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... now or formerly governed by them. 2. (n.) An Eastern inn or caravansary.
Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. KHAN. kan, kan. See INN. ...
/k/khan.htm - 6k

Capernaum (16 Occurrences)
... Others have conjectured that the ruins of the city are to be found at Khan Minyeh,
some three miles further to the south on the shore of the lake. ...
/c/capernaum.htm - 23k

Inn (7 Occurrences)
... All these are used of public inns, and they all correspond to the modern "khan"
or "caravanserai." These are to be found on the great trade routes all over the ...
/i/inn.htm - 17k

Bethsaida (7 Occurrences)
... On the rocky promontory, however, East of Khan Minyeh we find Sheikh `Aly ec-Caiyadin,
"Sheikh Aly of the Fishermen," as the name of a ruined weley, in which ...
/b/bethsaida.htm - 19k

Judaea (45 Occurrences)
... According to Josephus (BJ, III, iii, 5), Judea extended from Anuath-Borkaeos (ie
Khan Berkit near Khan es Saweh, close to the most northerly frontier of Judah ...
/j/judaea.htm - 24k

Megiddon (1 Occurrence)
... possibly Wady `Arah), he approached Megiddo from the South We should thus look for
the city where the pass opens on the plain; and here, at Khan el-Lejjan, we ...
/m/megiddon.htm - 10k

Chimham (4 Occurrences)
... The "habitation of Chimham" (Jeremiah 41:17) was probably an inn or khan, which
is the proper meaning of the Hebrew geruth, rendered "habitation", established ...
/c/chimham.htm - 10k

Megiddo (13 Occurrences)
... possibly Wady `Arah), he approached Megiddo from the South We should thus look for
the city where the pass opens on the plain; and here, at Khan el-Lejjan, we ...
/m/megiddo.htm - 16k

Nineveh (23 Occurrences)
... and Gateways 3. Extent and Population within the Walls 4. Extent outside the Walls
5. Calah, Resen and Rehoboth-Ir 6. Khorsabad 7. Sherif Khan and Selamieh 8 ...
/n/nineveh.htm - 52k

Kibrath (3 Occurrences)

/k/kibrath.htm - 7k

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) A king; a prince; a chief; a governor; -- so called among the Tartars, Turks, and Persians, and in countries now or formerly governed by them.

2. (n.) An Eastern inn or caravansary.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

kan, kan.

See INN.

3829. pandocheion -- an inn
... an inn. Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: pandocheion Phonetic Spelling:
(pan-dokk-i'-on) Short Definition: an inn Definition: an inn, khan, hotel. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3829.htm - 6k

2975. lagchano -- to obtain by lot
... to obtain by lot. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: lagchano Phonetic Spelling:
(lang-khan'-o) Short Definition: I obtain by lot, cast lots Definition: (a ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2975.htm - 6k

5241. huperentugchano -- to intercede, to make petition for
... to intercede, to make petition for. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration:
huperentugchano Phonetic Spelling: (hoop-er-en-toong-khan'-o) Short Definition: ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5241.htm - 7k

5478. Chananaios -- Canaanite, a Gentile of Pal.
... Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: Chananaios Phonetic Spelling:
(khan-ah-an-ah'-yos) Short Definition: Canaanite Definition: Canaanite, a Biblical ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5478.htm - 6k

5477. Chanaan -- Canaan, earlier name of Pal.
... Part of Speech: Proper Noun, Indeclinable Transliteration: Chanaan Phonetic Spelling:
(khan-ah-an') Short Definition: Canaan Definition: Canaan, the whole of ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5477.htm - 6k

4940. suntugchano -- to meet with
... to meet with. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: suntugchano Phonetic Spelling:
(soon-toong-khan'-o) Short Definition: I meet with, come to Definition: I ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4940.htm - 6k

1793. entugchano -- to chance upon, by impl. confer with, by ext. ...
... entreat. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: entugchano Phonetic Spelling:
(en-toong-khan'-o) Short Definition: I meet, encounter, call upon, make a petition ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1793.htm - 8k

5177. tugchano -- to hit, hit upon, meet, happen
... to hit, hit upon, meet, happen. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: tugchano Phonetic
Spelling: (toong-khan'-o) Short Definition: I obtain, I happen, perhaps ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5177.htm - 8k

3909. paratugchano -- to happen to be near or present
... to happen to be near or present. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: paratugchano
Phonetic Spelling: (par-at-oong-khan'-o) Short Definition: I chance to meet ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3909.htm - 6k

2013. epitugchano -- to light upon, ie to obtain
... to light upon, ie to obtain. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: epitugchano Phonetic
Spelling: (ep-ee-toong-khan'-o) Short Definition: I attain, obtain ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2013.htm - 7k

Strong's Hebrew
4411. malon -- a lodging place, inn, khan
... 4410, 4411. malon. 4412 . a lodging place, inn, khan. Transliteration:
malon Phonetic Spelling: (maw-lone') Short Definition: place. ...
/hebrew/4411.htm - 6k

2608. Chananyah -- "Yah has been gracious," the name of a number ...
... "Yah has been gracious," the name of a number of Isr. Transliteration: Chananyah
Phonetic Spelling: (khan-an-yaw') Short Definition: Hananiah. Hananiah ...
/hebrew/2608.htm - 5k

2592. Channiel -- "favor of God," a Manassite, also an Asherite
... Channiel. 2593 . "favor of God," a Manassite, also an Asherite. Transliteration:
Channiel Phonetic Spelling: (khan-nee-ale') Short Definition: Hanniel. ...
/hebrew/2592.htm - 6k

2594. chaninah -- favor
... 2593, 2594. chaninah. 2595 . favor. Transliteration: chaninah Phonetic
Spelling: (khan-ee-naw') Short Definition: favor. Word Origin ...
/hebrew/2594.htm - 6k

2602. chanamel -- perhaps frost
... 2601, 2602. chanamel. 2603 . perhaps frost. Transliteration: chanamel
Phonetic Spelling: (khan-aw-mawl') Short Definition: frost. ...
/hebrew/2602.htm - 5k

974. bachan -- to examine, try
... 973b, 974. bachan. 975 . to examine, try. Transliteration: bachan Phonetic
Spelling: (baw-khan') Short Definition: test. Word Origin a prim. ...
/hebrew/974.htm - 6k

2587. channun -- gracious
... 2586, 2587. channun. 2588 . gracious. Transliteration: channun Phonetic
Spelling: (khan-noon') Short Definition: gracious. Word ...
/hebrew/2587.htm - 6k

2606. Chananel -- "God is gracious," a tower in Jer.
... 2605, 2606. Chananel. 2607 . "God is gracious," a tower in Jer. Transliteration:
Chananel Phonetic Spelling: (khan-an-ale') Short Definition: Hananel. ...
/hebrew/2606.htm - 6k

2595. chanith -- a spear
... 2594, 2595. chanith. 2596 . a spear. Transliteration: chanith Phonetic
Spelling: (khan-eeth') Short Definition: spear. Word Origin ...
/hebrew/2595.htm - 6k

2601. Chanamel -- Jeremiah's cousin
... 2600, 2601. Chanamel. 2602 . Jeremiah's cousin. Transliteration: Chanamel
Phonetic Spelling: (khan-am-ale') Short Definition: Hanamel. ...
/hebrew/2601.htm - 6k


The Church and the Heathen
... About the middle of the twelfth century the report reached Europe of the conversion
as early as the beginning of the eleventh century of the Khan of the Karait ...
/.../medley/the church and the empire/chapter xiv the church and.htm

Life in Persia.
... "Bushire, Persia. Called on the governor, a Persian Khan. He was very particular
in his attentions. Seated me on his own seat and then sat by my side. ...
/.../rhea/life of henry martyn missionary to india and persia/life in persia.htm

The Travelers
... "Is there a khan in Emmaus?" he demanded. ... Julian touched his horse and rode through
the worn passage and into the court of the decrepit khan of Emmaus. ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/miller/the city of delight/chapter iv the travelers.htm

... 44. Geographical notes. Capernaum. The site is not clearly identified, two ruins
on the NW of Sea of Galilee are rival claimants,"Tell Hum and Khan Minyeh. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/rhees/the life of jesus of nazareth/references.htm

The Nativity of Jesus the Messiah.
... this scarcely implies, what it would in the West; and perhaps the seclusion and
privacy from the noisy, chattering crowd, which thronged the khan, would be all ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter vi the nativity of.htm

Jesus at Capernaum.
... At the other extremity of the plain (always following the sea), we come to the site
of a town (Khan-Minyeh), with very beautiful streams (Ain-et-Tin), a pretty ...
/.../renan/the life of jesus/chapter viii jesus at capernaum.htm

The Nawab's Gift
... hospital for women in India in His Highness's name, to which he replied, 'As you
think proper, so do.' So His Highness Mahomed Kallub Ali Khan, Bahadur, Nawab ...
//christianbookshelf.org/hoskins/clara a swain md/the nawabs gift.htm

The Sin of Men Due not to Fate, but to Free-Will.
... Footnotes: [453] Or, reading with Maranus, khan ... gen., "even though," etc. [454]
[Think of a Chaldean heathen, by the power of grace, thus transformed. ...
/.../tatian/tatians address to the greeks/chapter xi the sin of men.htm

Missions; the Inquisition
... and the northern border of China, whose capital was Karakorum; but in 1202 their
kingdom was overthrown by the Tartar conqueror, Genghis-Khan; although the ...
/.../chapter xxx missions the inquisition.htm

He Proceeds to Repeat Himself, and after Saying a Great Deal which ...
... capp. xiv. and lxviii. [4657] te aisthesei ten archen. [4658] to aistheton soma.
[4659] prosachthese de to legomeno. [4660] khan biasamenos ho logos heure. ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter lxxiii he proceeds to.htm



Related Terms

Capernaum (16 Occurrences)

Inn (7 Occurrences)

Bethsaida (7 Occurrences)

Judaea (45 Occurrences)

Megiddon (1 Occurrence)

Chimham (4 Occurrences)

Megiddo (13 Occurrences)

Nineveh (23 Occurrences)

Kibrath (3 Occurrences)

Keziz (1 Occurrence)

Lebonah (1 Occurrence)

Land (19790 Occurrences)


Gennesaret (3 Occurrences)

Geruth (1 Occurrence)

Geruth Chimham

Rages (5 Occurrences)

Ragau (1 Occurrence)

Dan-jaan (1 Occurrence)

Danjaan (1 Occurrence)

Mary (50 Occurrences)

Bethmarcaboth (2 Occurrences)

Beth-marcaboth (2 Occurrences)

Chorazin (2 Occurrences)

Shiloh (34 Occurrences)

Territory (140 Occurrences)

Olives (30 Occurrences)

Malchiel (3 Occurrences)

Galilee (73 Occurrences)

Sea (4178 Occurrences)

Judah (802 Occurrences)

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