(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Hebrew Concordance: bā·rā·ṯî -- 3 Occurrences
Englishman's Concordance
bā·rā·ṯî — 3 Occurrences

Genesis 6:7
HEB: הָאָדָ֤ם אֲשֶׁר־ בָּרָ֙אתִי֙ מֵעַל֙ פְּנֵ֣י
NAS: whom I have created from the face
KJV: man whom I have created from the face
INT: man whom have created from the face

Isaiah 54:16
HEB: ק) אָֽנֹכִי֙ בָּרָ֣אתִי חָרָ֔שׁ נֹפֵ֙חַ֙
NAS: I Myself have created the smith
KJV: Behold, I have created the smith
INT: behold Myself have created the smith blows

Isaiah 54:16
HEB: לְמַעֲשֵׂ֑הוּ וְאָנֹכִ֛י בָּרָ֥אתִי מַשְׁחִ֖ית לְחַבֵּֽל׃
NAS: for its work; And I have created the destroyer
KJV: for his work; and I have created the waster
INT: work Myself have created the destroyer to ruin

Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts

Concordance Entries
Strong's Hebrew 1254
55 Occurrences

bā·rā — 5 Occ.
bā·rā·ṯā — 1 Occ.
bā·rā·ṯî — 3 Occ.
bā·rê — 2 Occ.
bə·hib·bā·rə·’ām — 1 Occ.
bə·rā- — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·’āh — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·’ām — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·’ā·nū — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·ṯîw — 2 Occ.
bə·rō — 1 Occ.
bō·ra·’ă·ḵā — 1 Occ.
bō·w·rê — 5 Occ.
bō·wr·’e·ḵā — 1 Occ.
hib·bā·ra·’ă·ḵā — 1 Occ.
hib·bā·rə·’āḵ — 1 Occ.
hib·bā·rə·’ām — 1 Occ.
lə·haḇ·rî·’ă·ḵem — 1 Occ.
niḇ·rā — 1 Occ.
niḇ·rêṯ — 1 Occ.
niḇ·rə·’ū — 2 Occ.
ū·ḇā·rā — 1 Occ.
ū·ḇā·rê — 1 Occ.
ū·ḇê·rê·ṯā — 1 Occ.
ū·ḇê·rê·ṯōw — 1 Occ.
ū·ḇō·w·rê — 3 Occ.
way·yiḇ·rā — 2 Occ.
ḇā·rā — 3 Occ.
ḇā·rā·ṯî — 1 Occ.
wə·niḇ·rā·’ū — 1 Occ.
ḇə·rā·’āh — 1 Occ.
ḇə·rā·ṯām — 1 Occ.
ḇō·w·rê — 3 Occ.
yib·bā·rê·’ūn — 1 Occ.
yiḇ·rā — 1 Occ.
Additional Entries
ḇār — 2 Occ.
bā·rā — 6 Occ.
ḇā·rā — 2 Occ.
bə·ḇōr — 1 Occ.
kab·bōr — 1 Occ.
kə·ḇōr — 3 Occ.
kə·ḇō·rî — 1 Occ.
bə·ḇōr — 1 Occ.
bā·rā — 5 Occ.
bā·rā·ṯā — 1 Occ.
bā·rê — 2 Occ.
bə·hib·bā·rə·’ām — 1 Occ.
bə·rā- — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·’āh — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·’ām — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·’ā·nū — 1 Occ.
bə·rā·ṯîw — 2 Occ.
bə·rō — 1 Occ.
bō·ra·’ă·ḵā — 1 Occ.
bō·w·rê — 5 Occ.
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