De Vaux

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The De Vaux (deVoe) was an automobile produced by the De Vaux Motors Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan and Oakland, California (USA). Heavily based on the 1930 Durant (automobile), the vehicle was produced for the 1931 model year only. Bodies for the cars were built by Hayes Body of Grand Rapids. The cars were powered by four and six cylinder Continental engines.

Production of the De Vaux began in April 1931 and the company was unable to meet the market demand. DeVaux produced 4,808 vehicles before being taken over by Continental Motors Corporation in February 1932. Continental then tried to make a go of the company and renamed the cars De Vaux Continental. After producing approximately 4,200 vehicles during the 1933 and 1934 model years, Continental returned to building engines for other uses and remaining assets were repurchased by Norman De Vaux who hoped to restart production. De Vaux's plans never materialized and he sold his California plant to General Motors in 1936.


Kimes, Beverly & Clark, Henry. Standard Catalog of American Cars 1805-1942, Krause Publications, 1996 ISBN 0-87341-428-4