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EconPapers: Labour Economics
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Labour Economics

1993 - 2024

Current editor(s): A. Ichino

From Elsevier
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Volume 64, issue C, 2020

Children’s socio-emotional skills: Is there a quantity–quality trade-off? Downloads
Simon Briole, Hélène Le Forner and Anthony Lepinteur
Peers’ parents and educational attainment: The exposure effect Downloads
Bobby (Wing Yin) Chung
Linguistic diversity and workplace productivity Downloads
Harald Dale-Olsen and Henning Finseraas
Buy flexible, pay more: The role of temporary contracts on wage inequality Downloads
Andrea Albanese and Giovanni Gallo
Gender, competitiveness, and task difficulty: Evidence from the field Downloads
Britta Hoyer, Thomas van Huizen, Linda Keijzer, Sarah Rezaei, Stephanie Rosenkranz and Bastian Westbrock
Switching from an inclining to a zero-level unemployment benefit profile: Good for work incentives? Downloads
Bart Cockx, Koen Declercq, Muriel Dejemeppe, Leda Inga and Bruno Van der Linden
Gender gaps and the structure of local labor markets Downloads
Barbara Petrongolo and Maddalena Ronchi
Search design and online job search – new avenues for applied and experimental research Downloads
Philipp Kircher
Do female politicians matter for female labor market outcomes? Evidence from state legislative elections in India Downloads
Sadia Priyanka
Peer diversity, college performance and educational choices Downloads
Arnaud Chevalier, Ingo Isphording and Elena Lisauskaite
Short- and long-term effects of class assignment: Evidence from a flagship university in Brazil Downloads
Rafael Ribas, Breno Sampaio and Giuseppe Trevisan
Do job creation schemes improve the social integration and well-being of the long-term unemployed? Downloads
Boris Ivanov, Friedhelm Pfeiffer and Laura Pohlan
Financial incentives, fertility and early life child outcomes Downloads
Simona Tudor
Outsourcing recruitment as a solution to prevent discrimination: A correspondence study Downloads
Clémence Berson, Morgane Laouenan and Emmanuel Valat

Volume 63, issue C, 2020

“No more credit score”: Employer credit check bans and signal substitution Downloads
Joshua Ballance, Robert Clifford and Daniel Shoag
Mining the North: Local impacts Downloads
Anders Frederiksen and Maja Due Kadenic
High skilled immigration and the market for skilled labor: The role of occupational choice Downloads
Jie Ma
Effective like me? Does having a more productive mentor improve the productivity of mentees? Downloads
Dan Goldhaber, John Krieg and Roddy Theobald
Experience, skill composition, and the persistence of unemployment fluctuations Downloads
Aspen Gorry, David Munro and Christian vom Lehn
Does low skilled immigration increase the education of natives? Evidence from Italian provinces Downloads
Giorgio Brunello, Elisabetta Lodigiani and Lorenzo Rocco
Economic conditions and the health of newborns: Evidence from comprehensive register data Downloads
Gerard van den Berg, Alexander Paul and Steffen Reinhold
The impact of austerity measures on the public - private sector wage gap in Europe Downloads
Maria Michael and Louis Christofides
Testing the independence of job arrival rates and wage offers Downloads
Christine Braun, Bryan Engelhardt, Benjamin Griffy and Peter Rupert
Labor market impacts of states issuing of driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants Downloads
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Esther Arenas-Arroyo and Almudena Sevilla
Youth employment, academic performance and labour market outcomes: Production functions and policy effects Downloads
Angus Holford
A decomposition of labor earnings growth: Recovering Gaussianity? Downloads
Pierre Pora and Lionel Wilner
Local labour demand and immigrant employment Downloads
Luz Azlor, Anna Damm and Marie Louise Schultz-Nielsen
Macroeconomic conditions and child schooling in Turkey Downloads
Pinar Gunes and Beyza Ural Marchand

Volume 62, issue C, 2020

Labour market flows: Accounting for the public sector Downloads
Idriss Fontaine, Ismael Gálvez-Iniesta, Pedro Gomes and Diego Vila-Martin
New evidence of generational progress for Mexican Americans Downloads
Brian Duncan, Jeffrey Grogger, Ana Sofia Leon and Stephen Trejo
Bullied because younger than my mates? The effect of age rank on victimisation at school Downloads
Rosario Ballatore, Marco Paccagnella and Marco Tonello
Perform better, or else: Academic probation, public praise, and students decision-making Downloads
Nicholas Wright
Intergenerational effects of employment protection reforms Downloads
Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
Gender, peer advising, and college success Downloads
Jimmy R. Ellis and Seth Gershenson
Does subsidized care for toddlers increase maternal labor supply? Evidence from a large-scale expansion of early childcare Downloads
Kai-Uwe Müller and Katharina Wrohlich
Long-term effects of extended unemployment benefits for older workers Downloads
Tomi Kyyrä and Hanna Pesola
Please call me John: Name choice and the assimilation of immigrants in the United States, 1900–1930 Downloads
Pedro Carneiro, Sokbae (Simon) Lee and Hugo Reis
The medium-term impact of entrepreneurship education on labor market outcomes: Experimental evidence from university graduates in Tunisia Downloads
Jumana Alaref, Stefanie Brodmann and Patrick Premand

Volume 61, issue C, 2019

Understanding the mechanisms through which adverse childhood experiences affect lifetime economic outcomes Downloads
Stefanie Schurer, Kristian Trajkovski and Tara Hariharan
Can job search assistance improve the labour market integration of refugees? Evidence from a field experiment Downloads
Michele Battisti, Yvonne Giesing and Nadzeya Laurentsyeva
(Un)intended effects of parental leave policies: Evidence from the Czech Republic Downloads
Alena Bičáková and Klara Kaliskova
Immigrants move where their skills are scarce: Evidence from English proficiency Downloads
Ainoa Aparicio and Zoe Kuehn
All that glitters is not gold: Wages and education for US immigrants Downloads
Simone Bertoli and Steven Stillman
Markets for jobs and their task overlap Downloads
Maarten Goos, Emilie Rademakers, Anna Salomons and Bert Willekens
An inquiry on the impact of highly-skilled STEM immigration on the U.S. economy Downloads
Christian Gunadi
OPT policy changes and foreign born STEM talent in the U.S Downloads
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Delia Furtado and Huanan Xu
Minimum wages and the labor market effects of immigration Downloads
Anthony Edo and Hillel Rapoport
Parental leave policies and socio-economic gaps in child development: Evidence from a substantial benefit reform using administrative data Downloads
Mathias Huebener, Daniel Kuehnle and Katharina Spiess
Employee representation and flexible working time Downloads
Gabriel Burdín and Virginie Pérotin
Substitution between groups of highly-educated, foreign-born, H-1B workers Downloads
Chad Sparber
The wage penalty to undocumented immigration Downloads
George Borjas and Hugh Cassidy
Back to school: Labor-market returns to higher vocational schooling Downloads
Petri Böckerman, Mika Haapanen and Christopher Jepsen
The effect of post-baccalaureate business certificates on job search: Results from a correspondence study Downloads
Amanda Gaulke, Hugh Cassidy and Sheryll Namingit
Heterogeneous earnings effects of the job corps by gender: A translated quantile approach Downloads
Anthony Strittmatter
Job displacement and crime: Evidence from Norwegian register data Downloads
Mari Rege, Torbjørn Skardhamar, Kjetil Telle and Mark Votruba
Child care, parental labor supply and tax revenue Downloads
Martin Eckhoff Andresen and Tarjei Havnes
Can employment subsidies save jobs? Evidence from a shipbuilding city in South Korea Downloads
Hyejin Kim and Jungmin Lee
Fighting long-term unemployment: Do we have the whole picture? Downloads
Alessandra Pasquini, Marco Centra and Guido Pellegrini
Immigration and voting for redistribution: Evidence from European elections Downloads
Simone Moriconi, Giovanni Peri and Riccardo Turati
A simple method to estimate large fixed effects models applied to wage determinants Downloads
Nikolas Mittag
Local labor demand and participation in social insurance programs Downloads
Asbjørn Goul Andersen, Simen Markussen and Knut Røed
Unemployment or out of the labor force: A perspective from time allocation Downloads
Chen Song and Chao Wei
Page updated 2024-09-08