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Towards Understanding and Mitigating Audio Adversarial Examples for Speaker Recognition | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing skip to main content

Towards Understanding and Mitigating Audio Adversarial Examples for Speaker Recognition

Published: 01 September 2023 Publication History


Speaker recognition systems (SRSs) have recently been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, raising significant security concerns. In this work, we systematically investigate transformation and adversarial training based defenses for securing SRSs. According to the characteristic of SRSs, we present 22 diverse transformations and thoroughly evaluate them using 7 recent promising adversarial attacks (4 white-box and 3 black-box) on speaker recognition. With careful regard for best practices in defense evaluations, we analyze the strength of transformations to withstand adaptive attacks. We also evaluate and understand their effectiveness against adaptive attacks when combined with adversarial training. Our study provides thirteen useful insights and findings, many of them are new or inconsistent with the conclusions in the image and speech recognition domains, e.g., variable and constant bit rate speech compressions have different performance, and some non-differentiable transformations remain effective against current promising evasion techniques which often work well in the image domain. We demonstrate that the proposed novel feature-level transformation combined with adversarial training is rather effective compared to the sole adversarial training in a complete white-box setting, e.g., increasing the accuracy by 13.62&#x0025; and attack cost by two orders of magnitude, while other transformations do not necessarily improve the overall defense capability. This work sheds further light on the research directions in this field. We also release our evaluation platform <sc>SpeakerGuard</sc> to foster further research.


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  • (2024)Attack as Detection: Using Adversarial Attack Methods to Detect Abnormal ExamplesACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology10.1145/363197733:3(1-45)Online publication date: 15-Mar-2024
  • (2024)AFPM: A Low-Cost and Universal Adversarial Defense for Speaker Recognition SystemsIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security10.1109/TIFS.2023.334823219(2273-2287)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2024

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