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Here’s How We Streamline Your Development Projects

Our philosophy in supporting your projects to the next level.

We utilize async programming

Unlike synchronous, sequential executions, our projects and open-source solutions allow you to talk to multiple services, reduce the time spent, and simplify how you execute your ideas.

Unlimited scaling
We help you be prepared to scale to the next level. By utilizing async programming techniques, achieve maximum performance per CPU core. Parallel worker processes and server clusters allow even better performance.
Talking to multiple services at once
Imagine sending two HTTP requests to external APIs while already saving the request in the database at the same time. Async, non-blocking APIs allow much faster response times by doing multiple things at once, instead of having to do one thing after another.
Traditional web servers run a dedicated PHP interpreter for each request. This implies you're commonly limited to only a few dozens concurrent requests. For maximum performance, you can use our knowledge that allows you to process up to millions of requests at once.

We build the web

We build reactive applications that are responsive, resilient, elastic, and message-driven.

Unlimited connectivity
The web allows accessing any information from anywhere with any device. We build web-based applications so that distributed systems can communicate efficiently and you can focus on what really matters.
Real-time updates
Our team of professionals uses reactive design patterns to help you build streaming applications that send real-time updates. This way, we can process millions of records in seconds and handle millions of connections with ease.
HTTP and beyond
We’re not limited to HTTP’s request-response semantics. We help you get the best out of state-of-the-art technologies to enable HTML5 WebSockets, EventSource, and so much more.

We focus on high quality

We target the highest quality standards for our work. This is our identity and makes us who we are.

Priority on working software
We work together so you can be sure we build the right thing. We use state-of-the-art technology and methodology to make sure we build the thing right. This means you can focus on new challenges and leave the hard work to us.
Long-term reliability
Shipping working software is the first step, but we care about the whole software system lifecycle. We use automated checks to build software that you can rely on for years to come. This way, we can guarantee long-term reliability even when the system as a whole changes.
We know what you need
We know what it takes to build working software. Based on our years of experience, we have built hundreds of successful software projects. Transparent communication and clear commitments ensure we're always on the same page.

Our Promise to Your Project

When our professional data engineers take control, we provide you with the following and more:


Sounds too promising? These numbers are based on our experience and know-how of implementing hundreds of projects with our clients. Get in touch and we’ll work out possible improvements for your project!

Software Engineering Consulting

We’re driven towards offering our clients new and sustainable ways to develop the very best software on the market. We’re experienced software engineers and do so much more than just product code – we provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to streamline your development project as quickly as possible.

Two people with laptops sitting next to each other and collaborating over written notes

Open-Source Solution Coaching

Our team is ready to coach and mentor your team. We’ll also provide you with the training you need to make the most of our projects. Reach out to us for more information about our custom consulting packages.

Two people sitting next to each other and collaborating over a shared laptop
People working on laptops

How We Work

We’re Keeping Up with Our Projects

Whether you’re in it for the long-haul or need a quick fix, our team of professionals is ready to help you. We’ll support your project for however long you need us – whether it be one day or 5 years. We can adapt to any environment, connect with any team, and meet at any time to make sure you know exactly how to streamline your development project.

Durable We ensure a long maintenance of our projects with regular updates. Long-Term Support (LTS) is an elementary part of our philosophy.

Transparent We speak plainly, nothing happens behind closed doors. We deliver the information people need to understand what’s going on at the time they need it.

Custom-Tailored We can help you create a customized solution for your needs.

Together We work together, not one for the other. Nothing happens in a secret room.

Our Range of Topics

Here are some of the various concepts available in our range of high-quality solutions.

Full spectrum of ReactPHP: async programming, event-driven architecture, batch processing, worker queues and more
Web Architecture
Software architecture, distributed systems and scaling, high availability, containers and deployment
RESTful and HTTP APIs, data models, push/pull, live-data, caching, security, webhooks and automation
Internet Protocols
Understanding the web and its underlying protocols: HTTP and HTTPS, DNS, encryption, binary protocols and RFCs
Software Development
Managing the whole software lifecycle: development principles, TDD, automation, QA and managing legacy
Database Design
Finding the right data model: Relational SQL vs. NoSQL, limitations and pitfalls, custom database integrations


You Can Customize Our Service to Suit Your Needs

Meet Online or On-Site

We’re ready to meet you where you are, whether that’s on your premises or via video call.

Engineering Coaching and Mentoring

We are professional developers and experienced data engineers and we’re ready to help you streamline your development project.

Optional Workshops, Training, and Talks

We’ll empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to make the most of our high-quality projects.

Additional Time Bookable If Needed

You can book extra time to ensure that you know what you need and when you need it.

The Right Price For You, Whoever You Are

  • Talk to an Expert
  • Custom-Tailored
  • Recurring sessions
  • Long-Term Support
  • Scales on Demand
  • No Fixed Structures
Book an Initial Free Consultation Now Or use our contact form to get in touch

We bill on a project basis and prefer to be paid for our results, not for our time. Minor function modifications in existing projects start at about € 400. Longer-term cooperations start at about € 800 per month. Let’s talk, we’re happy to work out a custom-tailored package for your project!

Appointment Booked? In the Meantime, Check Out Our Projects.