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Home > DO-KB Home > DO-KB SPARQL Sandbox


Select one of the provided SPARQL queries or paste in a novel query to retrieve bespoke ML-ready datasets. Searches may be performed against the DO's primary release file, doid.owl or the doid-merged.owl file for exploring annotations, e.g. ECO codes, and axiom relationships.
  • The DO's SPARQL endpoint (https://sparql.disease-ontology.org/) is available for building federated queries.
  • Visit our SPARQL Resources page to learn more about using the SPARQL Sandbox and endpoint.
  • Our SPARQL Sandbox and endpoint are currently in beta. If you discover any issues, please reach out and let us know!

Choose a Query:

  • Datasets
    • Cross-references
      • EFO-in-DO.rq
      • GARD-in-DO.rq
      • ICD10CM-in-DO.rq
      • ICD9CM-in-DO.rq
      • ICDO-in-DO.rq
      • KEGG-in-DO.rq
      • MEDDRA-in-DO.rq
      • MESH-in-DO.rq
      • NCI-in-DO.rq
      • OMIM-in-DO.rq
      • Orphanet-in-DO.rq
      • SNOMEDCT_US-in-DO.rq
      • UMLS-in-DO.rq
      • all-xref-in-DO.rq
    • Synonyms
      • all-synonyms-in-DO.rq
      • exact-synonyms-in-DO.rq
  • Federated
    • cancer-proteoforms.rq
  • General
    • all-disease-info.rq
    • construct-disease-import-hierarchies.rq
    • diseases-in-DO_infectious_disease_slim.rq
    • diseases-with-defs-lglaxiom-counts.rq
    • diseases-with-eqClass-axioms.rq
    • diseases-with-evidence-codes.rq
    • diseases-with-pubmed-src.rq
    • diseases_w_parents.rq
    • sarcomas-plus.rq
    • syndromes.rq
    • xref-bridge-mesh-icd10cm.rq
  • Imports
    • SYMP-all-info.rq
    • TRANS-all-info.rq
  • Metadata
    • Statistics
      • branch-count.rq
      • definition-count.rq
      • disease-count.rq
      • import-term-count.rq
      • logical-axiom-count.rq
      • property-count.rq
      • synonym-count.rq
      • xref-count.rq
  • prefixes.rq
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