(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
1 Peter 2 Mace New Testament
1 Peter 2
Mace New Testament Par ▾ 

The Living Stone and Chosen People
(1 Corinthians 3:10–15; Ephesians 2:19–22)

1Renouncing therefore every kind of malice, and knavery, hypocrisy, envy, and detraction, as new-born infants desire that mystical milk, 2which is without any mixture, and will make you thrive. Since you have tasted how good the Lord is, 3adhere to him as to a living stone,

4which however rejected it is by men, is the precious stone, which God has chosen: and 5you your selves are as so many living stones, you are the edifice, the spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, agreeable to God by Jesus Christ.

6wherefore it is said in the scripture, I lay in Sion the principal stone of the angle, a choice one of great value: he that

7trusts thereon shall not be confounded, it will prove an honour to you, who believe; but to the incredulous, the same stone, which is the chief of the angle,

8and which the architects rejected, will be an occasion to the incredulous of their stumbling, and bruising themselves thereby:

9and this they were destin'd to, but you are the chosen race, you are kings and priests, the holy nation, the peculiar people, that you might display his glory, who called you out 10of darkness into his marvellous light: you, who formerly were not a people, but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy,

11but at present have obtain'd it. I exhort you, my dear brethren, as strangers and travellers to avoid all sensual passions, as destructive to your 12souls. Let your behaviour among the Gentiles be virtuous, that instead of inveighing against you as vicious, they may observe your honest behaviour,

Submission to Authorities
(Romans 13:1–7)

13and glorify God in the times of distress, be subject therefore, for the Lord's sake to every human establishment: whether it be to the king, 14as supreme; or to governors, as being deputed by him to punish those who do ill, 15and to encourage those who do well, for such is the divine pleasure, that by your good conduct you obviate the cavils of inconsiderate 16men. You are free, don't let your liberty serve as a pretext for vice: but act as the servants 17of God. Be respectful to all, love your brethren, fear God, and honour the king.

18You that are servants, be subject to your masters with all reverence: not only to such as are kind and gentle, 19but even to the morose, for it is a recommendation to the divine favour, to suffer unjust persecution 20from a principle of conscience, what glory is there in suffering corporal punishment for real offences? but if you meet with ill usage for doing your duty, and bear it with constancy,

Christ’s Example of Suffering

21this will conciliate the divine favour, and this is the condition of your vocation, since Christ himself has suffer'd for us, 22leaving an example for your exact imitation, he who never offended, and from whose lips no fallacy was ever utter'd, 23who, when he was reviled, did not revile again: when he was in his sufferings, he did not threat, but referr'd his cause to the righteous judge. 24he himself cancel'd our sins by the crucifixion of his body, that we being set free from sin, might live in the service of virtue, it is by his bruises that you were healed: 25for you were as sheep going astray, but now you are brought back to the pastor and overseer of your souls.

Daniel Mace New Testament (1729)

Digital Text Courtesy TheWord.net Bible Software.

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible.

1 Peter 1
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