(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
2 Samuel 6 Coverdale Bible
2 Samuel 6
Coverdale Bible of 1535 Par ▾ 

David Fetches the Ark
(1 Chronicles 13:1–7)

1And Dauid gathered agayne all the yonge chosen men in Israel, euen thre thousande, 2and gat him vp, and wente with all the people that was with him of the citesins of Iuda, to fetch vp the Arke of God from thence: whose name is: The name of the LORDE Zebaoth dwelleth theron betwene the Cherubins 3And they caused the arke of God to be caried vpo a new cart, and fetched it out of ye house of Abinadab, which dwelt at Gibea. Vsa and Ahio the sonnes of Abinadab droue ye new cart. 4And whan they broughte it with the Arke from the house of Abinadab which dwelt at Gibea, Ahio wente before the Arke:

Uzzah Touches the Ark
(1 Chronicles 13:8–14)

5and Dauid and all the house of Israel played before the LORDE, with all maner of instrumentes of Pine tre, with harpes, and Psalteries, and tabrettes, and belles, and Cymbals.

6And whan they came to the barnefloore of Nahon, Vsa stretched out his hande, and helde the Arke of God, for the oxen wete out asyde. 7Then waxed the wrath of the LORDE fearce agaynst Vsa, and God smote him there because of his presumpcio, so that he dyed there besyde the Arke of God. 8Then was Dauid sory, because the LORDE had made soch a rente vpon Vsa, and he called the same place Perez Vsa vnto this daye. 9And Dauid feared the LORDE the same daie, and sayde: How shall the Arke of the LORDE come vnto me? 10And he wolde not let it be broughte to him in to the cite of Dauid, but caused it be brought in to ye house of Obed Edom the Gathite. 11And whan the Arke of the LORDE had contynued thre monethes in the house of Obed Edom the Gathite, the LORDE blessed him and all his house.

The Ark Brought to Jerusalem
(1 Chronicles 15:1–28)

12And it was tolde kynge Dauid, that the LORDE had blessed the house of Obed Edo and all that he had because of the Arke of God. Then wente he, and fetched vp the Arke of God out of ye house of Obed Edom in to the cite of Dauid with ioye. 13And wha they were gone sixe steppes in with the Arke of the LORDE, they offered an oxe and a fat shepe. 14And Dauid daunsed wt all his mighte before the LORDE, and was girded with an ouerbody cote of lynne. 15And Dauid withall Israel brought vp ye Arke of the LORDE with tabrertes and trompettes.

Michal’s Contempt for David
(1 Chronicles 15:29–16:3)

16And whan the Arke of the LORDE came into the cite of Dauid, Michol the doughte of Saul loked out at a window, and sawe kynge Dauid leapynge, sprynginge and dausynge before the LORDE, and despysed him in hir hert.

17But whan they brought in ye Arke of the LORDE, they set it in hir place in the myddes of the Tabernacle, which Dauid had pitched for it. And Dauid offred burntofferynges and deedofferyges before ye LORDE. 18And whan Dauid had made an ende of offerynge the burntofferynges and deedofferynges, he blessed the people in the name of the LORDE Zebaoth, 19and dealte out vnto all the people, and to the multitude of Israel, both to man & woma, vnto euery one a cake of bred, and a pece of flesh, and a meece of potage. Then wente all the people their waye, euery one vnto his house.

20Whan Dauid came agayne to blesse his house, Michol the doughter of Saul wente forth to mete him, and sayde: How glorious hath the kynge of Israel bene to daye, which hath vncouered himselfe before the maydes of his seruauntes, like as the rascall people discouer them selues. 21But Dauid saide vnto Michol: I wil playe before ye LORDE, which hath chosen me afore yi father, and afore all his house, because he hath commaunded me to be the prynce ouer the people of the LORDE, euen ouer Israel, 22and yet wyl I be vyler then so, and wyll be lowe in myne owne sighte: and with the maydens wherof thou hast spoken, wyll I be honoured. 23As for Michol the doughter of Saul, she had no childe vnto the daye of hir death.

Coverdale Bible of 1535

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

2 Samuel 5
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