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Behavioral Education for Human, Animal, Vegetation, and Ecosystem Management (BEHAVE) | Conferences and Events | Utah State University
Behavioral Education for Human, Animal, Vegetation, and Ecosystem Management (BEHAVE) is a research and outreach program that explores the principles of animal behavior. Our primary focus is on diet and habitat selection of livestock. Understanding how animals learn will enable us to train animals to fit our landscapes rather than having to modify our landscapes to fit our animals. Using grazing as a tool will reduce our use of expensive machinery, fossil fuels, and toxic herbicides. By understanding how animals learn, we can use their natural behaviors to manage weeds, enhance biodiversity, improve feeding systems, minimize use of riparian areas, and much more.

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The quality of meat from sheep treated with tannin- and saponin-based remedies as a natural strategy for parasite control, D. M.R. Brogna, R. Tansawat, D. Cornforth, R. Ward, M. Bella, G. Luciano, A. Priolo, and J. J. Villalba; Meat Science

Effects of supplementing endophyte-infected tall fescue with sainfoin and polyethylene glycol on the physiology and ingestive behavior of sheep, F. Cantanese, R. A. Distel, and J. J. Villalba; Journal of Animal Science

Influence of drinking water with quebracho tannin on intake of endophyte-infected tall fescue by cattle, T. L. Jensen, F. D. Provenza, and J. J. Villalba; Animal Feed Science and Technology

Importance of grass-legume choices on cattle grazing behavior, performance and meat characteristics, B. Maughan, F. D. Provenza, R. Tansawat, C. Maughan, S. Martini, R. Ward, A. Clemensen, X. Song, D. Cornforth, and J. J. Villalba; Journal of Animal Science

Influence of Experience on Browsing Sagebrush by Cattle and Its Impacts on Plant Community Structure, C. A. Petersen, J. J. Villalba, and F. D. Provenza; Rangeland Ecology & Management


Preference for tannin-containing supplements by sheep consuming endophyte-infected tall fescue hay, M. Bernard, B. Maughan, and J. J. Villalba; Journal of Animal Science

The importance of diet choice on stress-related responses by lambs, F. Cantanese, M. Obelar, J. J. Villalba, and R. A. Distel; Applied Animal Behaviour Science

Plant secondary compounds as complementary resources: are they always complementary?, G. Copani, Jeffery O. Hall, J. Miller, A. Priolo, and J. J. Villalba; Oecologia

Influence of diet sequence on intake of foods containing ergotamine d-tartrate, tannins and saponins by sheep, T. L. Jensen, F. D. Provenza, and J. J. Villalba; Applied Animal Behaviour Science

Preference for tanniferous (Onobrychis viciifolia) and non-tanniferous (Astragalus cicer) forage plants by sheep in response to challenge infection with Haemonchus contortus, J. J. Villalba, J. Miller, Jefferey O. Hall, A. K. Clemensen, R. Stott, D. Snyder, and F. D. Provenza; Small Ruminant Research


Early experience with diverse foods increases intake of nonfamiliar flavors and feeds in sheep, F. Cantanese, R. A. Distel, F. D. Provenza, and J. J. Villalba; Journal of Animal Science

Depression of rumen ammonia and blood urea by quebracho tannin-containing supplements fed after high-nitrogen diets with no evidence of self-regulation of tannin intake by sheep, H. T. Fernández, F. Cantanese, G. Puthoda, R. A. Distel, and J. J. Villalba; Small Ruminant Research

Preference for condensed tannins by sheep in response to challenge infection with Haemonchus contortus, J. Juhnke, J. Miller, Jefferey O. Hall, F. D. Provenza, and J. J. Villalba; Veterinary Parasitology

Phytochemical complementarities among endophyte-infected tall fescue, reed canarygrass, birdsfoot trefoil and alfalfa affect cattle foraging, T. D. Lyman, F. D. Provenza, J. J. Villalba, and R. D. Wiedmeier; Animal

Influence of saponins and tannins on intake and nutrient digestion of alkaloid-containing foods, J. Owens, F. D. Provenza, R. D. Wiedmeier, and J. J. Villalba; Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Supplementing endophyte-infected tall fescue or reed canarygrass with alfalfa or birdsfoot trefoil increases forage intake and digestibility by sheep, J. Owens, F. D. Provenza, R. D. Wiedmeier, and J. J. Villalba; Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


Interactions between mild nutrient imbalance and taste preferences in young ruminants, A. Bach, J. J. Villalba, and I. R. Ipharraguerre; Journal of Animal Science

Cattle preferences differ when endophyte-infected tall fescue, birdsfoot trefoil, and alfalfa are grazed in difference sequences, T. D. Lyman, F. D. Provenza, J. J. Villalba, and R. D. Wiedmeier; Journal of Animal Science

Transmission of self-medicative behaviour from mother to offspring in sheep, U. Sanga, F. D. Provenza, and J. J. Villalba; Animal Behavior

Feeding behavior and performance of lambs are influenced by flavor diversity, J. J. Villalba, A. Bach, and I. R. Ipharraguerre; Journal of Animal Science

Preference for diverse pastures by sheep in response to intraruminal administrations of tannins, saponins, and alkaloids, J. J. Villalba, F. D. Provenza, A. K. Clemensen, R. Larsen, and J. Juhnke; Grass and Forage Science



Effect of Season on Chemical Composition and in situ Degradability in Cows and in Adapted and Unadapted Goats of Three Mexican Browse Species, L. M. Camacho, R. Rojo, A. Z.M. Salem, Frederick D. Provenza, G. D. Mendoza, F. Avilés, and O. D. Montañez-Valdez; Animal Feed Science and Technology

Role of early experience in the development of preference for low-quality food in sheep, F. R.A. Cantanese, R. M. Distel, R. M. Rodriguez-Iglesias, and J. J. Villalba; Animal


Dynamics of the Volatile Defense of Winter “Dormant” Balsam Poplar (Populus balsamifera), Thomas P. Clausen, Janice Chen, John P. Bryant, Frederick D. Provenza, and Juan J. Villalba; Journal of Chemical Ecology


The Role of Natural Plant Products in Modulating the Immune System: An Adaptable Approach for Combating Disease in Grazing Animals, Frederick D. Provenza and Juan J. Villalba; Small Ruminant Research


Selection of Tannins by Sheep in Response to Gastrointestinal Nematode Infection, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, Jeffery O. Hall, and L. D. Lisonbee; Journal of Animal Science



Behavioral Factors in Rotational Grazing Systems, Mark W. Brunson and E. A. Burritt

Behavioral Factors in Rotational Grazing Systems, Mark W. Brunson and Elizabeth A. Burritt; Rangelands


Neem-Tree (Azadirachta indica Juss.) Extract as a Feed Additive Against the American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) in Sheep (Ovis aries), S. Y. Landau, Frederick D. Provenza, D. R. Gardner, J. A. Pfister, E. L. Knoppel, C. Peterson, D. Kababya, G. R. Needham, and Juan J. Villalba; Veterinary Parasitology


Effects of Tannin on Selection by Sheep of Forages Containing Alkaloids, Tannins and Saponins, Larry D. Lisonbee, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


Tannins and Self-Medication: Implications for Sustainable Parasite Control in Herbivores, Larry D. Lisonbee, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Jeffery O. Hall; Behavioural Processes


Supplemental Polyethylene Glycol Affects Intake of and Preference for Sericea Lespedeza by Cattle, Greg K. Mantz, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Animal Science


Relationship between Reluctance to Eat Novel Foods and Open-Field Behavior in Sheep, Juan J. Villalba, Xavier Manteca, and Frederick D. Provenza; Physiology and Behavior


Learning and Dietary Choice in Herbivores, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Range Management


Rumen Distension and Contraction Influence Feed Preference by Sheep, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Rusty Stott; Journal of Animal Science



Dietary Monoterpene Concentrations Influence Feeding Patterns of Lambs, L. E. Dziba and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Sheep Foraging Behavior in Response to Interactions among Alkaloids, Tannins and Saponins, Tiffany D. Lyman, Frederick D. Provenza, and Juan J. Villalba; Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


Is Dietary Choice Important to Animal Welfare?, Xavier Manteca, Juan J. Villalba, Sheldon B. Atwood, Luthando Dziba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Veterinary Behavior


Sequence of Food Presentation Influences Intake of Foods Containing Tannins and Terpenes, Travis E. Mote, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science

Foraging sequence influences the ability of lambs to consume foods containing tannins and terpenes, T. Mote, J. J. Villalba, and F. D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


What Does It Mean to Be Locally Adapted and Who Cares Anyway?, Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Animal Science


The Effect of Polyethylene Glycol on Intake of Mediterranean Shrubs by Sheep and Goats, J. Rogosic, J. A. Pfister, Frederick D. Provenza, and J. Pavlicevic; Journal of Animal Science


Learned Appetites for Calcium, Phosphorus, and Sodium in Sheep, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Jeffery O. Hall; Journal of Animal Science


Food Color, Flavor, and Conditioned Avoidance among Red-Winged Blackbirds, Scott J. Werner, Bruce A. Kimball, and Frederick D. Provenza; Physiology and Behavior



How Does Pattern of Feeding and Rate of Nutrient Delivery Influence Conditioned Food Preferences?, A. J. Duncan, C. Elwert, Juan J. Villalba, J. Yearsley, I. Pouloupoulou, and I. J. Gordon; Oecologia


Supplemental Energy and Protein Increase Use of Sagebrush by Sheep, Luthando E. Dziba, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, and Sheldon B. Atwood; Small Ruminant Research


Relative Availability of Tannin- and Terpene-Containing Foods Affects Food Intake and Preference by Lambs, Travis E. Mote, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Patterns of Diet Mixing by Sheep Offered Foods Varying in Nutrients and Plant Secondary Compounds, Thomas G. Papachristou, Luthando E. Dziba, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


The Value to Herbivores of Plant Physical and Chemical Diversity in Time and Space, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, J. Haskell, Jennifer W. MacAdam, T. C. Griggs, and Randall D. Wiedmeier; Crop Science


Self-Medication and Homeostatic Behaviour in Herbivores: Learning about the Benefits of Nature’s Pharmacy, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Animal



Intake of Lambs Offered Ad Libitum Access to One of Three Iso-Caloric and Iso-Nitrogenous Mixed Rations or a Choice of All Three Foods, Sheldon B. Atwood, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, and Randall D. Wiedmeier; Livestock Science


Feeding Behavior of Lambs in Relation to Kinetics of 1,8-Cineole Dosed Intravenously or into the Rumen, Luthando E. Dziba, Jeffery O. Hall, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Foraging in Domestic Herbivores: Linking the Internal and External Milieux, Frederick D. Provenza and Juan J. Villalba; Feeding in Domestic Vertebrates: From Structure to Behavior


The Effect of Activated Charcoal and Number of Species Offered on Intake of Mediterranean Shrubs by Sheep and Goats, Jozo Rogosic, James A. Pfister, Frederick D. Provenza, and Darko Grbesa; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Sheep and Goat Preference for and Nutritional Value of Mediterranean Maquis Shrubs, J. Rogosic, J. A. Pfister, Frederick D. Provenza, and D. Grbesa; Small Ruminant Research


Influence of Stock Density and Rate and Temporal Patterns of Forage Allocation on the Diet Mixing Behavior of Sheep Grazing Sagebrush Steppe, Ryan A. Shaw, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Resource Availability and Quality Influence Patterns of Diet Mixing by Sheep, Ryan A. Shaw, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Phosphorus Appetite in Sheep: Dissociating Taste from Postingestive Effects, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, Jeffery O. Hall, and C. Peterson; Journal of Animal Science


Terpenes and Carbohydrate Source Influence Rumen Fermentation, Digestibility, Intake, and Preference in Sheep, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and K. C. Olson; Journal of Animal Science


Initial Conditions and Temporal Delays Influence Preference for Foods High in Tannins and for Foraging Locations with and without Foods High in Tannins by Sheep, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Ryan Shaw; Applied Animal Behaviour Science



Nutritional Context Influences Preferences of Lambs for Foods with Plant Secondary Metabolites, Elena Baraza, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Effect of Added Sugar on Preference and Intake by Sheep of Hay Cut in the Morning versus the Afternoon, Elizabeth A. Burritt, H. F. Mayland, Frederick D. Provenza, R. L. Miller, and J. C. Burns; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Flaws in Orr’s Laws (and the Paradigm that Produced Them): An Abbreviated Response, Nicole Haynes McCoy and Sheldon Atwood; Conservation Biology


Foraging Ecology of Goats and Sheep on Wooded Rangelands, Thomas G. Papachristou, Luthando D. Dziba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Small Ruminant Research


Foraging in Chemically Diverse Environments: Energy, Protein, and Alternative Foods Influence Ingestion of Plant Secondary Metabolites by Lambs, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Proximal Cues of Pocket Gopher Burrow Plugging Behavior: Influence of Light, Burrow Openings, and Temperature, Scott J. Werner, Dale L. Nolte, and Frederick D. Provenza; Physiology and Behavior



Experience Influences Diet Mixing by Herbivores: Implications for Plant Biochemical Diversity, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Guo-dong Han; Oikos



Twenty-Five Years of Paradox in Plant-Herbivore Interactions and "Sustainable" Grazing Management, Frederick D. Provenza; Rangelands


Foraging by Herbivores: Linking the Biochemical Diversity of Plants to Herbivore Culture and Landscape Diversity, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, and John P. Bryant; Landscape Ecology and Resource Management: Linking Theory with Practice


Linking Herbivore Experience, Varied Diets, and Plant Biochemical Diversity, Frederick D. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, Luthando D. Dziba, Sheldon B. Atwood, and Roger E. Banner; Small Ruminant Research



Importance of Alternative Foods on the Persistence of Flavor Aversions: Implications for Applied Flavor Avoidance Learning, Bruce A. Kimball, Frederick D. Provenza, and Elizabeth A. Burritt; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Polyethylene Glycol Affects Goats' Feeding Behavior in a Tannin-Rich Environment, Serge Y. Landau, Avi Perevolotsky, Dorit Kababya, Nissim Silanikove, Ronit Nitzan, Hagit Baram, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Range Management


Risk Management to Reduce Livestock Losses from Toxic Plants, James A. Pfister, Frederick D. Provenza, Kip E. Panter, Bryan L. Stegelmeier, and Karen L. Launchbaugh; Journal of Range Management


Polyethylene Glycol Influences Selection of Foraging Location by Sheep Consuming Quebracho Tannin, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Animal Science


Influence of Macronutrients and Activated Charcoal on Intake of Sagebrush by Sheep and Goats, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Roger E. Banner; Journal of Animal Science


Influence of Macronutrients and Polyethylene Glycol on Intake of a Quebracho Tannin Diet by Sheep and Goats, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Roger E. Banner; Journal of Animal Science


Consequences of the Interaction between Nutrients and Plant Secondary Metabolites on Herbivore Selectivity: Benefits or Detriments for Plants?, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and J. P. Bryant; Oikos


Exposure to Ammoniated Wheat Straw as Suckling Calves Improves Performance of Mature Beef Cows Wintered on Ammoniated Wheat Straw, Randall D. Wiedmeier, Frederick D. Provenza, and Elizabeth A. Burritt; Journal of Animal Science



Changes in Preferences of Gestating Heifers Fed Untreated or Ammoniated Straw in Different Flavors, Sheldon B. Atwood, Frederick D. Provenza, Randall D. Wiedmeier, and Roger E. Banner; Journal of Animal Science


Influence of Free-Choice vs Mixed-Ration Diets on Food Intake and Performance of Fattening Calves, Sheldon B. Atwood, Frederick D. Provenza, Randall D. Wiedmeier, and Roger E. Banner; Journal of Animal Science


Herbivore Response to Anti-Quality Factors in Forages, K L. Launchbaugh, Frederick D. Provenza, and J A. Pfister; Journal of Range Management


Conditioned Food Aversion: From Theory to Practice, Michael H. Ralphs, Frederick D. Provenza, James A. Pfister, David Graham, Glenn C. Duff, and Gary Greathouse; Rangelands


Use of Tannin-Binding Chemicals to Assay for Tannis and Their Negative Postingestive Effects in Ruminants, N. Silanikove, A. Perevolotsky, and Frederick D. Provenza; Animal Feed Science and Technology


Supplemental Polyethylene Glycol Influences Preferences of Goats Browsing Blackbrush, Christopher H. Titus, Frederick D. Provenza, Avi Perevolotsky, Nissim Silanikove, and Jozo Rogosic; Journal of Range Management


Preference for Polyethylene Glycol by Sheep Fed a Quebracho Tannin Diet, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Animal Science



Supplemental Barley and CharcoaI Increase Intake of Sagebrush by Lambs, Roger E. Banner, J. Rogosic, Elizabeth A. Burritt, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Range Management


Sagebrush Ingestion by Lambs: Effects of Experience and Macronutrients, Elizabeth A. Burritt, Roger E. Banner, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Range Management


Role of Toxins in Intake of Varied Diets by Sheep, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Short-Term Changes in Eating Patterns Explain the Effects of Condensed Tannins on Feed Intake in Heifers, S. Landau, N. Silanikove, Z. Nitsan, D. Barkai, H. Baram, Frederick D. Provenza, and A. Perevolotsky; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Science, Myth, and the Mangement of Natural Resources, Frederick D. Provenza; Rangelands


Self-Regulation of Intake of Polyethylene Glycol by Sheep Fed Diets Varying in Tannin Concentrations, Frederick D. Provenza, Elizabeth A. Burritt, A. Perevolotsky, and N. Silanikove; Journal of Animal Science


Roles of Odor, Taste, and Toxicity in the Food Preferences of Lambs: Implications for Mimicry in Plants, Frederick D. Provenza, Bruce A. Kimball, and Juan J. Villalba; Oikos


Lambs Fed Protein or Energy Imbalanced Diets Forage in Locations and on Foods that Rectify Imbalances, Lindsey L. Scott and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Preferences for Foods Varying in Macronutrients and Tannins by Lambs Supplemented with Polyethylene Glycol, C. H. Titus, Frederick D. Provenza, A. Perevolotsky, and N. Silanikove; Journal of Animal Science


Discriminating among Novel Foods: Effects of Energy Provision on Preferences of Lambs for Poor-Quality Foods, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Postingestive Feedback from Starch Influences the Ingestive Behaviour of Sheep Consuming Wheat Straw, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Roles of Flavor and Reward Intensities in Acquisition and Generalization of Food Preferences: Do Strong Plant Signals Always Deter Herbivory?, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Roles of Novelty, Generalization, and Postingestive Feedback in the Recognition of Foods by Lambs, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Animal Science



Conditioned Food Aversions: Principles and Practices, with Special Reference to Social Facilitation, Michael H. Ralphs and Frederick D. Provenza; Proceedings of the Nutrition Society


Variation in Food Selection Among Lambs: Effects of Basal Diet and Foods Offered in a Meal, Lindsey L. Scott and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Animal Science