Category Archives: Chinese basics

[fun composition] 仁者じんしゃ爱山,智者ちしゃ爱水. The kind love mountain, the wise love water

Mountain is stable while water is dynamic. The kind love the gentle calmness of the mountain while the wise love the sparks of brilliance dancing in the water. ひとし roots in the idea of two people greeting each other. It … Continue reading

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[Fun composition] Man proposes, God disposes 谋事ざいひと なりごと在天ざいてん

I was pleasantly surprised there is a perfect mirror translation for this idiom. てん is an interesting character: the horizontal stroke on the top symbolizes that no matter how big you are, sky is the limit. てん is the home for … Continue reading

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Fun compositions |大人おとな Grown ups

大人おとな literally means big person. In the old days, it was used to address someone of significance. Today, it is a casual term that means adults or grown ups. だい vividly illustrates someone spreading their arms (thus looks bigger). (listen:) grown … Continue reading

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Home: roof + pig

In ancient times, most Chinese raised pigs in their homes. A roof with a pig becomes the character for home. 家人かじん is family member(s). (listen:) family member  • : home. Pronunciation: jiā (1) • じん: person or people. Pronunciation: rén (2)

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Male= field + strength

This week we will highlight a few Chinese characters that have interesting and somewhat intuitive compositions. In a traditional Chinese society back in the old days, men worked in the field and women worked at home. Thus, “male” is field … Continue reading

Posted in Chinese basics, Chinese culture, Family, Relationship | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment