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Long-term migration trends and rising temperatures: the role of irrigation. (2021). Taraz, Vis ; Millock, Katrin ; Benonnier, Theo.
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  54. Irrigation variable measures the share of 1960’s cropland that was equipped for irrigation. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01 Table B2: Emigration and urbanisation. Wheat growing season weather.
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  55. Irrigation variable measures the share of 1960’s cropland that was equipped for irrigation. The agricultural dummy equals one for countries whose share of agriculture in GDP is in the top quartile of the distribution. ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01 Table 4: Emigration and urbanisation: Additional controls.
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  97. Zaveri, E., Wrenn, D. H., and Fisher-Vanden, K. (2020). The impact of water access on shortterm migration in rural India. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64(2):505–532.


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  33. Weather and Income: Lessons from the Main European Regions. (2015). García-León, David ; Garcia-Leon, David .
    In: Working Papers.

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  34. Climate shocks and international trade: Evidence from China. (2015). Li, Chengzheng ; Gu, Haiying ; Xiang, Xunyong.
    In: Economics Letters.

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  35. Adoption of modern varieties, farmers welfare and crop biodiversity: Evidence from Uganda. (2015). Savastano, Sara ; Pallante, Giacomo ; Coromaldi, Manuela .
    In: Ecological Economics.

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  36. Producer Responses to Surface Water Availability and Implications for Climate Change Adaptation. (2015). Maas, Alexander ; Manning, Dale ; Goemans, Christopher.
    In: 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California.

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  37. Does Spatial Correlation Matter in Econometric Models of Crop Yield Response and Weather?. (2015). Yun, Seong ; Gramig, Benjamin ; Florax, Raymond ; Delgado, Michael S.
    In: 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California.

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  38. Fine-Scale Land Use Allocation Using Maximum Likelihood. (2015). Villoria, Nelson ; Preckel, Paul ; Delgado, Michael S ; Song, Jingyu .
    In: 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California.

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  39. Climate Change, Agricultural Production and Civil Conflict: Evidence from the Philippines. (2015). Crost, Benjamin ; Rees, Daniel I ; Felter, Joseph H ; Duquennois, Claire .
    In: 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California.

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  40. On the Impact of Weather Variability and Climate Change on Agriculture: Evidence from Ethiopia. (2014). Di Falco, Salvatore ; Mekonnen, Alemu ; Difalco, Salvatore ; Bezabih, Mintewab .
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  41. Extreme Weather and Civil War: Does Drought Fuel Conflict in Somalia through Livestock Price Shocks?. (2014). Maystadt, Jean-François ; Ecker, Olivier.
    In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

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  42. Does the Environment Still Matter? Daily Temperature and Income in the United States. (2014). Deryugina, Tatyana ; Hsiang, Solomon M..
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  43. The Causal Effect of Environmental Catastrophe on Long-Run Economic Growth: Evidence From 6,700 Cyclones. (2014). Jina, Amir S. ; Hsiang, Solomon M..
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  44. Is it the climate or the weather? Differential economic impacts of climatic factors in Ethiopia. (2014). Di Falco, Salvatore ; Mekonnen, Alemu ; Difalco, Salvatore ; Bezabih, Mintewab .
    In: GRI Working Papers.

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  45. The effect of climate change on electricity needs – A case study from Mediterranean Europe. (2014). Hadjinicolaou, Panos ; Zachariadis, Theodoros.
    In: Energy.

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  46. Empirical studies on agricultural impacts and adaptation. (2014). Auffhammer, Maximilian ; Schlenker, Wolfram.
    In: Energy Economics.

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  47. Measuring climatic impacts on energy consumption: A review of the empirical literature. (2014). Mansur, Erin ; Auffhammer, Maximilian.
    In: Energy Economics.

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  48. Climate Change, Rice Crops and Violence. Evidence from Indonesia. (2014). Ricciuti, Roberto ; Petrarca, Ilaria ; Caruso, Raul.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  49. Climate Variability, Child Labour and Schooling: Evidence on the Intensive and Extensive Margin. (2013). Colmer, Jonathan.
    In: GRI Working Papers.

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  50. Climate Variability, Child Labour and Schooling: Evidence on the Intensive and Extensive Margin. (2013). Colmer, Jonathan.
    In: Working Papers.

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