Oldale Ruins

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Oldale Ruins
コトキ遺跡いせき Kotoki Ruins
Oldale Ruins.png
Oldale Ruins
Region Hoenn
Debut A Ruin with a View

The Oldale Ruins (Japanese: コトキ遺跡いせき Kotoki Ruins) are an animated series-exclusive group of ruins near Oldale Town in Hoenn that appeared in A Ruin with a View.

These ruins are currently being studied by archaeologist Professor Alden who had read that there is a stone chamber within the ruins that legend states is a "bridge or portal between our world and the ancient Pokémon world". Because of its strange construction it crumbles whenever anyone attempts to forcibly enter it, however the stone tablet that Professor Alden possesses tells of four keys that can allow entrance into the stone chamber without it crumbling.

During A Ruin with a View, Team Magma Grunts supplied Professor Alden with the four keys and coerced him into opening the ruin chamber for them. However Team Magma were left disappointed by the first room, which appeared empty and its walls are decorated with glyphs of ancient people and Pokémon. Professor Alden accidentally uncovered a basement chamber and he followed the staircase downwards where he found an underground lake inhabited by several rare Relicanth.

Pokémon seen in the Oldale Ruins

Oldale Ruins Relicanth.png
Relicanth (multiple)


  • The stone tablet from which Professor Alden learns how to access the stone chamber is very similar to the stone tablet that gave information about the legend of Pokémopolis. Coincidentally that episode aired exactly four years previous.
  • The sealed door that led to the underground lake is very similar to the door that leads to the King of Pokélantis' tomb, in an episode that would air almost four years later.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 遺跡いせき Gúmùih Wàihjīk *
たつ遺跡いせき Gúsàhn Wàihjīk *
Mandarin たつ遺跡いせき / たつ遗迹 Gǔchén Yíjì
Denmark Flag.png Danish Oldaleruinerne
Norway Flag.png Norwegian Oldaleruinerne
Poland Flag.png Polish Ruiny Oldale
Sweden Flag.png Swedish Oldaleruinerna

Animated series-exclusive locations in Hoenn
A-B-C IslandsAnthony's GymBaltoy civilization ruinsBanana Slakoth GardenBomba IslandCerosi TownCrossgate TownDonto Island
Foothill TownForbidden ForestForinaGiban IslandIzabe IslandIzabe LakeKirikiri MountainLake MayLaRousse CityMaisie IslandMirage Kingdom
Misty VillageMonsu IslandMountain LighthouseMuscle IslandNorth PetalburgOldale RuinsPokémon Battle Judge Training InstitutePurika City
Rinshin TownRiyado TownRubello TownS.S. St. FlowerShroomish ForestSouth CitySquare TopThe Green LodgeThe GreenhouseTogepi Paradise
Trapinch underground labyrinthValley of SteelVolley TownWailmer IslandWales IslandWazoo Island
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaOther
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