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 Hebrew Concordance: bə·ša·‘ar- -- 28 Occurrences
Englishman's Concordance
bə·ša·‘ar- — 28 Occurrences

Genesis 19:1
HEB: וְל֖וֹט יֹשֵׁ֣ב בְּשַֽׁעַר־ סְדֹ֑ם וַיַּרְא־
NAS: was sitting in the gate of Sodom.
KJV: sat in the gate of Sodom:
INT: Lot was sitting the gate of Sodom saw

Exodus 32:26
HEB: וַיַּעֲמֹ֤ד מֹשֶׁה֙ בְּשַׁ֣עַר הַֽמַּחֲנֶ֔ה וַיֹּ֕אמֶר
NAS: stood in the gate of the camp,
KJV: stood in the gate of the camp,
INT: stood Moses the gate of the camp and said

Judges 16:2
HEB: כָל־ הַלַּ֖יְלָה בְּשַׁ֣עַר הָעִ֑יר וַיִּתְחָרְשׁ֤וּ
NAS: night at the gate of the city.
KJV: for him all night in the gate of the city,
INT: all night the gate of the city kept

2 Kings 7:1
HEB: שְׂעֹרִ֛ים בְּשֶׁ֖קֶל בְּשַׁ֥עַר שֹׁמְרֽוֹן׃
NAS: for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.'
KJV: for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.
INT: of barley A shekel the gate of Samaria

2 Kings 7:18
HEB: כָּעֵ֣ת מָחָ֔ר בְּשַׁ֖עַר שֹׁמְרֽוֹן׃
NAS: about this time at the gate of Samaria.
KJV: about this time in the gate of Samaria:
INT: time will be tomorrow the gate of Samaria

2 Kings 11:6
HEB: וְהַשְּׁלִשִׁית֙ בְּשַׁ֣עַר ס֔וּר וְהַשְּׁלִשִׁ֥ית
NAS: (one third also [shall be] at the gate Sur,
KJV: And a third part [shall be] at the gate of Sur;
INT: third the gate Sur third

2 Kings 14:13
HEB: בְּחוֹמַ֨ת יְרוּשָׁלִַ֜ם בְּשַׁ֤עַר אֶפְרַ֙יִם֙ עַד־
NAS: of Jerusalem from the Gate of Ephraim
KJV: of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim
INT: the wall of Jerusalem the gate of Ephraim against

2 Kings 23:8
HEB: שְׂמֹ֥אול אִ֖ישׁ בְּשַׁ֥עַר הָעִֽיר׃
NAS: left at the city gate.
KJV: left hand at the gate of the city.
INT: left one's gate the city

1 Chronicles 9:18
HEB: וְֽעַד־ הֵ֔נָּה בְּשַׁ֥עַר הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ מִזְרָ֑חָה
NAS: at the king's gate to the east).
KJV: Who hitherto [waited] in the king's gate eastward:
INT: until now gate the king's eastward

2 Chronicles 23:5
HEB: הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ וְהַשְּׁלִשִׁ֖ית בְּשַׁ֣עַר הַיְס֑וֹד וְכָל־
NAS: and a third at the Gate of the Foundation;
KJV: and a third part at the gate of the foundation:
INT: the king's third the Gate of the Foundation and all

2 Chronicles 24:8
HEB: אֶחָ֑ד וַֽיִּתְּנֻ֛הוּ בְּשַׁ֥עַר בֵּית־ יְהוָ֖ה
NAS: it outside by the gate of the house
KJV: it without at the gate of the house
INT: a and set the gate of the house of the LORD

Nehemiah 2:15
HEB: וָאָשׁ֗וּב וָאָב֛וֹא בְּשַׁ֥עַר הַגַּ֖יְא וָאָשֽׁוּב׃
NAS: the Valley Gate again and returned.
KJV: and entered by the gate of the valley,
INT: and returned entered Gate the Valley and returned

Nehemiah 12:39
HEB: הַצֹּ֑אן וְעָ֣מְד֔וּ בְּשַׁ֖עַר הַמַּטָּרָֽה׃
NAS: and they stopped at the Gate of the Guard.
KJV: in the prison gate.
INT: as the Sheep stopped the Gate of the Guard

Esther 2:19
HEB: וּמָרְדֳּכַ֖י יֹשֵׁ֥ב בְּשַֽׁעַר־ הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃
NAS: was sitting at the king's gate.
KJV: sat in the king's gate.
INT: Mordecai was sitting gate the king's

Esther 2:21
HEB: וּמָרְדֳּכַ֖י יֹשֵׁ֣ב בְּשַֽׁעַר־ הַמֶּ֑לֶךְ קָצַף֩
NAS: at the king's gate, Bigthan
KJV: in the king's gate, two
INT: Mordecai was sitting gate the king's became

Esther 3:2
HEB: הַמֶּ֜לֶךְ אֲשֶׁר־ בְּשַׁ֣עַר הַמֶּ֗לֶךְ כֹּרְעִ֤ים
NAS: who were at the king's gate bowed down
KJV: that [were] in the king's gate, bowed,
INT: the king's who gate the king's bowed

Esther 3:3
HEB: הַמֶּ֛לֶךְ אֲשֶׁר־ בְּשַׁ֥עַר הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ לְמָרְדֳּכָ֑י
NAS: were at the king's gate said
KJV: which [were] in the king's gate, said
INT: the king's who gate the king's to Mordecai

Esther 5:9
HEB: אֶֽת־ מָרְדֳּכַ֜י בְּשַׁ֣עַר הַמֶּ֗לֶךְ וְלֹא־
NAS: in the king's gate and that he did not stand
KJV: in the king's gate, that he stood not up,
INT: Haman Mordecai gate the king's did not

Esther 5:13
HEB: הַיְּהוּדִ֔י יוֹשֵׁ֖ב בְּשַׁ֥עַר הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃
NAS: sitting at the king's gate.
KJV: sitting at the king's gate.
INT: the Jew sitting gate the king's

Esther 6:10
HEB: הַיְּהוּדִ֔י הַיּוֹשֵׁ֖ב בְּשַׁ֣עַר הַמֶּ֑לֶךְ אַל־
NAS: at the king's gate; do not fall
KJV: at the king's gate: let nothing
INT: the Jew is sitting gate the king's not

Jeremiah 7:2
HEB: עֲמֹ֗ד בְּשַׁ֙עַר֙ בֵּ֣ית יְהוָ֔ה
NAS: Stand in the gate of the LORD'S house
KJV: Stand in the gate of the LORD'S house,
INT: Stand the gate house of the LORD'S

Jeremiah 17:19
HEB: הָלֹ֤ךְ וְעָֽמַדְתָּ֙ בְּשַׁ֣עַר בְּנֵֽי־ [עָם
NAS: in the public gate, through which
KJV: and stand in the gate of the children
INT: Go and stand gate of the children folk

Jeremiah 20:2
HEB: הַמַּהְפֶּ֗כֶת אֲשֶׁ֨ר בְּשַׁ֤עַר בִּנְיָמִן֙ הָֽעֶלְי֔וֹן
NAS: Benjamin Gate, which
KJV: that [were] in the high gate of Benjamin,
INT: the stocks which Gate Benjamin the upper

Jeremiah 37:13
HEB: וַיְהִי־ ה֞וּא בְּשַׁ֣עַר בִּנְיָמִ֗ן וְשָׁם֙
NAS: While he was at the Gate of Benjamin,
KJV: And when he was in the gate of Benjamin,
INT: become he the Gate of Benjamin was there

Jeremiah 38:7
HEB: וְהַמֶּ֥לֶךְ יוֹשֵׁ֖ב בְּשַׁ֥עַר בִּנְיָמִֽן׃
NAS: was sitting in the Gate of Benjamin;
KJV: then sitting in the gate of Benjamin;
INT: now the king was sitting the Gate of Benjamin

Jeremiah 39:3
HEB: בָּבֶ֔ל וַיֵּשְׁב֖וּ בְּשַׁ֣עַר הַתָּ֑וֶךְ נֵרְגַ֣ל
NAS: at the Middle Gate: Nergal-sar-ezer,
KJV: in the middle gate, [even] Nergalsharezer,
INT: of Babylon and sat Gate the Middle Nergal-sar-ezer

Jeremiah 39:4
HEB: גַּ֣ן הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ בְּשַׁ֖עַר בֵּ֣ין הַחֹמֹתָ֑יִם
NAS: garden through the gate between
KJV: garden, by the gate betwixt the two walls:
INT: garden of the king's the gate between walls

Ezekiel 40:28
HEB: חָצֵ֥ר הַפְּנִימִ֖י בְּשַׁ֣עַר הַדָּר֑וֹם וַיָּ֙מָד֙
NAS: by the south gate; and he measured
KJV: by the south gate: and he measured
INT: court to the inner gate the south measured

Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts

Concordance Entries
Strong's Hebrew 8179
374 Occurrences

baš·ša·‘ar — 15 Occ.
baš·šə·‘ā·rîm — 6 Occ.
bə·ša·‘ar- — 28 Occ.
bə·ša·‘ă·rê — 9 Occ.
bə·ša·‘ă·rê·ḵem — 2 Occ.
biš·‘ā·ra·yiḵ — 2 Occ.
biš·‘ā·re·ḵā — 16 Occ.
biš·‘ā·re·hā — 1 Occ.
haš·ša·‘ar — 59 Occ.
haš·šā·‘ə·rāh — 2 Occ.
haš·ša‘·rāh — 1 Occ.
haš·šə·‘ā·rîm — 11 Occ.
lā·ša·‘ar — 1 Occ.
laš·šā·‘ar — 3 Occ.
laš·šə·‘ā·rîm — 1 Occ.
lə·miš·ša·‘ar — 1 Occ.
lə·ša·‘ar — 10 Occ.
lə·ša·‘ă·rê — 1 Occ.
miš·ša·‘ar — 6 Occ.
miš·ša·‘ă·rê — 1 Occ.
ša·‘ar — 112 Occ.
ša·‘ă·rê — 16 Occ.
ša·‘ă·rê·hem — 2 Occ.
šā·‘ə·rāh — 1 Occ.
šə·‘ā·rāw — 4 Occ.
šə·‘ā·rā·yiḵ — 2 Occ.
šə·‘ā·re·ḵā — 11 Occ.
šə·‘ā·re·hā — 2 Occ.
šə·‘ā·rîm — 8 Occ.
ū·lə·ša·‘ar — 1 Occ.
ū·miš·ša·‘ar — 1 Occ.
ū·šə·‘ā·ra·yiḵ — 2 Occ.
ū·šə·‘ā·re·hā — 6 Occ.
ū·šə·‘ā·rîm — 3 Occ.
ū·ḇiš·‘ā·re·ḵā — 2 Occ.
wā·šā·‘ar — 3 Occ.
ḇaš·šā·‘ar — 6 Occ.
ḇaš·šə·‘ā·rîm — 2 Occ.
wə·haš·ša·‘ar — 3 Occ.
ḇə·ša·‘ar — 6 Occ.
wə·ša·‘ă·rê — 4 Occ.
ḇiš·‘ā·re·ḵā — 1 Occ.
Additional Entries
wə·yiś·tā·‘êr — 1 Occ.
wî·śā·‘ă·rê·hū — 1 Occ.
yiś·‘ā·ren·nū — 1 Occ.
yiś·‘ă·rū — 1 Occ.
šā·‘ar — 1 Occ.
śa‘·rêh — 1 Occ.
ū·śə·‘ar — 2 Occ.
śā·‘ar — 4 Occ.
baš·ša·‘ar — 15 Occ.
baš·šə·‘ā·rîm — 6 Occ.
bə·ša·‘ă·rê — 9 Occ.
bə·ša·‘ă·rê·ḵem — 2 Occ.
biš·‘ā·ra·yiḵ — 2 Occ.
biš·‘ā·re·ḵā — 16 Occ.
biš·‘ā·re·hā — 1 Occ.
haš·ša·‘ar — 59 Occ.
haš·šā·‘ə·rāh — 2 Occ.
haš·ša‘·rāh — 1 Occ.
haš·šə·‘ā·rîm — 11 Occ.
lā·ša·‘ar — 1 Occ.
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