(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Psalm 95 MSB
Psalm 95
Majority Standard Bible Par ▾ 

Do Not Harden Your Hearts
(Hebrews 3:7–11)

1Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD;

let us shout to the Rock of our salvation!

2Let us enter His presence with thanksgiving;

let us make a joyful noise to Him in song.

3For the LORD is a great God,

a great King above all gods.

4In His hand are the depths of the earth,

and the mountain peaks belong to Him.

5The sea is His, for He made it,

and His hands formed the dry land.

6O come, let us worship and bow down;

let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.

7For He is our God,

and we are the people of His pasture,

the sheep under His care.

Today, if you hear His voice,

8do not harden your hearts

as you did at Meribah,a

in the day at Massah in the wilderness,b

9where your fathers tested and tried Me,

though they had seen My work.

10For forty years I was angry with that generation,

and I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray,c

and they have not known My ways.”

11So I swore on oath in My anger,

“They shall never enter My rest.”d

The Holy Bible, Majority Standard Bible, MSB is produced in cooperation with Bible Hub, Discovery Bible, OpenBible.com, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee. This text of God's Word has been dedicated to the public domain.

The MSB is the Byzantine Majority Text version of the BSB, including the BSB OT plus the NT translated according to the Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Majority Text (byzantinetext.com).

The MSB includes footnotes for translatable variants from the modern Critical Texts (CT) such as the Nestle Aland GNT, SBL GNT, and Editio Critica Maior.

Major variants between the Majority Text (MT) and Textus Receptus (TR) are also noted. For a few passages not included in the MT, the TR translation is denoted with [[brackets]] and also footnoted.

This text is a first version draft and is open to public comment and translation recommendations. please send all corrections and recommendations to the Berean Bible Translation Committee through the contact page at Berean.Bible.

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