(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Psalm 14:1 Multilingual: For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works; there is none that doeth good.
Psalm 14:1
King James Bible
To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

Darby Bible Translation
{To the chief Musician. [A Psalm] of David.} The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They have corrupted themselves, they have done abominable works: there is none that doeth good.

English Revised Version
For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works; there is none that doeth good.

World English Bible
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt. They have done abominable works. There is none who does good.

Young's Literal Translation
To the Overseer. -- By David. A fool hath said in his heart, 'God is not;' They have done corruptly, They have done abominable actions, There is not a doer of good.

Psalmet 14:1 Albanian
I pamendi ka thënë në zemër të tij: "Nuk ka Perëndi". Janë të korruptuar, bëjnë gjëra të neveritshme; nuk ka asnjë që të bëjë të mirën.

D Sälm 14:1 Bavarian
Für n Stenger: Von n Dafetn: S geit Narrn, die wo mainend, es gaeb ja kainn Got. Gee, vergiß s diend, dös Gschwerl, dös. Daa taugt kainer doch was!

Псалми 14:1 Bulgarian
(По слав. 13). За първия певец. Давидов [псалом]. Безумният рече в сърцето си: Няма Бог. Поквариха се; сториха развалени дела; Няма кой да прави добро.

現代げんだいしるべてん和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本わごうほん (CUVMP Simplified)

へん 14:1 Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
だい まもる てき , 交 あずかちょう 。 ) じん こころ うら せつぼつ ゆう   かみ よこしま あくぎょう りょう にく あく てき ことぼつ ゆう いち じん ぎょう ぜん

へん 14:1 Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
だいてき 诗 , 交 あずか 伶 长 。 ) じん こころ さと 说 : ぼつ ゆう   かみ よこしま 恶 , ぎょう りょう にくてき ことぼつ ゆう いちじん ぎょう ぜん

Psalm 14:1 Croatian Bible
Zborovođi. Davidov. Bezumnik reče u srcu: Nema Boga. Pokvareni rade gadosti; nitko da čini dobro.

Žalmů 14:1 Czech BKR
Přednímu zpěváku, píseň Davidova. Říká blázen v srdci svém: Není Boha. Porušeni jsou, a ohavní v snažnostech; není, kdo by činil dobré.

Salme 14:1 Danish
Til Sangmesteren. Af David. Daarerne siger i Hjertet: »Der er ingen Gud!« Slet og afskyeligt handler de, ingen gør godt.

Psalmen 14:1 Dutch Staten Vertaling
Een psalm van David, voor den opperzangmeester. De dwaas zegt in zijn hart: Er is geen God. Zij verderven het, zij maken het gruwelijk met hun werk; er is niemand, die goed doet.

Zsoltárok 14:1 Hungarian: Karoli
Az éneklõmesternek; Dávidé. Azt mondja a balgatag az õ szívében: Nincs Isten. Megromlottak, útálatosságot cselekedtek; nincs, a ki jót cselekedjék.

La psalmaro 14:1 Esperanto
Al la hxorestro. De David. La sensagxulo diris en sia koro:Dio ne ekzistas. Ili sentauxgigxis, ili abomenigxis pro siaj faroj; Ekzistas neniu, kiu faras bonon.

PSALMIT 14:1 Finnish: Bible (1776)
Davidin Psalmi, edelläveisaajalle. Tyhmät sanovat sydämessänsä: ei Jumalaa olekaan; ei he mitään kelpaa, ja ovat ilkiät menoissansa; ei ole joka hyvää tekee.

Westminster Leningrad Codex
לַמְנַצֵּ֗חַ לְדָ֫וִ֥ד אָ֘מַ֤ר נָבָ֣ל בְּ֭לִבֹּו אֵ֣ין אֱלֹהִ֑ים הִֽשְׁחִ֗יתוּ הִֽתְעִ֥יבוּ עֲלִילָ֗ה אֵ֣ין עֹֽשֵׂה־טֹֽוב׃

WLC (Consonants Only)
למנצח לדוד אמר נבל בלבו אין אלהים השחיתו התעיבו עלילה אין עשה־טוב׃

Psaume 14:1 French: Darby
L'insense a dit en son coeur: Il n'y a point de Dieu. Ils se sont corrompus, ils ont rendu abominables leurs actions; il n'y a personne qui fasse le bien.

Psaume 14:1 French: Louis Segond (1910)
Au chef des chantres. De David. L'insensé dit en son coeur: Il n'y a point de Dieu! Ils se sont corrompus, ils ont commis des actions abominables; Il n'en est aucun qui fasse le bien.

Psaume 14:1 French: Martin (1744)
Psaume de David, [donné] au maître chantre. L'insensé a dit en son cœur : il n'y a point de Dieu. Ils se sont corrompus, ils se sont rendus abominables en leurs actions; il n'y a personne qui fasse le bien.

Psalm 14:1 German: Modernized
Ein Psalm Davids, vorzusingen. Die Toren sprechen in ihrem Herzen: Es ist kein Gott. Sie taugen nichts und sind ein Greuel mit ihrem Wesen. Da ist keiner, der Gutes tue.

Psalm 14:1 German: Luther (1912)
Ein Psalm Davids, vorzusingen. Die Toren sprechen in ihrem Herzen: Es ist kein Gott. Sie taugen nichts und sind ein Greuel mit ihrem Wesen; da ist keiner, der Gutes tue.

Psalm 14:1 German: Textbibel (1899)
Dem Musikmeister. Von David. Es sprach der Thor in seinem Herzen: Es ist kein Gott! Verderbt, abscheulich handelten sie; da war keiner, der Gutes that.

Salmi 14:1 Italian: Riveduta Bible (1927)
Al Capo de’ musici. Di Davide. Lo stolto ha detto nel suo cuore: Non c’è Dio. Si sono corrotti, si son resi abominevoli nella loro condotta; non v’è alcuno che faccia il bene.

Salmi 14:1 Italian: Giovanni Diodati Bible (1649)
Salmo di Davide, dato al capo de’ Musici LO stolto ha detto nel suo cuore: Non vi è Dio. Si son corrotti, son divenuti abbominevoli nelle loro opere; Non vi è alcuno che faccia bene.

MAZMUR 14:1 Indonesian - Terjemahan Lama (TL)
Mazmur Daud bagi biduan besar.

Psalmi 14:1 Latin: Vulgata Clementina
In finem. Psalmus David. Dixit insipiens in corde suo : Non est Deus. Corrupti sunt, et abominabiles facti sunt in studiis suis ; non est qui faciat bonum, non est usque ad unum.

Psalm 14:1 Maori
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Na Rawiri. Kua ki te wairangi i tona ngakau, Kahore he Atua. Kua pirau ratou, he whakahouhou a ratou mahi, kahore tetahi e mahi ana i te pai.

Salmenes 14:1 Norwegian: Det Norsk Bibelselskap (1930)
Til sangmesteren; av David. Dåren sier i sitt hjerte: Det er ikke nogen Gud. Onde, vederstyggelige er deres gjerninger; det er ingen som gjør godt.

Salmos 14:1 Spanish: Reina Valera 1909
Al Músico principal: Salmo de David. DIJO el necio en su corazón: No hay Dios. Corrompiéronse, hicieron obras abominables; No hay quien haga bien.

Salmos 14:1 Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
Al Vencedor: Salmo de David. Dijo el loco en su corazón: No hay Dios. Se corrompieron, hicieron obras abominables; no hay quien haga bien.

Salmos 14:1 Portuguese: Bíblia King James Atualizada
Para o mestre de música. Um salmo de Davi. Diz o tolo em seu coração: “Deus não existe”. Todas as suas atitudes são corruptas e abomináveis: não há um que faça o bem.

Salmos 14:1 Portuguese: João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada
Diz o néscio no seu coração: Não há Deus. Os homens têm-se corrompido, fazem-se abomináveis em suas obras; não há quem faça o bem.   

Psalmi 14:1 Romanian: Cornilescu
(Către mai marele cîntăreţilor. Un psalm al lui David.) Nebunul zice în inima lui: ,,Nu este Dumnezeu!`` S'au stricat oamenii, fac fapte urîte; nu este niciunul care să facă binele.

Псалтирь 14:1 Russian: Synodal Translation (1876)
(13:1) Начальнику хора. Псалом Давида. Сказал безумец в сердце своем:„нет Бога". Они развратились, совершили гнусные дела; нетделающего добро.

Псалтирь 14:1 Russian koi8r
(13-1) ^^Начальнику хора. Псалом Давида.^^ Сказал безумец в сердце своем: `нет Бога`. Они развратились, совершили гнусные дела; нет делающего добро.[]

Psaltaren 14:1 Swedish (1917)
För sångmästaren; av David. Dårarna säga i sina hjärtan: »Det finnes ingen Gud.» Fördärv och styggelse är deras verk; ingen finnes, som gör vad gott är.

Psalm 14:1 Tagalog: Ang Dating Biblia (1905)
Ang mangmang ay nagsabi sa kaniyang puso, walang Dios: sila'y nangapapahamak, sila'y nagsigawa ng kasuklamsuklam na mga gawa; walang gumagawa ng mabuti,

เพลงสดุดี 14:1 Thai: from KJV
คนโง่รำพึงในใจของตนว่า "ไม่มีพระเจ้า" เขาทั้งหลายก็เลวทรามลง เขากระทำกิจการที่น่าสะอิดสะเอียน ไม่มีสักคนเดียวที่ทำดี

Mezmurlar 14:1 Turkish
Akılsız içinden, ‹‹Tanrı yok!›› der.
İnsanlar bozuldu, iğrençlik aldı yürüdü,
İyilik eden yok.

Thi-thieân 14:1 Vietnamese (1934)
Kẻ ngu dại nói trong lòng rằng: chẳng có Ðức Chúa Trời. Chúng nó đều bại hoại, đã làm những việc gớm ghiếc; Chẳng có ai làm đều lành.

Psalm 13:6
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