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 Greek Concordance: Ἐλαιῶν (Elaiōn) -- 11 Occurrences
Englishman's Concordance
Ἐλαιῶνにゅー (Elaiōn) — 11 Occurrences

Matthew 21:1 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρος τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー τότε Ἰησοῦς
NAS: at the Mount of Olives, then
KJV: unto the mount of Olives, then sent
INT: mount of Olives then Jesus

Matthew 24:3 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρους τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー πぱいρろーοおみくろんσしぐまῆλθον αあるふぁτたう
NAS: on the Mount of Olives, the disciples
KJV: the mount of Olives, the disciples
INT: mount of Olives came to him

Matthew 26:30 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρος τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー
NAS: they went out to the Mount of Olives.
KJV: into the mount of Olives.
INT: mount of Olives

Mark 11:1 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρος τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー ἀποστέλλει δύο
NAS: near the Mount of Olives, He sent two
KJV: the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth
INT: mount of Olives he sends two

Mark 13:3 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρος τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー κατέναντι τたうοおみくろん
NAS: on the Mount of Olives opposite
KJV: the mount of Olives over against
INT: mount of Olives opposite the

Mark 14:26 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρος τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー
NAS: they went out to the Mount of Olives.
KJV: into the mount of Olives.
INT: mount of Olives

Luke 19:29 N-GFP
GRK: τたうὸ καλούμενον Ἐλαιῶνにゅー ἀπέστειλεν δύο
KJV: called [the mount] of Olives, he sent
INT: called of Olives he sent two

Luke 19:37 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρους τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー ἤρξαντο ἅπぱいαあるふぁνにゅー
NAS: of the Mount of Olives, the whole
KJV: of the mount of Olives, the whole
INT: mount of Olives began all

Luke 21:37 N-GFP
GRK: τたうὸ καλούμενον Ἐλαιῶνにゅー
KJV: that is called [the mount] of Olives.
INT: called of Olives

Luke 22:39 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρος τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー ἠκολούθησαν δでるた
NAS: to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples
KJV: to the mount of Olives; and his
INT: mount of Olives followed moreover

John 8:1 N-GFP
GRK: Ὄρος τたうνにゅー Ἐλαιῶνにゅー
NAS: went to the Mount of Olives.
KJV: unto the mount of Olives.
INT: mount of Olives

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