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 Greek Concordance: ἐμὸς (emos) -- 6 Occurrences
Englishman's Concordance
μみゅーὸς (emos) — 6 Occurrences

John 7:6 PPro-NM1S
GRK: κかっぱαあるふぁιいおたρろーὸς ὁ μみゅーὸς οおみくろんπぱいωおめが πάρεστιν
KJV: said unto them, My time is
INT: Time my not yet is come

John 7:8 PPro-NM1S
GRK: τたうιいおたμみゅーὸς κかっぱαあるふぁιいおたρろーὸς οおみくろんπぱいωおめが
KJV: feast; for my time is
INT: for my time not yet

John 8:37 PPro-NM1S
GRK: λόγος ὁ μみゅーὸς οおみくろんὐ χωρεῖ
KJV: me, because my word hath
INT: word my not has space

John 12:26 PPro-NM1S
GRK: διάκονος ὁ μみゅーὸς ἔσται ἐάν
KJV: shall also my servant be:
INT: servant of me will be if

John 14:24 PPro-NM1S
GRK: οおみくろんκかっぱσしぐまτたうιいおたνにゅー μみゅーὸςλらむだλらむだτたうοおみくろん
NAS: you hear is not Mine, but the Father's
KJV: is not mine, but the Father's
INT: not is mine but of the

2 Corinthians 8:23 PPro-NM1S
GRK: Τίτου κかっぱοおみくろんιいおたνにゅーωおめがνにゅーὸς μみゅーὸς κかっぱαあるふぁεいぷしろんἰς
KJV: Titus, [he is] my partner
INT: Titus [he is] partner my and for

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