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Markups and firm-level export status. (2009). warzynski, Frédéric ; De Loecker, Jan.
In: NBER Working Papers.

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    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  2. Assessing the Competitiveness of the Portuguese Chemical Sector. (2018). Silva, Catia ; Marques, Ana Rita.
    In: GEE Papers.

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  3. Structural Changes and Growth Regime. (2017). Valente, Marco ; Savona, Maria ; Lorentz, André ; Ciarli, Tommaso.
    In: Working Papers of BETA.

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  4. The Complex Interactions between Economic Growth and Market Concentration in a Model of Structural Change.. (2016). Valente, Marco ; Ciarli, Tommaso.
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  5. The complex interactions between economic growth and market concentration in a model of structural change. (2016). Valente, Marco ; Ciarli, Tommaso.
    In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

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  6. TRADE LIBERALIZATION AND LABOR SHARES IN CHINA. (2014). Mitra, Devashish ; Lovely, Mary ; Kamal, Fariha.
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. Product and process productivity: Implications for quality choice and conditional exporter premia. (2013). Sivadasan, Jagadeesh ; Hallak, Juan.
    In: Journal of International Economics.

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  8. The role of technology, organisation, and demand in growth and income distribution. (2012). Valente, Marco ; Savona, Maria ; Lorentz, André ; Ciarli, Tommaso ; Andre' Lorentz, .
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  9. Productivity, returns to scale and product differentiation in the retail trade industry: an empirical analysis using Japanese firm-level data. (2012). Kato, Atsuyuki.
    In: Journal of Productivity Analysis.

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  10. Sources of Learning-by-Exporting Effects: Does Exporting Promote Innovation?. (2012). Ito, Keiko.
    In: Working Papers.

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  11. Economic integration and the dynamics of firms’ competitive behavior. (2012). Nicolini, Marcella ; Altomonte, Carlo.
    In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

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  12. Productivity Volatility and the Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies. (2011). De Loecker, Jan ; Collard-Wexler, Allan ; Asker, John.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  13. Firms Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints. (2011). Sivadasan, Jagadeesh ; Hallak, Juan.
    In: Working Papers.

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  14. Trade Policy, Competition and Productivity: The Impact of EU Harmonization in the Dutch Food Processing Industry. (2011). .
    In: De Economist.

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  15. Firm dynamics, job turnover, and wage distributions in an open economy. (2011). Tybout, James ; Guner, Nezih.
    In: Working Papers.

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  16. Markups and export pricing. (2011). Thede, Susanna ; Olofsdotter, Karin ; Gullstrand, Joakim.
    In: Working Papers.

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  17. Price-Cost Margins and Shares of Fixed Factors. (2011). Konings, Jozef ; Roeger, Werner ; Zhao, Liqiu.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  18. Capacity Constraining Labor Market Frictions in a Global Economy. (2011). Larch, Mario ; Holzner, Christian.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  19. Firms Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints. (2010). Sivadasan, Jagadeesh ; Hallak, Juan.
    In: Working Papers.

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  20. Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover, and Wage Distributions in an Open Economy. (2010). Tybout, James ; Guner, Nezih ; CoÅŸar, A. Kerem ; Coar, Kerem A..
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  21. Productivity spreads, market power spreads and trade. (2010). Martin, Ralf.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  22. Interpreting markups in Spanish manufacturing: the exponential model. (2010). Moreno, Lourdes ; Corchon, Luis.
    In: UC3M Working papers. Economics.

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  23. Trade and Profitability: Is there an export premium? Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms. (2009). Grazzi, Marco.
    In: LEM Papers Series.

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  24. The effect of globalization on union bargaining and price-cost margins of firms. (2009). Vanormelingen, Stijn ; Konings, Jozef ; Abraham, Filip.
    In: Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv).

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References cited by this document

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  5. Clerides, S., Lach, S. and Tybout, J. 1998. Is `Learning-by-Exporting' Important? MicroDynamic Evidence from Colombia, Mexico, and Morocco, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 113, pp. 903-47.

  6. Cosar, A.K, Guner, N. and Tybout, J. 2009. Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover, and Wage Distributions in an Open Economy, Penn State mimeo.

  7. Costantini, J. and Melitz, M. Forthcoming. The Dynamics of Firm-Level Adjustment to Trade Liberalization, in Helpman, E., D. Mann, and T. Verdier, The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy, Harvard University Press, 2008.
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  8. De Loecker, J. 2007a. Do Export Generate Higher Productivity? Evidence from Slovenia. Journal of International Economics, 73, 69-98.

  9. De Loecker, J. and Konings, J. 2006, Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth in an Emerging Economy, European Journal of Political Economy, vol 22, pp. 388-408.
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  10. Domowitz, I. Hubbard, R.G. and Petersen, B.C. 1988. Market Structure and Cyclical Fluctuations in U.S. Manufacturing, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 70, No. 1., pp. 55-66.

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  20. Katayama, H., Lu, S. and Tybout, J. 2009. Why Plant-Level Productivity Studies are Often Misleading, and an Alternative Approach to Inference, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 27 (3), 403-413.

  21. Klette, T. J. , 1999. Market Power, Scale Economies and Productivity: Estimates from a Panel of Establishment Data. Journal of Industrial Economics 47 (4), 451-476.

  22. Klette, T. J. and Griliches, Z., 1996. The Inconsistency of Common Scale Estimators When Output prices Are Unobserved and Endogenous, Journal of Applied Econometrics 11(4), 343-361.

  23. Konings, J. and Vandenbussche, H., 2005. Antidumping protection and markups of domestic firms, Journal of International Economics, 65 (1), 151-165.

  24. Konings, J., Van Cayseele, P. and Warzynski, F. 2005. The Effect of Privatization and Competitive Pressure on Firms' Price-Cost Margins: Micro Evidence from Emerging Economies. The Review of Economics and Statistics 87 (1), 124-134.

  25. Kugler, M. and Verhoogen, E. 2008. The Quality-Complementarity Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence from Colombia, NBER working paper #14418.

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  28. Manova, K. and Zhang, Z., 2009. Export Prices and Heterogeneous Firm Models. Working paper, Stanford University.
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  29. Melitz, M. 2003. The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity, Econometrica, Vol. 71, November 2003, pp. 1695-1725.

  30. Melitz, M. and Ottaviano, G. 2008. Market Size, Trade, and Productivity, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 75, January 2008, pp.295-316.

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  33. Olley, S. G. and Pakes, A, 1996. The Dynamics of Productivity in the Telecommunications Equipment Industry, Econometrica 64 (6), 1263-1297.

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  37. Waldmann, R. J., 1991. Implausible Results or Implausible Data? Anomalies in the Construction of Value-Added Data and Implications for Estimates of Price-Cost Markups Journal of Political Economy 99, 1315-1328 U) U) -1 0 scale domesic ~w ays darter quitter


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