(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Psalm 17:4 Catholic Bible: as others do; I have obeyed your command and have not followed paths of violence.
Psalm 17:4 {16:4}
Good News Translation
as others do; I have obeyed your command and have not followed paths of violence.

New Revised Standard Version
As for what others do, by the word of your lips I have avoided the ways of the violent.

Contemporary English Version
I don't do like others. I obey your teachings and am not cruel.

New American Bible
as others often do. As your lips have instructed me, I have kept from the way of the lawless.

Douay-Rheims Bible
That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways.


Psalm 14:1-3 Unto the end, a psalm for David. The fool hath said in his heart: There is no God. They are corrupt, and are become abominable in their ways: there is none that doth good, no not one. . . .

Genesis 6:5,11 And God seeing that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times, . . .

Job 15:16 How much more is man abominable, and unprofitable, who drinketh iniquity like water?

Job 31:33 If as a man I have hid my sin, and have concealed my iniquity in my bosom.

1 Corinthians 3:3 For, whereas there is among you envying and contention, are you not carnal and walk you not according to man?

1 Peter 4:2,3 That now he may live the rest of his time in the flesh, not after the desires of men but according to the will of God. . . .


Psalm 119:9-11 By what doth a young man correct his way? by observing thy words. . . .

Proverbs 2:10-15 Counsel shall keep thee, and prudence shall preserve thee, . . .

Matthew 4:4,7,10 Who answered and said: It is written, Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. . . .

John 17:17 Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is truth.

Ephesians 6:17 And take unto you the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God).

James 1:18 For of his own will hath he begotten us by the word of truth, that we might be some beginning of his creature.

Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the testimony: and they loved not their lives unto death.


1 Peter 5:8 Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour.

Revelation 9:11 A king, the angel of the bottomless pit (whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek Apollyon, in Latin Exterminans).

Hear My Righteous Plea
3Thou hast proved my heart, and visited it by night, thou hast tried me by fire: and iniquity hath not been found in me. 4That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways.5Perfect thou my goings in thy paths: that my footsteps be not moved.…
Cross References
Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence:

Psalm 10:5
God is not before his eyes: his ways are filthy at all times. Thy judgments are removed from his sight: he shall rule over all his enemies.

Psalm 19:11
For thy servant keepeth them, and in keeping them there is a great reward.

Psalm 119:9
By what doth a young man correct his way? by observing thy words.

Psalm 119:101
I have restrained my feet from every evil way: that I may keep thy words.

Psalm 17:3
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