(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
1 Kings 9:25 Catholic Bible: Three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings on the altar he had built to the LORD. He also burned incense to the LORD. And so he finished building the Temple.
1 Kings 9:25
Good News Translation
Three times a year Solomon offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings on the altar he had built to the LORD. He also burned incense to the LORD. And so he finished building the Temple.

New Revised Standard Version
Three times a year Solomon used to offer up burnt offerings and sacrifices of well-being on the altar that he built for the LORD, offering incense before the LORD. So he completed the house.

Contemporary English Version
Three times a year, Solomon burned incense and offered sacrifices to the LORD on the altar he had built. Solomon had now finished building the LORD's temple.

New American Bible
Three times a year Solomon used to offer burnt offerings and communion offerings on the altar which he had built to the LORD, and to burn incense before the LORD. Thus he completed the temple.

Douay-Rheims Bible
Solomon also offered three times every year holocausts, and victims of peace offerings, upon the altar which he had built to the Lord, and he burnt incense before the Lord: and the temple was finished.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Solomon also offered three times every year holocausts, and victims of peace offerings, upon the altar which he had built to the Lord, and he burnt incense before the Lord: and the temple was finished.

three times

Exodus 23:14-17 Three times every year you shall celebrate feasts to me. . . .

Exodus 34:23 Three times in the year all thy males shall appear in the sight of the almighty Lord the God of Israel.

Deuteronomy 16:16 Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose: in the feast of unleavened bread, in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles. No one shall appear with his hands empty before the Lord:

2 Chronicles 8:12,13 Then Solomon offered holocausts to the Lord upon the altar of the Lord which he had built before the porch, . . .

he burnt

Exodus 30:7 And Aaron shall burn sweet smelling incense upon it in the morning. When he shall dress the lamps, he shall burn it:

1 Chronicles 23:13 The sons of Amram, Aaron, and Moses. And Aaron was separated to minister in the holy of holies, he and his sons for ever, and to burn incense before the Lord, according to his ceremonies, and to bless his name for ever.

2 Chronicles 26:16-21 But when he was made strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction, and he neglected the Lord his God: and going into the temple of the Lord, he had a mind to burn incense upon the altar of incense. . . .

2 Chronicles 29:11 My sons, be not negligent: the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, and to minister to him, and to worship him, and to burn incense to him.

2 Chronicles 34:25 Because they have forsaken me, and have sacrificed to strange gods, to provoke me to wrath with all the works of their hands, therefore my wrath shall fail upon this place, and shall not be quenched.

1 Kings 6:38 And in the eleventh year, in the month Bul. (which is the eighth month) the house was finished in all the works thereof, and in all the appurtenances thereof: and he was seven years in building it.

2 Chronicles 8:16 Solomon had all charges prepared, from the day that he founded the house of the Lord, until the day wherein he finished it.

Solomon's Numerous Achievements
24And the daughter of Pharao came up out of the city of David to her house, which Solomon had built for her: then did he build Mello. 25Solomon also offered three times every year holocausts, and victims of peace offerings, upon the altar which he had built to the Lord, and he burnt incense before the Lord: and the temple was finished.26And king Solomon made a fleet in Asiongaber, which is by Ailath, on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.…
Cross References
Exodus 23:14
Three times every year you shall celebrate feasts to me.

Deuteronomy 16:16
Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose: in the feast of unleavened bread, in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles. No one shall appear with his hands empty before the Lord:

1 Kings 9:24
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