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Displaying 1 - 25 of 160 results.


    • Journal article
    Sclerosing cholangitis associated to cryptosporidiosis in liver-transplanted children.
    Campos, M Jouzdani, E Sempoux, Christine[UCL] Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Reding, Raymond[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Sokal, Etienne[UCL] (2000) European journal of pediatrics — Vol. 159, no. 1-2, p. 113-5 (2000)
    • Journal article
    La maladie coelliaque dans l'enfance: revue clinique de 39 patients
    Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Morin, C L Roy, Cécile[UCL] Weber, A (1976) L'unión médicale du Canada — Vol. 105, no. 11, p. 1660-5 (1976)
    • Journal article
    Letter: Loperamide in treatment of persistent diarrhoea in children.
    Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Petit, B F[UCL] de Meyer, R (1975) British medical journal — Vol. 3, no. 5986, p. 766-7 (1975)
    • Journal article
    Congenital chloride diarrhoea with functional ileus in a premature infant.
    Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Goenen, Martin[UCL] Claus, D. Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] De Meyer, R Tremouroux, Jean[UCL] (1976) Helvetica paediatrica acta — Vol. 30, no. 4-5, p. 343-8 (1976)
    • Journal article
    Exogenous spermine induces maturation of the liver in suckling rats.
    Wéry, I Kaouass, M. Deloyer, P Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Barbason, H Dandrifosse, G. (1996) Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) — Vol. 24, no. 5, p. 1206-10 (1996)
    • Journal article
    La greffe hépatique chez l'enfant; problèmes liés au recrutement de donneurs potentiels.
    Moulin, Didier[UCL] Reynaert, Marc[UCL] Mahieu, P. Carlier, M A Scholtes, Jean-Louis[UCL] Gouverneur, Jacques[UCL] Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] De Hemptinne, Bernard Kestens, Paul[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] (1986) Agressologie: revue internationale de physio-biologie et de pharmacologie appliquées aux effets de l'agression — Vol. 27, no. 9, p. 753-755 (1986)
    • Journal article
    Asymptomatic pancreatitis in cystic fibrosis without enzymatic achylia.
    Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Scalais, E. De Meyer, R (1980) Acta paediatrica Belgica — Vol. 33, no. 3, p. 179-82 (1980)
    • Journal article
    Ontogeny of cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in rat colon: role of glucocorticoids.
    Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] De Meyer, R Kolanowski, Jaroslaw[UCL] (1983) The American journal of physiology — Vol. 244, no. 5, p. G469-74 (1983)
    • Journal article
    Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy for calcified lower choledocholithiasis in an 18-month-old boy.
    Sokal, Etienne[UCL] De Bilderling, Georges[UCL] Clapuyt, Philippe[UCL] Opsomer, Reinier-Jacques[UCL] Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1994) Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition — Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 391-4 (1994)
    • Journal article
    Localized absence of colonic musculature: an unusual cause of perforation in a colonic esophageal transplant.
    Gosseye, Serge[UCL] Libotte, B. Moulin, Didier[UCL] Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] (1985) Pediatric pathology / affiliated with the International Paediatric Pathology Association — Vol. 4, no. 1-2, p. 143-8 (1985)
    • Journal article
    Problèmes de réanimation dans le traitement des oesophagites caustiques.
    Mahieu, P. Moulin, Didier[UCL] Reynaert, M.[UCL] Fiasse, René[UCL] Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Vanderwielen, B. (1982) Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica — Vol. 45, no. 11-12, p. 519-26 (1982)
    • Journal article
    Role of dietary iron in maturation of rat small intestine at weaning.
    Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Delacroix, Dominique L.[UCL] Dekeyser, Nadine[UCL] Paquet, S Horsmans, Yves[UCL] Boelens, M. Van Craynest, M P De Meyer, R (1984) The American journal of physiology — Vol. 246, no. 6 Pt 1, p. G725-31 (1984)
