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Site Search

Designated Sites View

Search for designated site details

This page allows you to view detailed information about sites designated for their wildlife or geological interest

If you know the name of a Designated Site and want to know more about it, you can search for it by typing all, or part of the name, below.

To view all the sites of a given designation (e.g. Local Nature Reserve, Site of Special Scientific Interest etc.) you can select it using the ‘Designation type’ drop-down.

If you select a county (from the drop-down list), all the sites within that county will be displayed.
(Note, that a standardised set of counties has been used rather than unitary authorities.)

You can also combine searches: for example, typing the word 'river' in ‘Site name’ and selecting 'Staffordshire' as a county will show all sites in Staffordshire with 'river' in the name. Selecting 'Norfolk' as a county and the Designation type 'Local Nature Reserve' will show all those Reserves in Norfolk.

For an interactive map that can be explored using various mapping tools that are included, please see the MAGIC (defra.gov.uk) website.

Please follow the links for information on seeking Natural England’s advice to public bodies and to owner/occupiers.