(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Online ISSN : 2186-5337
Print ISSN : 0918-1024
ISSN-L : 0918-1024
道家みちや 涼介りょうすけ山口やまぐち まさる吾妻あづま たかし中埜なかの たかもと安江やすえ 健一けんいち藤原ふじわら 広行ひろゆき香川かがわ たかしせい中島なかじま 秀敏ひでとし
ジャーナル フリー

2022 ねん 2022 かん 56 ごう p. 71-82


  Geoparks are UNESCO programs that promote sustainable development of areas with geologically valuable sites and landscapes through conservation, education, and geo-tourism activities. One of the characteristics of Japanese geoparks is that the entire Japanese Islands are located in the mobile belt, and many geoparks have the theme of “Dynamic Earth.” Active faults, along with active volcanoes, symbolize the movements of the ground in the Japanese Islands, and it is of great significance for researchers of active faults to support geopark activities. In the present study, we reported the results of the questionnaire survey conducted by the Committee on Education and Outreach of the Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies to consider future policies for support for Japanese geoparks. As a result, we found that about 41% of the geoparks use active faults as geosites, and about 62% of the geoparks explain active faults in some way. In addition, it was found that about 81% of the geoparks have been working on disaster prevention against earthquakes or active faults. On the other hand, there are some geoparks where active faults are distributed within the area but are not utilized as geosites, and the most common reason for this is that there are no appropriate observation sites. For these geoparks, support by experts of active faults is considered necessary.

© 2022 一般いっぱん社団しゃだん法人ほうじん 日本にっぽんかつ断層だんそう学会がっかいかつ断層だんそう研究けんきゅうかい