(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Flexible plans that fit your needs - Reverso

Reverso Premium

Write better and faster with AI

Best deal - Save 35%
6.49 5.19 EUR / month
billed one time 62.3 EUR
9.99 7.99 EUR / month
billed one time 0 EUR

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 Students and teachers? Get promo code

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Check longer texts, without limits (up to 5,000 char. at once)
Unlimited use of Rephraser to enhance your style and tone
Microsoft Word add-in (on Windows only)
Ad-free experience
Premium access to all 4 Reverso products (see below)

By subscribing, you also help us develop new features and keep our website free for millions of people worldwide.

One subscription for all your language needs, at an affordable price

Write clear and mistake-free with our AI-based grammar checker and paraphraser

  • Check longer texts in English, Spanish, French & Italian

    unlimited - up to 5,000 characters at once

  • Unlimited AI-powered Rephraser

  • MS Office add-in for Word, PowerPoint & Outlook 

context paraphraser
context translation

Translate faster any type of content

  • Unlimited text translation

    (up to 8,000 characters at once)

  • Translate documents (Word, PDF, PPT...) 

    Up to 50,000 words per year

  • Translate scanned documents

  • Voice translation on mobile app

Save and sync unlimited vocabulary

  • Save unlimited words and expressions

    enriched with native pronunciation and examples

  • Sync your vocabulary across all devices

  • Import your vocabulary list from a file or a photo

  • Download offline dictionaries

save and sync vocab
context translation plugin

Learn new vocabulary with your favorite activities

To master a language, there’s nothing like interacting with texts, films and dialogues in their original language. With Premium, get quick access to translations, where and when you need it.

  • Double-click to translate while reading on your computer 

  • Interact with subtitles on Netflix, YouTube... 

  • Smart quizzes designed to optimize memorization 

    based on your vocabulary, quizzes use a spaced repetition system

Bundle Translator + AI Writing Assistant + Language Coach + Dictionary

for only 6.49 EUR/month

Best deal - Save 35%
6.49 5.19 EUR / month
billed one time 62.3 EUR
9.99 7.99 EUR / month
billed one time 0 EUR

Special pricing

Students and teachers

Students and teachers

Get a 75% discount and enjoy premium for only €19.47/year.

Have a team or organization?

Have a team or organization?

Contact sales for team pricing (3 to 1000+ members), API for large volumes, and more.

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Support Reverso

Your Reverso subscription helps you translate faster and learn better - and helps us keep our website free for millions of language learners worldwide.

Finalize your payment and enjoy Reverso Premium services

Product Price
 words to translate
Premium subscription for 1 month
Professional subscription for 1 month
Premium subscription for 12 months
Professional subscription for 12 months

Your subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of the subscription period. You can cancel it at any time.
You will receive the invoices by email.

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