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International patent families: from application strategies to statistical indicators. (2017). Ménière, Yann ; Dechezleprêtre, Antoine ; Mohnen, Myra ; Mnire, Yann ; Dechezleprtre, Antoine .
In: GRI Working Papers.

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  1. Research on the Effect of Information Infrastructure Construction on Low-Carbon Technology Knowledge Flow. (2023). Jin, Shunlin ; Wu, Yufeng ; Wang, Weidong.
    In: Sustainability.

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  2. Battery innovation and the Circular Economy: What are patents revealing?. (2023). Damasio, Bruno ; Silva, Jose A ; Mendona, Sandro ; Metzger, Philipp.
    In: Renewable Energy.

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  3. To copatent or not to copatent: An agent-based model for firms facing this dilemma. (2023). Manzini, Raffaella ; Lazzarotti, Valentina ; Puliga, Gloria ; Ponta, Linda ; Cincotti, Silvano.
    In: European Journal of Operational Research.

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  4. China’s technological performance as reflected in patents. (2022). Gehrke, Birgit ; Schmoch, Ulrich.
    In: Scientometrics.

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  5. Location Matters: a Novel Methodology for Patent’s National Phase Process. (2022). Herrera, Milton M ; Mendez-Morales, Alberto ; Cuellar, Sergio.
    In: Journal of the Knowledge Economy.

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  6. How to Benefit from Balancing External Knowledge Acquisition? A Chinese EIT Industry Case. (2022). Wang, Jin-Min ; Zhang, Chen ; Sun, Yu-tao .
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  7. Technological expertise as a driver of environmental technology diffusion through trade: Evidence from the wind turbine manufacturing industry. (2022). Garsous, Grégoire ; Worack, Stephan.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  8. Bank regulation, lending and patenting: Evidence from the EBA capital exercise. (2021). Walz, Uwe ; Krzyzanowski, Jan.
    In: SAFE Working Paper Series.

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  9. Global trends in the invention and diffusion of climate change mitigation technologies. (2021). Glachant, Matthieu ; Dechezlepretre, Antoine ; Touboul, Simon ; Probst, Benedict.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  10. Identifying the impact of patent family on the patent trajectory: A case of thin film solar cells technological trajectories. (2021). Chang, Yu-Hsin ; Chen, Hsueh-Chen ; Kumar, Vimal ; Bhatt, Priyanka C ; Lai, Kuei-Kuei ; Su, Fang-Pei.
    In: Journal of Informetrics.

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  11. Automating labor: evidence from firm-level patent data. (2020). Zanella, Carlo ; Olsen, Morten ; Hemous, David ; Dechezlepretre, Antoine.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  12. Obtaining certainty vs. creating uncertainty: Does firms’ patent filing strategy work as expected?. (2020). Xiong, Libin ; Zhang, Gupeng ; Huang, Dujuan ; Duan, Hongbo.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  13. Automating labor: evidence from firm-level patent data. (2020). Zanella, Carlo ; Hemous, David ; Olsen, Morten ; Dechezlepretre, Antoine.
    In: CEP Discussion Papers.

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  14. Measuring Innovation in the Mining Industry with Patents. (2019). Raffo, Julio ; Valacchi, Giulia ; Daly, Alica.
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  16. Exploring science-and-technology-led innovation: a cross-country study. (2019). Raghupathi, Wullianallur.
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  17. Automating Labor: Evidence from Firm-level Patent Data. (2019). Zanella, Carlo ; Olsen, Morten ; Hemous, David ; Dechezlepretre, Antoine.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  18. Patent-based Estimation Procedure of Private R&D: The Case of Climate Change and Mitigation Technologies in Europe. (2018). Pasimeni, Francesco ; Fiorini, Alessandro ; Georgakaki, Aliki.
    In: SPRU Working Paper Series.

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  19. The role of utility models in patent filing strategies: evidence from European countries. (2018). Verba, Michael ; Heikkilä, Jussi.
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  20. Patent transactions in the marketplace: Lessons from the USPTO Patent Assignment Dataset. (2018). Marco, Alan C ; Myers, Amanda F.
    In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.

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References cited by this document

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  2. Aghion, P., Dechezleprêtre, A., Hemous, D., Martin, R. and Van Reenen, J., 2016. “Carbon Taxes, Path Dependency and Directed Technical Change: Evidence from the Auto Industry”. Journal of Political Economy 124(1), 1-51.

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  5. Dernis, H. and Khan, M., (2004). Triadic Patent Families Methodology. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2004/2, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD, Paris, www.oecd.org/sti/working-papers.

  6. Eaton, J. and Kortum, S., (1999) International technology diffusion: theory and measurement.

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  9. Guellec, D. and van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B., (2000). Applications, grants and the value of patent. Economic Letters, 69(1), 109-114.

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  15. Harhoff, D., Scherer, F. M. and Vopel, K., (2003). Citations, family size, opposition and the value of patent rights. Research Policy, vol. 32(8), pp.1343-1363.

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  18. Lanjouw, J., and Schankerman, M., (2004). Patent Quality and Research Productivity: Measuring Innovation with Multiple Indicators. The Economic Journal, 114:495, 441–465.

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  21. Moser, P., Ohmstedt, J. and Rhode, P., (2012). Patent Citations and the Size of Innovation -Evidence from Hybrid Corn, Stanford University Working Paper.
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  28. Reitzig, M. (2004). Improving Patent Valuations for Management Purposes - Validating New Indicators by Analyzing Application Rationales. Research Policy, 33(6), 939-957 Sakakibara, M. and Branstetter, L. (2001). Do stronger patents induce more innovation? Evidence from 1988 Japanese patent law reforms. The RAND Journal of Economics, 32(1), 77-100 Schankerman, M. and Pakes, A. (1986). Estimates of the value of patent rights in European Countries during the post-1950 period. The Economic Journal, 96(384), 1052-1076 Schmoch, U. (2004). The technological output of scientific institutions. In Handbook of quantitative science and technology research: The use of publication and patent statistics in studies of S&T Systems. (pp. 717-731). Springer Netherlands.

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  31. The Wordwide Count of Priority Patents: A New Indicator of Inventive Activity. Research Policy, 42, 720-737 Dechezleprêtre, A., Glachant, M., Haščič, I., Johnstone, N.and Ménière, Y., (2011). Invention and Transfer of Climate Change Mitigation Technologies: A Global Analysis. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 5 (1), 109–130 Dernis, H., Guellec, D., and van Pottelsberghe, B., (2001). Using patent counts for cross-country comparison of technology output. STI Review (OECD), 27, 129– 146.
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