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Preliminary model for student ownership of projects

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Preliminary model for student ownership of projects
written by Dimitri R. Dounas-Frazer, Laura Ríos, and Heather J. Lewandowski
In many upper-division lab courses, instructors implement multiweek student-led projects. During such projects, students may design and carry out experiments, collect and analyze data, document and report their findings, and collaborate closely with peers and mentors. To better understand cognitive, social, and affective aspects of projects, we conducted an exploratory investigation of student ownership of projects. Ownership is a complex construct that refers to, e.g., students' willingness and ability to make strategic decisions about their project. Using data collected through surveys and interviews with students and instructors at five institutions, we developed a preliminary model for student ownership of projects. Our model describes ownership as a relationship between student and project. This relationship is characterized by student interactions with the project during three phases: choice of topic, execution of experiment, and synthesis of results. Herein, we explicate our model and demonstrate that it maps well onto students' and instructors' conceptions of ownership and ideas presented in prior literature.
Physics Education Research Conference 2019
Part of the PER Conference series
Provo, UT: July 24-25, 2019
Pages 141-146
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education - Applied Research
- Curriculum Development
= Laboratory
- Instructional Material Design
= Project
Education - Basic Research
- Learning Theory
= Cognitive Modeling
- Student Characteristics
= Affect
- Upper Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Research study
PER-Central Type Intended Users Ratings
- PER Literature
- Researchers
  • Currently 0.0/5

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Free access
This material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the published article's author(s), title, proceedings citation, and DOI.
Rights Holder:
American Association of Physics Teachers
NSF Numbers:
PERC 2019
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created January 2, 2020 by Lyle Barbato
Record Updated:
January 6, 2020 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
January 6, 2020
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Record Link
AIP Format
D. Dounas-Frazer, L. Ríos, and H. Lewandowski, , presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT, 2019, WWW Document, (https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=15267&DocID=5179).
D. Dounas-Frazer, L. Ríos, and H. Lewandowski, Preliminary model for student ownership of projects, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT, 2019, <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=15267&DocID=5179>.
APA Format
Dounas-Frazer, D., Ríos, L., & Lewandowski, H. (2019, July 24-25). Preliminary model for student ownership of projects. Paper presented at Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT. Retrieved July 15, 2024, from https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=15267&DocID=5179
Chicago Format
Dounas-Frazer, D, L. Ríos, and H. Lewandowski. "Preliminary model for student ownership of projects." Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT, July 24-25, 2019. https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=15267&DocID=5179 (accessed 15 July 2024).
MLA Format
Dounas-Frazer, Dimitri, Laura Ríos, and Heather J. Lewandowski. "Preliminary model for student ownership of projects." Physics Education Research Conference 2019. Provo, UT: 2019. 141-146 of PER Conference. 15 July 2024 <https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=15267&DocID=5179>.
BibTeX Export Format
@inproceedings{ Author = "Dimitri Dounas-Frazer and Laura Ríos and Heather J. Lewandowski", Title = {Preliminary model for student ownership of projects}, BookTitle = {Physics Education Research Conference 2019}, Pages = {141-146}, Address = {Provo, UT}, Series = {PER Conference}, Month = {July 24-25}, Year = {2019} }
Refer Export Format

%A Dimitri Dounas-Frazer %A Laura Ríos %A Heather J. Lewandowski %T Preliminary model for student ownership of projects %S PER Conference %D July 24-25 2019 %P 141-146 %C Provo, UT %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=15267&DocID=5179 %O Physics Education Research Conference 2019 %O July 24-25 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Conference Proceedings %A Dounas-Frazer, Dimitri %A Ríos, Laura %A Lewandowski, Heather J. %D July 24-25 2019 %T Preliminary model for student ownership of projects %B Physics Education Research Conference 2019 %C Provo, UT %P 141-146 %S PER Conference %8 July 24-25 %U https://www.compadre.org/Repository/document/ServeFile.cfm?ID=15267&DocID=5179

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