Tag Archives: American

[Mad Men] New York Manhattan 纽约 曼哈顿

Both of the Chinese names are based on phonetic associations. (listen:) new york manhatten  • 纽约: New York. 纽 (knot) niǔ(3)  约 (agreement) yuē(1) • 曼哈顿: Manhattan. 曼 (beautiful) màn(4)  哈 (sound of laughter) hā(1)  顿 (stop) dùn(4) Lots of Chinese phrases are made with 2 … Continue reading

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[Mad Men] Mad Men 广告狂人きょうじん

The Chinese translation for Mad Men means advertising mad people. (listen:) mad men  • 广: broad, wide. Pronunciation: guǎng (3) • つげ: tell, inform. Pronunciation: gào (4) • きょう: crazy, wild. Pronunciation: kuáng (2) • じん: person or people. Pronunciation: rén (2)

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Hamburger 汉堡つつみ

This week we will touch on some popular western food items. (listen:) hamburger  • 汉: Chinese. Pronunciation: hàn (4) • 堡: fortress. Pronunciation: bǎo(3) • つつみ: bun, package. Pronunciation: bāo (1) Can be simplified to 汉堡. There are 56 races in China, 汉 is the … Continue reading

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USA and American(s). 美国びくに,美国びくにじん

The Independence Day in the US is coming up on July 4th. We will use this week to talk about Independence Day related things, including BBQ. Most country names are phonetically translated into Chinese. We will cover more countries next … Continue reading

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