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ESR1 - Wikipedia Idi na sadržaj


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PDBPretraga ortologa: PDBe RCSB
Spisak PDB ID kodova

1A52, 1ERE, 1ERR, 1G50, 1GWQ, 1GWR, 1HCP, 1HCQ, 1L2I, 1PCG, 1QKT, 1QKU, 1R5K, 1SJ0, 1UOM, 1X7E, 1X7R, 1XP1, 1XP6, 1XP9, 1XPC, 1XQC, 1YIM, 1YIN, 1ZKY, 2AYR, 2B1V, 2B1Z, 2B23, 2BJ4, 2FAI, 2G44, 2G5O, 2I0J, 2IOG, 2IOK, 2JF9, 2JFA, 2LLO, 2LLQ, 2OCF, 2OUZ, 2P15, 2POG, 2Q6J, 2Q70, 2QA6, 2QA8, 2QAB, 2QE4, 2QGT, 2QGW, 2QH6, 2QR9, 2QSE, 2QXM, 2QXS, 2QZO, 2R6W, 2R6Y, 2YAT, 2YJA, 3CBM, 3CBO, 3CBP, 3DT3, 3ERD, 3ERT, 3HLV, 3HM1, 3L03, 3OS8, 3OS9, 3OSA, 3Q95, 3Q97, 3UU7, 3UUA, 3UUC, 3UUD, 4AA6, 4DMA, 4IU7, 4IUI, 4IV2, 4IV4, 4IVW, 4IVY, 4IW6, 4IW8, 4IWC, 4IWF, 4JC3, 4JDD, 4MG5, 4MG6, 4MG7, 4MG8, 4MG9, 4MGA, 4MGB, 4MGC, 4MGD, 4O6F, 4PP6, 4PPP, 4PPS, 4PXM, 4Q13, 4Q50, 4TUZ, 4TV1, 5AK2, 5AAV, 5ACC, 5AAU, 4XI3, 4ZN9, 5FQS, 5FQR, 5FQP, 5FQT, 5FQV, 4ZN7, 5E0W, 5DUG, 4ZUC, 5DXK, 5E19, 5DXQ, 5EI1, 5DXR, 5DVS, 5DZ1, 5E0X, 5DKB, 5DWI, 5E14, 5DXB, 5BPR, 5EIT, 5E15, 4ZNS, 5EGV, 5DL4, 5DWE, 4ZNT, 5EHJ, 5DYD, 5DWG, 4ZNV, 5DWJ, 5DID, 4ZUB, 5BNU, 5DMC, 5DK9, 5DIG, 5DUH, 5DKS, 5DMF, 5DU5, 5DY8, 4ZWH, 5DVV, 5DLR, 4ZWK, 5DRM, 5DP0, 5DKE, 5DZI, 5DZ3, 4ZNU, 5DIE, 5DZ0, 5E1C, 5HYR, 5BQ4, 4ZNW, 5DUE, 5DTV, 5DRJ, 5DKG, 4ZNH, 5BP6, 5DXG, 5DI7, 5DX3, 5DYB, 5DXP, 5DZH, 5DXM

Vanjski ID-jeviOMIM: 133430 MGI: 1352467 HomoloGene: 47906 GeneCards: ESR1
Lokacija gena (čovjek)
Hromosom 6 (čovjek)
Hrom.Hromosom 6 (čovjek)[1]
Hromosom 6 (čovjek)
Genomska lokacija za ESR1
Genomska lokacija za ESR1
Bend6q25.1-q25.2Početak151,656,691 bp[1]
Kraj152,129,619 bp[1]
Lokacija gena (miš)
Hromosom 10 (miš)
Hrom.Hromosom 10 (miš)[2]
Hromosom 10 (miš)
Genomska lokacija za ESR1
Genomska lokacija za ESR1
Bend10 A1|10 2.03 cMPočetak4,561,593 bp[2]
Kraj4,955,614 bp[2]
Ontologija gena
Molekularna funkcija GO:0001131, GO:0001151, GO:0001130, GO:0001204 DNA-binding transcription factor activity
GO:0001077, GO:0001212, GO:0001213, GO:0001211, GO:0001205 DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific
nitric-oxide synthase regulator activity
GO:0038050, GO:0004886, GO:0038051 nuclear receptor activity
estrogen response element binding
transcription factor binding
vezivanje iona metala
GO:0000980 RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
steroid hormone receptor activity
steroid binding
beta-catenin binding
vezivanje iona cinka
chromatin binding
GO:0001948, GO:0016582 vezivanje za proteine
vezivanje sa DNK
sequence-specific DNA binding
ATPase binding
vezivanje identičnih proteina
lipid binding
core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding
vezivanje enzima
protein kinase binding
TFIIB-class transcription factor binding
TBP-class protein binding
estrogen receptor activity
estrogen receptor binding
transcription coactivator binding
phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase activity
GO:0001200, GO:0001133, GO:0001201 DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific
Ćelijska komponenta citoplazma
integral component of membrane
Golđijev aparat
ćelijska membrana
transcription preinitiation complex
GO:0009327 makromolekulani kompleks
Biološki proces epithelial cell development
positive regulation of phospholipase C activity
mammary gland alveolus development
transcription by RNA polymerase II
phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
epithelial cell proliferation involved in mammary gland duct elongation
prostate epithelial cord arborization involved in prostate glandular acinus morphogenesis
protein localization to chromatin
steroid hormone mediated signaling pathway
regulation of apoptotic process
chromatin remodeling
GO:0009373 regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
androgen metabolic process
positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation
mammary gland branching involved in pregnancy
negative regulation of gene expression
transcription, DNA-templated
negative regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
cellular response to estrogen stimulus
GO:0060469, GO:0009371 positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase activity
transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter
regulation of branching involved in prostate gland morphogenesis
male gonad development
positive regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity
GO:1901227 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
negative regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB signaling
negative regulation of production of miRNAs involved in gene silencing by miRNA
response to estrogen
uterus development
prostate epithelial cord elongation
antral ovarian follicle growth
vagina development
positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration
positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process
GO:0072468 Transdukcija signala
GO:0003257, GO:0010735, GO:1901228, GO:1900622, GO:1904488 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway
regulation of inflammatory response
response to estradiol
regulation of toll-like receptor signaling pathway
GO:0044324, GO:0003256, GO:1901213, GO:0046019, GO:0046020, GO:1900094, GO:0061216, GO:0060994, GO:1902064, GO:0003258, GO:0072212 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
protein deubiquitination
cellular response to estradiol stimulus
intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway
positive regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex assembly
stem cell differentiation
regulation of Wnt signaling pathway
regulation of intracellular estrogen receptor signaling pathway
phosphatidylinositol phosphate biosynthetic process
positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling
Izvori:Amigo / QuickGO
RefSeq (mRNK)



RefSeq (bjelančevina)



Lokacija (UCSC)Chr 6: 151.66 – 152.13 MbChr 10: 4.56 – 4.96 Mb
PubMed pretraga[3][4]
Pogledaj/uredi – čovjekPogledaj/uredi – miš

Estrogeni receptor alfa (ERαあるふぁ), znan i kao NR3A1 (član 1grupe A potporodice jedarnih receptora), jedan je od dva tipa estrogenih receptora, jedarni receptor koji se aktivira spolnim hormonom estrogenom. Kod ljudi kodiran genom ESR1 (Estrogeni receptor 1).[5][6][7]

Aminokiselinska sekvenca

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Dužina polipeptidnog lanca je 595 aminokiselina, а molekulska težina 66.216 Da.[8]



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Receptor estrogena (ER) je ligand-aktivirani transkripcijski faktor sastavljen od nekoliko domena važnih za vezivanje hormona, vezanjem i aktivacijom transkripcije.[9] Alternativna prerada rezultira u nekoliko transkripata ESR1 iRNK, koji se prvenstveno razlikuju po pet primarnih neprevedenih regija (UTR5'). Translatirani receptori pokazuju manju varijabilnost.[10][11]


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Selektivni agonisti ERαあるふぁ u odnosu na ERβべーた uključuju:


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Selektivni antagonisti ERαあるふぁ u odnosu na ERβべーた uključuju:


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Šablon:Afiniteti liganda estrogenog receptora ERαあるふぁ i ERβべーた

Tkivna distribucija i funkcija

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ERαあるふぁ ima ulogu u fiziološkom razvoju i funkciji različitih organskih sistema u različitom stepenu, uključujući reproduktivni, centralni nervni, skeletni i kardiovaskularni sistem.[12] U skladu s tim, ERαあるふぁ je široko eksprimiran u cijelom tijelu, uključujući tkiva organa kao što su maternica i jajnici, muški reproduktivni organi, mliječne žlijezde, kosti, srce, hipotalamus, hipofiza, jetra, pluća, bubrezi, slezena i masno tkivo .[12][13][14] Razvoj i funkcija ovih tkiva poremećen je u životinjskim modelima bez aktivnih ERαあるふぁ gena, poput ERαあるふぁ nokaut-miša (ERKO), pružajući prethodno razumijevanje funkcije ERαあるふぁ u specifičnim ciljanim organima.[12][15]

Klinički značaj

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Sindrom neosjetljivosti na estrogene je vrlo rijetko stanje koje karakterizira neispravan Erαあるふぁ, neosjetljiv na estrogene.[16][17][18][19] Uočeno je da klinička slika žena uključuje odsustvo razvoja dojke i drugih ženskih sekundarsnih spolnih obilježja u pubertetu, hipoplaziji maternice, primarnoj amenoreji, pri uvećanim policistastim jajnicima i pridruženom bolu u donjem dijelu trbuha, blagi hiperandrogenizam (ispoljava se kao cistaste akne) i odgođeno sazrijevanje kosti kao i povećana stopa koštanog promedta. Klinička slika kod mužjaka je uključivala nedostatak zatvaranja epifize, visok rast, osteoporozu i lošu održivost spermatozoida. Obje posmstrane osobe bile su potpuno neosetljive na egzogeni tretman estrogenom, čak i pri visokim dozama.

Genetički polimorfizmi u genu koji kodira ERαあるふぁ povezani su sa rakom dojke i dismenorejom kod žena, a ginekomastijom kod muškaraca.[20][21][22]


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Koaktivatori ER-αあるふぁ uključuju:


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Pokazano je da receptor estrogena alfa stupa u interakcije sa:


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  1. ^ a b c GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000091831 - Ensembl, maj 2017
  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000019768 - Ensembl, maj 2017
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