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Does the belt and road initiative stimulate Chinese exports? The role of state-owned enterprises. (2020). Mao, Haiou ; Gorg, Holger.
In: Kiel Working Papers.

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  1. Baier, S., H. Bergstrand, and M. Feng (2014). Economic integration agreements and the margins of international trade. Journal of International Economics 93 (2): 339–350.

  2. Baier, S., J. Bergstrand, and M. Clance (2018). Heterogeneous effects of economic integration agreements. Journal of Development Economics 135: 587–608.

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  4. Chaisse, J., and M. Mitsuo (2018). China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative: Mapping the World Trade Normative and Strategic Implications. Journal of World Trade 52 (1): 163–185.
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  5. Chen, S., J. Hou, D. Xiao (2018). One Belt, One Road Initiative to Stimulate Trade in China: A CounterFactual Analysis. Sustainability 10 (9), 3242.

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  31. Spilker, G., T. Bernauer, I. Kim, and H. Milner (2018). Trade at the margin: Estimating the economic implications of preferential trade agreements. The Review of International Organizations 13 (2): 189– 242.

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