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Employment protection and temporary work agencies. (2008). Stähler, Nikolai ; Mechtel, Mario ; Baumann, Florian ; Stahler, Nikolai.
In: Discussion Paper Series 1: Economic Studies.

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  1. Antor, D.H. (2003), Outsorcing at Will: The Contribution of Unjust Dismissal Doctrine to the Growth of Employment Outsourcing. Journal of Labor Economics 21, 1 - 42.
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  2. Arrowsmith, J. (2006), Temporary Agency Work in an Enlarged European Union. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin.
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  3. Blanchard, 0. and A. Landier (2002), The Perverse Effects of Partial Labour Market Reform: Fixed-term Contracts in France. Economic Journal 112, F214 - F244.

  4. Boeri, T. (1999), Enforcement of Employment Security Regulations, On-the-Job Search and Unemployment Duration. European Economic Review 43, 65 - 89.

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  8. ECB (2007), Monthly Bulletin September. Frankfurt am Main.
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  12. Jahn, E.J. (2008), Reassessing the Wage Penalty for Temps in Germany. IZA Discussion Paper No. 3663.

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  21. Nannicini, T. (2006), The Determinants of Contract Length in Temporary Help Employment. Labour 20, 453 - 474.

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  25. Püsarides C.A. (2000), Equilibriurn Unemployment Theory 2nd Edition, Cambridge, Mass.
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  26. Petrongolo, B. and C.A. Püsaride8 (2001), Looking into the Black Bar A Survey of the Matching Function. Journal of Economic Literature 39, 390-431.

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  28. Stilhler, N. (2007), Employment Protection and Unemployment: A Theoretical Analysis Evaluating Recent Policy Proposals. Peter Lang-Verlag, Frankfurt.
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  29. Storrie, D. (2002), Temporary Agency Work in the European Union. European Conditions for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin.
    Paper not yet in RePEc: Add citation now
  30. Wanner, E. (1999), Competition for Jobs in a Growing Economy and the Emergence of Dualism. Economic Journal (109), 349 - 371.


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