(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Isaiah 43:17 Multilingual: who brings forth chariot and horse, army and warrior; they lie down, they cannot rise, they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:
Isaiah 43:17
New International Version
who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:

New Living Translation
I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses. I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned, their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.

English Standard Version
who brings forth chariot and horse, army and warrior; they lie down, they cannot rise, they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:

Berean Study Bible
who brings out the chariots and horses, the armies and warriors together, to lie down, never to rise again; to be extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:

New American Standard Bible
Who brings forth the chariot and the horse, The army and the mighty man (They will lie down together and not rise again; They have been quenched and extinguished like a wick):

King James Bible
Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as tow.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
who brings out the chariot and horse, the army and the mighty one together (they lie down, they do not rise again; they are extinguished, quenched like a wick)--"

International Standard Version
who brings out chariots and horsemen, and armies and warriors at the same time. They lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a candle:

NET Bible
the one who led chariots and horses to destruction, together with a mighty army. They fell down, never to rise again; they were extinguished, put out like a burning wick:

GOD'S WORD® Translation
He leads chariots and horses, an army and reinforcements. (They lie down together and do not get up [again]. They are extinguished and snuffed out like a wick.) This is what the LORD says:

Jubilee Bible 2000
when he brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall fall together, and never rise; they are extinct; they are quenched as wick.

King James 2000 Bible
Who brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinguished, they are quenched like a wick.

American King James Version
Which brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as wick.

American Standard Version
who bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the mighty man (they lie down together, they shall not rise; they are extinct, they are quenched as a wick):

Douay-Rheims Bible
Who brought forth the chariot and the horse, the army and the strong: they lay down to sleep together, and they shall not rise again: they are broken as flax, and are extinct.

Darby Bible Translation
who bringeth forth chariot and horse, army and power -- they lie down together, they shall not rise; they are extinct, they are quenched as tow:

English Revised Version
which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they lie down together, they shall not rise; they are extinct, they are quenched as flax:

Webster's Bible Translation
Who bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as tow.

World English Bible
who brings forth the chariot and horse, the army and the mighty man (they lie down together, they shall not rise; they are extinct, they are quenched like a wick):

Young's Literal Translation
Who is bringing forth chariot and horse, A force, even a strong one: 'Together they lie down -- they rise not, They have been extinguished, As flax they have been quenched.'

Jesaja 43:17 Afrikaans PWL
wat die strydwa en die perd, die leërmag en die magtige manne laat deurkom het; hulle sal saam lê en nie weer opstaan nie; hulle is uitgedoof en uitgeblus soos ’n lamppit.

Isaia 43:17 Albanian
që nxorri qerre, kuaj dhe një ushtri të fuqishme; ata dergjen të gjithë së bashku dhe nuk do të ngrihen më; janë asgjësuar dhe janë shuar si një kandil.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 43:17 Arabic: Smith & Van Dyke
المخرج المركبة والفرس الجيش والعزّ. يضطجعون معا ولا يقومون. قد خمدوا. كفتيلة انطفأوا

Dyr Ieseien 43:17 Bavarian
der wo Roß und Wägn und ayn mächtigs Hör auszieghn und untergeen laasst. Die kemmend niemer eyn d Hoeh; gar ist s mit ien, wie ayn Docht seind s auszischt.

Исая 43:17 Bulgarian
Който изважда колесници и коне, войска и сила: Те всички ще легнат, няма да станат; Унищожиха се, угаснаха като фитил.

現代げんだいしるべてん和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Simplified)

さい しょ 43:17 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
使つかい しゃ 輛 、 うま ひきぐん へいいさむ らいいち どう さい おこり らいめつ ぼつこう ぞうめつ てき とう

さい しょ 43:17 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
使つかい 车 辆 、 马 ひき 、 军 へいいさむ らいいち どう さい おこり らい 们 灭 ぼつこう ぞう 熄 灭 てき とう

Isaiah 43:17 Croatian Bible
koji izvede bojna kola i konje, vojsku i junake, i oni padoše da više ne ustanu, zgasnuše, kao stijenj se utrnuše.

Izaiáše 43:17 Czech BKR
Kterýž vyvodí vozy a koně, vojsko i sílu, činí, že v náhle padají, až i povstati nemohou, hasnou, jako knot hasne:

Esajas 43:17 Danish
førte Vogne og Heste derud, Hær og Kriger tillige; de segned og rejste sig ikke, sluktes, gik ud som en Væge:

Jesaja 43:17 Dutch Staten Vertaling
Die wagenen en paarden, heir en macht voortbracht; te zamen zijn zij nedergelegen, zij zullen niet weder opstaan, zij zijn uitgeblust, gelijk een vlaswiek zijn zij uitgegaan.

Swete's Septuagint
ὁ ἐξαγαγὼνにゅー ἅρματα κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ἵππον κかっぱαあるふぁὶ ὄχλον ἰσχυρόν· ἀλらむだλらむだὰ κοιμηθήσονται κかっぱαあるふぁοおみくろんκかっぱ ἀναστήσονται, ἐσβέσθησαν ὡς λίνον ἐσβεσμένον

Westminster Leningrad Codex
הַמֹּוצִ֥יא רֶֽכֶב־וָס֖וּס חַ֣יִל וְעִזּ֑וּז יַחְדָּ֤ו יִשְׁכְּבוּ֙ בַּל־יָק֔וּמוּ דָּעֲכ֖וּ כַּפִּשְׁתָּ֥ה כָבֽוּ׃

WLC (Consonants Only)
המוציא רכב־וסוס חיל ועזוז יחדו ישכבו בל־יקומו דעכו כפשתה כבו׃

Aleppo Codex
יז המוציא רכב וסוס חיל ועזוז יחדו ישכבו בל יקומו דעכו כפשתה כבו

Ézsaiás 43:17 Hungarian: Karoli
A ki kihozott szekeret és lovat, sereget és vitézt; együtt hevernek ottan, nem kelnek föl, kialudtak, mint gyertyabél elhamvadának!

Jesaja 43:17 Esperanto
kiu elirigis cxarojn kaj cxevalojn, militistaron kaj potencon, kiuj cxiuj kune falis kaj ne levigxos, senfajrigxis, estingigxis kiel mecxo:

JESAJA 43:17 Finnish: Bible (1776)
Joka vie rattaan ja hevosen, joukon ja voiman, niin että he yhdessä roukkiossa makaavat, eikä nouse; he sammuvat, niinkuin kynttilän sydän sammuu.

Ésaïe 43:17 French: Darby
qui fait sortir le char et le cheval, l'armee et les forts, -ils sont couches ensemble, ils ne se leveront pas; ils finissent, eteints comme une meche:

Ésaïe 43:17 French: Louis Segond (1910)
Qui mit en campagne des chars et des chevaux, Une armée et de vaillants guerriers, Soudain couchés ensemble, pour ne plus se relever, Anéantis, éteints comme une mèche:

Ésaïe 43:17 French: Martin (1744)
Quant à celui qui amenait des chariots et des chevaux, et de grandes forces; ils ont [tous] été étendus ensemble, et ils ne se relèveront point, ils ont été étouffés, ils ont été éteints comme un lumignon.

Jesaja 43:17 German: Modernized
der herausbringt Wagen und Roß, Heer und Macht, daß sie auf einem Haufen daliegen und nicht aufstehen, daß sie verlöschen, wie ein Docht verlischt:

Jesaja 43:17 German: Luther (1912)
der ausziehen läßt Wagen und Roß, Heer und Macht, daß sie auf einem Haufen daliegen und nicht aufstehen, daß sie verlöschen, wie ein Docht verlischt:

Jesaja 43:17 German: Textbibel (1899)
der Wagen und Rosse ausziehen läßt, das Heer und seine Gewaltigen: allesamt liegen sie nun da, um nicht wieder aufzustehen; ausgelöscht sind sie, wie ein Docht verglommen.

Isaia 43:17 Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)
che fece uscire carri e cavalli, un esercito di prodi guerrieri; e tutti quanti furono atterrati, né più si rialzarono; furono estinti, spenti come un lucignolo.

Isaia 43:17 Italian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)
il qual fece uscire carri, e cavalli, esercito, e forza; tutti quanti furono atterrati, senza poter rilevarsi; furono estinti, furono spenti come un lucignolo.

YESAYA 43:17 Indonesian - Terjemahan Lama (TL)
yang sudah mendatangkan beberapa rata dan kuda dan balatentara: Bersama-sama mereka itu terjun dan tiada boleh berbangkit pula, mereka itu sudah terpadam, seperti sumbu mereka itu sudah mati.

이사야 43:17 Korean
병거와 말과 군대의 용사를 이끌어 내어서 그들로 일시에 엎드러져 일지 못하고 소멸하기를 꺼져가는 등불 같게 한 나 여호와가 말하노라

Isaias 43:17 Latin: Vulgata Clementina
qui eduxit quadrigam et equum, agmen et robustum ; simul obdormierunt, nec resurgent ; contriti sunt quasi linum, et extincti sunt.

Izaijo knyga 43:17 Lithuanian
kuris išvedė kovos vežimą ir žirgą, kariuomenę ir karžygį, ir jie nebeatsikėlė, užgeso kaip dagtis:

Isaiah 43:17 Maori
Nana nei i whakaputa mai te hariata, te hoiho, te ope, me te kaha; takoto tahi ana ratou, te ara ki runga: kua keto ratou, kua tineia, ano he muka.

Esaias 43:17 Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)
som lot vogner og hester, hær og krigsmakt dra ut - alle sammen ligger de der, de står ikke op, de er slukket, som en tande sluknet de - :

Isaías 43:17 Spanish: La Biblia de las Américas
el que hace salir carro y caballo, ejército y fuerza (a una se echarán y no se levantarán, como pabilo han sido apagados y extinguidos):

Isaías 43:17 Spanish: La Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos
El que hace salir carro y caballo, Ejército y fuerza (a una se echarán y no se levantarán, Como mecha han sido apagados y extinguidos):

Isaías 43:17 Spanish: Reina Valera Gómez
el que saca carro y caballo, ejército y fuerza; caen juntamente para no levantarse; quedan extinguidos, como pábilo quedan apagados.

Isaías 43:17 Spanish: Reina Valera 1909
El que saca carro y caballo, ejército y fuerza; caen juntamente para no levantarse; quedan extinguidos, como pábilo quedan apagados.

Isaías 43:17 Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
cuando él saca, carro, y caballo, ejército, y fuerza caen juntamente, para no levantarse; quedan apagados, como pábilo quedan apagados.

Isaías 43:17 Bíblia King James Atualizada Português
o que fez sair o carro e o cavalo, o exército e a força; eles juntamente jazem ali e jamais se levantarão; estão extintos, apagados como um pavio.

Isaías 43:17 Portugese Bible
o que faz sair o carro e o cavalo, o exército e a força; eles juntamente se deitam, e jamais se levantarão; estão extintos, apagados como uma torcida.   

Isaia 43:17 Romanian: Cornilescu
care a scos cară şi cai, o oştire şi războinici viteji, culcaţi deodată împreună, ca să nu se mai scoale, nimiciţi, şi stinşi ca un muc de lumînare:

Исаия 43:17 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)
выведший колесницы и коней, войско и силу; все легли вместе, не встали; потухли как светильня, погасли.

Исаия 43:17 Russian koi8r
выведший колесницы и коней, войско и силу; все легли вместе, не встали; потухли как светильня, погасли.

Jesaja 43:17 Swedish (1917)
han som för vagnar och hästar ditut, ja, härskara och och stridsmakt, sedan ligga de där tillhopa och kunna icke stå upp, de äro utsläckta, de hava slocknat såsom en veke:

Isaiah 43:17 Tagalog: Ang Dating Biblia (1905)
Na pinalabas ang karo at kabayo, ang hukbo at ang kapangyarihan (sila'y nangahihigang magkakasama, sila'y hindi na magsisibangon; sila'y nangamamatay na parang timsim):

อิสยาห์ 43:17 Thai: from KJV
ผู้ทรงนำรถรบและม้า กองทัพ และอานุภาพออกมา เขาทั้งหลายนอนลงด้วยกันและลุกขึ้นไม่ได้ เขาทั้งหลายศูนย์ไปและดับเสียเหมือนไส้ตะเกียง ตรัสดังนี้ว่า

Yeşaya 43:17 Turkish

EÂ-sai 43:17 Vietnamese (1934)
khiến xe, ngựa, cơ binh và lính mạnh nhóm lại, thảy đều nằm cả tại đó, sẽ không dậy nữa, bị ngột và tắt đi như tim đèn, phán như vầy:

Isaiah 43:16
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