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[CSDb] - The Elder Scrollers by Booze Design (2019)
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The Elder Scrollers   [2019]

The Elder Scrollers Released by :
Booze Design

Release Date :
30 June 2019

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :
Gubbdata 2019

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at Gubbdata 2019 :  #1

User rating:*********_  9.3/10 (56 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.7/10 (20 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... HCL of Booze Design
  JackAsser of Booze Design
  Ruk of Booze Design
Music .... Dane of Booze Design
Graphics .... Dane of Booze Design
  Jailbird of Booze Design
  Mirage of 5 O'Clock Software, Booze Design

SIDs used in this release :
The Elder Scrollers(/MUSICIANS/M/Mitch_and_Dane/Dane/Elder_Scrollers.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 30 December 2019
that colorful zoom scroller is unreal! had to rub my eyes and look again if I really connected a C64 to my CRT
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 8 July 2019
Me likes!
User Comment
Submitted by Photon on 6 July 2019
Great scrollers!! BD doing what they do best :)
User Comment
Submitted by Adam on 5 July 2019
excellent demo.
User Comment
Submitted by uctumi on 5 July 2019
Great demo obviously but I specially like the music!
User Comment
Submitted by Stone on 4 July 2019
My first time as a sofa-scener and I get treated to this :D Several "Wow!"s were heard in my darkened living room that night. What can I say? The great parts outnumber the good. Amazing!
User Comment
Submitted by Djinn on 3 July 2019
The opening screen! What a winner!
User Comment
Submitted by ChristopherJam on 3 July 2019
This was truly epic. Opening multiscreen pic was amazing, good to see return of amigaball, and yes, I remember the every 3 lines FLI discussion :)

Also, damn.. I really need to get around to releasing the chaos zoomer I wrote a while ago.. can't even remember how it compares to this one haha.
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 3 July 2019
Hahaha, I agree! Next demo I’ll surely spend more time on music. This time I focused on pixeling and threw the soundtrack together the day before the deadline. I guess it shows. :)
User Comment
Submitted by F7sus4 on 3 July 2019
You guys could invest in a bit more polished/well-thought music arrangement. Apart from that, insta-classic. Yay!
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 3 July 2019
Jackasser: Listening at the stream also reveals that you call Shadow "Shaddan". :D
User Comment
Submitted by prowler on 3 July 2019
User Comment
Submitted by Mikael on 2 July 2019
Breathtaking. One of those demos to return to, many times! For all reasons. WOW!
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 2 July 2019
@Shadow: I screamed ”fyra gånger tre” at the compo several times!!! :D
User Comment
Submitted by Shadow on 2 July 2019
Worthy winner for sure! The circle-gfx is awesome (and as someone already mentioned, really cool seeing the entire picture posted on FB, very enjoyable even on PC screen).
As always from Booze some real top-notch routines, the rotating scroller is superb!
Too bad it's frowned upon to have those little texts describing what effect you are seeing, because I have to admit that at the party I totally missed the 3-line-FLI - I just thought it was nice that someone dared to bring back good old 4x4 effects, and a good-looking one at that! :)
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 2 July 2019
@B.Röst: Coming from you this means ALOT. Still I have a feeling of cheating by feeding you with sausages and beers. Kinda like buying that comment. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by BjørnRøstøen on 2 July 2019
The intro is awe-inspiring, setting the stage for an onslaught of awesome complicated routines. Somebody has to be the best, and, well, that is clearly you. One is almost tempted to quit coding altogether and start playing Skyrim instead, but... nah. Got to keep pushing on. If I keep at it for another 20 years, maybe, just maybe I can reach this level of excellence. Highly unlikely though.
User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 2 July 2019
you know It must be an impressive gfx or effect when DK comments. :) no offense my old friend ;)

but actually it's no wonder. Dane's circle pic in intro is just masterpiece (saw it in a full circle one on FB lately - just WOW!)
and the scroller DKs mentions - OSOM!
I like this demo more and more with every seeing. it lacks some in the design department but hey... it's still BD!
more Mirage and JB next time plz!
Dane music is just spot on - like always!
User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 2 July 2019
<Dane> I’m a musician. :D

you are a musician who's not! :) great demo!! 10/10 for the gfx, 9.9/10 for the rest.
User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 2 July 2019
@DK: Yes, the colourful zoomscroller charset is mine. (No sprites used, as some might have thought, and no bitmap either, just 3 colours with 2 colours changed on some lines)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 1 July 2019
@mirage: that zoomscroller charset wasn't yours either? I could've sworn it was!...
@dane: Awesome pixelwork on the intro-circle!
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 1 July 2019
So nice, unfortunately way too short! ;-) Some real killer effects in there (rotating scroller, colorful zoomscroller, ring intro, Amiga Ball vector), but they weren't as nicely presented as you'd expect from Booze (or as that awesome intro made you expect!). Also, I just don't like fresnel zoomed effects! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 1 July 2019
@Digger: The part is precalced by a tool I wrote that emits clear instructions to the c64 exactly what to clear and copy and when to update the double buffer. This script is split into chunks save on disk. To make the picture having a different begin and ending while still be a full circle is just a change of pics half way in my tool. The c64 doesn’t care what is streamed into memory. And it help us not having to code a fader. The idea came just hours prior to the compo actually and Dane fixed a tail and I stenciled the head clear.
User Comment
Submitted by Digger on 1 July 2019
I just realised that the intro logo is actually impossible to draw in 2D, as it wraps as a spiral!

@Dane: Would you share some work stages and tech behind how have you solved it?
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Submitted by Dymo on 1 July 2019
Really nice stuff.. congratz on the win :)
User Comment
Submitted by Digger on 1 July 2019
The multicolour zoom scroll reminds me of Lameness Since 1991
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Submitted by Neo-Rio on 1 July 2019
Nice SID rendition of the Elder Scrolls Morrowind theme :)
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Submitted by AMB on 1 July 2019
Excellent demo. Another step into the future of the C64.
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 1 July 2019
@Carrion and Icon

Thanks. I spent maybe 60-70 hours on the gfx (most of those the last hours before the deadline...) and having it mistaken for something from Mirage is surely a great compliment. And there is no doubt he is still the master! I’m a musician. :D

@Bob: Maybe it wasn’t the demo you were expecting but then again, this is more of an in-between party demo. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 1 July 2019
compyx, extra colors are a mere change of 1 colreg imho.
User Comment
Submitted by Compyx on 30 June 2019
For something with 'scrollers' in the name I expected more scrollers. Very decent demo though, I'll have some fun thinking about how I'd do the zoom scroll without looking at the code. (MC charset + $d017 stretcher would be my guess)
User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 30 June 2019
@mirage oops silly me then.
@dane sorry ;)

But the pic has some mirage-ish vibe to it ... IMO
Greta work in any way and Dane Gfx FTW
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 30 June 2019
Digger, yeah I forgot to mention how nice that plasma looked, but I thought its 4x4 :)
User Comment
Submitted by Digger on 30 June 2019
No-one has noticed every 3rd FLI line plasma?! :D
User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 30 June 2019
User Comment
Submitted by Icon on 30 June 2019
Great stuff! A well deserved first place in the demo compo. The intro and the colorful zoomer are topnotch.
Dane: how many hours of work did take to complete the intro graphics?
User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 30 June 2019
I didn't even know I did anything for this demo. Good to know :)

The awesome big picture was done by Dane, who is every bit as good (if not better) as pixeling as I am :)
User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 30 June 2019
Finally some gfx from Mirage \o/
This huge scrolling pic simply rox. The demo is also really kool, especially the nice touch on Bonzai Scroller ;) Kool.
User Comment
Submitted by Rudi on 30 June 2019
Dope zoom scroll and vectors.
User Comment
Submitted by Saphir on 30 June 2019
Stylish and great!
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 30 June 2019
Nice stuff in here, however I did expect more after several years of absence, I hope you guys where holding it back for X-2020 Blast!
Some recycled stuff though ;) sad that this char zoomer thingy took off the edge for mee just as Oswald pointed it out not my cup of tea. Yet the best demo from the Party so congratulations for a well deserved #1

hmm no comment from Mixer about recycled stuff ?? odd. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Mixer on 30 June 2019
Flawless demo. Totally Dane-ed version of Nervana Rising.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 30 June 2019
That's one big image scroller! Nice demo!
User Comment
Submitted by Magic on 30 June 2019
Good to see BD back again! Keep on pushing those pixels, sid and code to new amazing moments! Cheers!
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 30 June 2019
great show, the zooming of the chars behind the effects is not my cup of tea. love you had the balls for showing the many bob fx, eventho not 50/25 fps :)
User Comment
Submitted by mankeli on 30 June 2019
That zoomscroll barely even zooms!
User Comment
Submitted by TWW on 30 June 2019
OMPH!!! Very nice, love the effects.
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 30 June 2019
Circular scroller is massive! <3
User Comment
Submitted by Slator on 30 June 2019
wow, awesome work, some straight in your face scrollers... will give some headaches :)
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 30 June 2019
another OMG production! 10/10! thanks Booze Design for enriching us with lovely releases
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 30 June 2019
Impressive! Great show.
User Comment
Submitted by grip on 30 June 2019
So much goodness!
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 30 June 2019
Really nice! That 3x3 bitmap scroller is awesome. A real technical powerhouse of a demo.
User Comment
Submitted by Walt on 30 June 2019
Lovely scrollers ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Cruzer on 30 June 2019
Impressive stuff, based on the stream! Time to watch it properly now.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 30 June 2019
It's awesome
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 30 June 2019
I enjoyed every bit and nibble and byte!!! :D
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