(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Strong's Hebrew: 2152. זִלְעָפוֹת (zalaphah) -- 3 Occurrences
2152. זִלְעָפוֹת (zalaphah)
Englishman's Concordance
Strong's Hebrew: 2152. זִלְעָפוֹת (zalaphah) — 3 Occurrences

Psalm 11:6
HEB: וְ֭גָפְרִית וְר֥וּחַ זִלְעָפ֗וֹת מְנָ֣ת כּוֹסָֽם׃
NAS: and brimstone and burning wind
KJV: and brimstone, and an horrible tempest:
INT: and brimstone wind and burning will be the portion of their cup

Psalm 119:53
HEB: זַלְעָפָ֣ה אֲ֭חָזַתְנִי מֵרְשָׁעִ֑ים
NAS: Burning indignation has seized
KJV: Horror hath taken hold
INT: Burning has seized of the wicked

Lamentations 5:10
HEB: נִכְמָ֔רוּ מִפְּנֵ֖י זַלְעֲפ֥וֹת רָעָֽב׃
NAS: Because of the burning heat of famine.
KJV: because of the terrible famine.
INT: has become because of the burning of famine

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