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Diemyntau gwaed - Wicipedia Neidio i'r cynnwys

Diemyntau gwaed

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Padellu am ddiemyntau yn Sierra Leone.

Term sy'n ymwneud â masnachu diemyntau yw diemwnt gwaed (hefyd: diemwnt wedi trosi, diemwnt gwrthdaro, diemwnt poeth neu diemwnt rhyfel), sy'n cyfeirio at ddiemwnt sydd wedi ei gloddi mewn rhanbarth rhyfel, a'i gwerthu er mwyn ariannu gwrthryfel, ymdrechion rhyfel byddin sy'n goresgyn, neu gefnogi gweithgareddau arglwydd rhyfel, fel arfer yn Affrica.[1]


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  1.  Conflict Diamonds. Cenhedloedd Unedig (21 Mawrth 2001).


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  • Udy Bell (2000). Sierra Leone: Building on a Hard-Won Peace. UN Chronicle Online Edition, Issue 4. URL

  • Daniel Bergner (2003). In the land of magic soldiers: a story of white and Black in West Africa. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 0-374-26653-0

  • Greg Campbell (2002). Blood diamonds: tracing the deadly path of the world's most precious stones. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. ISBN 0-8133-3939-1

  • (2000) gol. Jakkie Cilliers a Christian Dietrich: Angola’s War Economy. Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies. URL

  • Edward Jay Epstein (1982). The rise and fall of diamonds: the shattering of a brilliant illusion. Efrog Newydd: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-671-41289-2

  • (2005) Fuelling War: Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts. Llundain: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-37970-9

  • Arthur V. Levy (2003). Diamonds and conflict: problems and solutions. Efrog Newydd: Hauppauge. ISBN 1-59033-715-8

  • Philippe Le Billon (2006). Fatal Transactions: conflict diamonds and the (anti)terrorist consumer. Antipode, tud. 38(4): 778-801

  • William Reno (1995). Corruption and state politics in Sierra Leone. Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt. ISBN 0-521-47179-6

  • Ingrid J. Tamm (2002). Diamonds In Peace and War: Severing the Conflict Diamond Connection. World peace foundation. ISBN 0-9721033-5-XURL

  • Tom. The Heartless Stone: A Journey Through the World of Diamonds, Deceit and Desire. Efrog Newydd: St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-33969-0

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