし】Payment distributed transaction case study – Rui Gao【Merpay Tech Fest 2021】 | メルカリエンジニアリング
                                                    • Case Study REPORT | Webサービス ソリューション 株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ良品計画りょうひんけいかくさま|PFU

                                                      ネットストアのシステム基盤きばん構築こうちくで、「開発かいはつ構築こうちく保守ほしゅ監視かんし」までをワンストップで提供ていきょうし、ECビジネスの本格ほんかく展開てんかい貢献こうけん無印むじるし良品りょうひん」を展開てんかいする株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ良品計画りょうひんけいかくさまではオンラインストアの「無印むじるし良品りょうひんネットストア」の急激きゅうげき利用りようしゃ増大ぞうだいともない、システムパフォーマンスの向上こうじょう急務きゅうむとなった。またサイト運営うんえいでも刷新さっしん時期じきむかえていた。そこで、本格ほんかくてき事業じぎょう展開てんかい見据みすえ、処理しょり能力のうりょく向上こうじょうやマーケティング機能きのう強化きょうかなどをテーマにシステムのさい構築こうちく着手ちゃくしゅした。きゅうシステムの分析ぶんせき、システム開発かいはつ、インフラ構築こうちく移行いこう保守ほしゅ監視かんしまでの顧客こきゃく要件ようけんたいしてPFUの「Webサービス ソリューション」により実現じつげんした。 「わけあって、やすい」をキャッチフレーズに独自どくじのライフスタイルを提案ていあん シンプルで良質りょうしつ商品しょうひんにファンのおおい「無印むじるし良品りょうひん」は「わけあって、やすい」をキャッチフレーズに、1980ねん株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ西友せいゆうストアー(げん合同ごうどう会社かいしゃ西友せいゆう)のプライベートブ

                                                      • Java Virtual Threads: a Case Study

                                                        InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect. View an example

                                                          Java Virtual Threads: a Case Study
                                                        • How We Improved Our Core Web Vitals (Case Study) — Smashing Magazine

                                                          Google’s “Page Experience Update” will start rolling out in June. At first, sites that meet Core Web Vitals thresholds will have a minor ranking advantage in mobile search for all browsers. Search is important to any business, and this is the story of how Beau Hartshorne and his team at Instant Domain Search improved their Core Web Vitals scores. Plus, an open-source tool they’ve built along the w

                                                            How We Improved Our Core Web Vitals (Case Study) — Smashing Magazine
                                                          • SEO Case Study: How Canva Used Outreach & Content To Grow

                                                            Gain access to exclusive research, training, trends and support from the best marketers in the world. Foundation Labs provides you with timely, meaningful, and relevant data that enables you to grow your company in a meaningful way. The world’s top SaaS companies subscribe to Foundation Labs to receive industry news and data driven insights to create a marketing culture that drives results. We hav

                                                              SEO Case Study: How Canva Used Outreach & Content To Grow
                                                            • Targeting Greta Thunberg: A Case Study in Online Mis/Disinformation

                                                              The German Marshall Fund’s Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative worked with MediaCloud to examine misinformation and disinformation related to the climate-change activist Greta Thunberg, a y The German Marshall Fund’s Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative worked with MediaCloud to examine misinformation and disinformation related to the climate-change activist Greta Thunberg, a young

                                                                Targeting Greta Thunberg: A Case Study in Online Mis/Disinformation
                                                              • A Local-First Case Study | jakelazaroff.com

                                                                I just got back from a travel sabbatical. While the trip turned out great, the planning process was decidedly… less so. Figuring out six months of travel is a daunting task, and I quickly became dissatisfied with existing tools. True to myself, I yak shaved the problem. Introducing Waypoint: a local-first web app for planning trips! You might be thinking "hey, that looks a lot like that trip plann

                                                                  A Local-First Case Study | jakelazaroff.com
                                                                • Rebuilding A Large E-Commerce Website With Next.js (Case Study) — Smashing Magazine

                                                                  We made the switch from a more traditional integrated e-commerce platform to a headless platform with Next.js. Here are the most important lessons learned while rebuilding a large e-commerce site with Next.js. At our company, Unplatform, we have been building e-commerce sites for decades now. Over those years, we have seen the technology stack evolve from server-rendered pages with some minor Java

                                                                    Rebuilding A Large E-Commerce Website With Next.js (Case Study) — Smashing Magazine
                                                                  • Chatwork Amazon EKS Case Study

                                                                    Chatwork Uses Amazon EKS to Increase Operational Efficiency, Support Over 6.5 Billion Messages Chatwork has been using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to power its popular business chat tool "Chatwork" since March 2011, when the AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region first became available, and has been evolving its architecture ever since. The company moved to a container-based architecture in 2016 and was se

                                                                      Chatwork Amazon EKS Case Study
                                                                    • CASE STUDY クリエイター粗品そしなによるレーベル「soshina」だいいちだん 楽曲がっきょく&MV制作せいさく裏側うらがわ|「DAIV」すべてのクリエイターにおく究極きゅうきょくのPC

                                                                      MV(ミュージックビデオ)の構想こうそうはどのようにかんがえましたか? 粗品そしな一流いちりゅう音楽家おんがくか方々かたがたいま丸腰まるごしへっぽこ音楽おんがく初心者しょしんしゃ粗品そしなで、どうたたかおうかなってかんがえたときにぱっとかんだのが視覚しかくてき要素ようそだったんですね。 音楽おんがくすごみやさはてきわないとしても、せるものであるMVだったらおわらいの要素ようそれられるだろうし、ここでたたかえるんじゃないか?っていうおもいから構想こうそうりだしました。 イラストレーターのソノムラさんにえがいていただいたさせていただいて、「ここの表情ひょうじょうをこうしていただけますか?」「もう最高さいこうです!」とか、映像えいぞうクリエイターのTSO (とさお)さんにもうごきの部分ぶぶんで「コーラスのつなぎはパンアップでどうでしょ?」「もうちょっとゆっくり5びょう時点じてんからげてもらえませんか?」「流石さすがです!」なんてやりとりをさせていただきまして。本当ほんとうしんそこからたのしいんですよ! そもそも、いままで動画どうが制作せいさくたずさわったことがかったので、

                                                                        CASE STUDY クリエイター粗品によるレーベル「soshina」第一弾 楽曲&MV制作の裏側|「DAIV」すべてのクリエイターに送る究極のPC
                                                                      • Building Self-Managed Teams: A Case Study from Riot Games

                                                                        Receive our best content two weeks before anyone else! Join 5000+ tech leaders and managers. Building Self-Managed Teams: A Case Study from Riot Games - Interview with Mike Seavers (ex-CTO, Riot Games) Building self-managed teams sounds way too optimistic to be a viable strategy. Or does it? Imagine this: a team where you don’t have to hold anybody’s hand. A team that delivers results with you onl

                                                                          Building Self-Managed Teams: A Case Study from Riot Games
                                                                        • ニュース配信はいしんにおける�MLOps・分析ぶんせき基盤きばん事例じれい紹介しょうかい / A Case Study of MLOps and Analysis infrastructure on News Delivery System

:【Sansan×Unipos×M3】事例じれいからまなぶ!MLOps・データ分析ぶんせき基盤きばん 最前線さいぜんせん事例じれい共有きょうゆう勉強べんきょうかい https://m3-engineer.connpass.com/event/216065/ ■登壇とうだん概要がいよう タイトル:ニュース配信はいしんにおける�MLOps・分析ぶんせき基盤きばん事例じれい紹介しょうかい 発表はっぴょうしゃ

                                                                            ニュース配信における�MLOps・分析基盤の事例紹介 / A Case Study of MLOps and Analysis infrastructure on News Delivery System
                                                                          • Case Study: Rebuilding TechCrunch layout with modern CSS

                                                                            In this new article about my rebuilding a layout, I’m exploring TechCrunch. I had a quick look at it and thought it would be interesting to dive in and see how modern CSS can make things better. First, I will analyze the layout and think aloud with you about the decisions that the team made. Once that is finished, it will be the time to dive in and share my thoughts and ideas on how to approach th

                                                                              Case Study: Rebuilding TechCrunch layout with modern CSS
                                                                            • Yoneda’s lemma as an identification of form and function: the case study of polynomials

                                                                              What's new Updates on my research and expository papers, discussion of open problems, and other maths-related topics. By Terence Tao Yoneda’s lemma as an identification of form and function: the case study of polynomials 25 August, 2023 in expository, math.CT, math.RA | Tags: polynomials, Yoneda lemma | by Terence Tao As someone who had a relatively light graduate education in algebra, the import

                                                                                Yoneda’s lemma as an identification of form and function: the case study of polynomials
