

検索けんさく結果けっか 717 けん

  • Attention to the Body in Viennese Kineticism

    Kakuyama Tomoko The Journal of the Asian Conference of Design History and Theory 5 104-112, 2024-03

    ...Through analysis of Cizek’s manuscripts, students’ works and the writings of contemporary critics, this study aims to reveal an aspect of Kineticism’s activity as an artistic practice focused on the human...


  • プロトコルと

    新倉にいくら 貴仁たかひと メディア研究けんきゅう 104 (0), 165-183, 2024-01-31

    ...</p><p>    Third, this paper explores Gittelman’s first book, <i>Scripts, Grooves and Writing Machine</i>, which is the origin of the concept of "protocol" and the "history of documentation," published...


  • レビュー論文ろんぶん執筆しっぴつ支援しえんけた文献ぶんけん特徴とくちょう分析ぶんせきもとづく引用いんよう文献ぶんけん選択せんたく手法しゅほう

    熊本くまもと しょう 人工じんこう知能ちのう学会がっかい全国ぜんこく大会たいかいろん文集ぶんしゅう JSAI2024 (0), 3Xin233-3Xin233, 2024



  • Citation Estimation Method Using Abstracts of Research Data Articles: A Focus on Scientific Data

    Kai, Naoto, Yoshihisa, Tomoki, Shimbaru, Toshiki, Yano, Hideto, Tanushi, Hideyuki Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies) 189 1-13, 2023-10-29

    ...Considering the use of shared research data for interdisciplinary research, developing a researcher-friendly abstract writing method in different research fields is pertinent....

