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Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE), Academia Romana | EDIRC/RePEc
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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE)

Academia Romana

Translation: National Institute of Economic Research
Translation: Romanian Academy
Location: Bucureşti, Romania
Homepage: http://www.ince.ro/

Phone: 004 021 4103231
Postal: Bucureşti, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13
Handle: RePEc:edi:incearo
Areas or Functions:
Publications that are listed with RePEc:

Published by this institution:

  1. Revista de Economie Industriala (Journal of Industrial Eonomics), Centre for Industrial Economics and Services
  2. Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Institute of Agricultural Economics
  3. Working Papers of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Agricultural Economics
  4. Revista de Economie Mondiala / The Journal of Global Economics, Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy
  5. Impact of Socio-economic and Technological Transformations at National, European and International Level (ISETT), Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy
  6. National Strategies Observer (NOS), Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy
  7. Conjunctura economiei mondiale / World Economic Studies, Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy
  8. Euroinfo, Institute for World Economy, Romanian Academy
  9. Working Papers, Institute of National Economy
  10. Romanian Journal of Economics, Institute of National Economy
  11. Journal for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting
  12. Working Papers of Macroeconomic Modelling Seminar, Institute for Economic Forecasting
  13. Working Papers of Institute for Economic Forecasting, Institute for Economic Forecasting
  14. Institute for Economic Forecasting Conference Proceedings, Institute for Economic Forecasting
  15. Working Papers of National Institute for Economic Research, Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE)
  16. Studii Economice, Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE)
  17. Studii Financiare (Financial Studies), Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu"
  18. Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Centre of Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu"

Authored by members of this institution

Authored by alumni of this institution, as identified in the RePEc Genealogy

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Acatrinei, Marius
  2. Agapie, Adriana
  3. Ailinca, Alina Georgeta
  4. Alboiu, Cornelia
  5. Albu (Marinescu), Ada Cristina
  6. Albu, Lucian Liviu
  7. Alexandri, Cecilia
  8. Andrei, Dalina Maria
  9. Andrei, Jean Vasile
  10. Andrei, Laurentiu Dumitru
  11. Andries, Alin Marius
  12. Anghel, Dan Gabriel
  13. Anghel, Irina
  14. Antonescu, Daniela
  15. Apostu, Simona Andreea
  16. Badileanu, Marina
  17. Balan, Emilia Mary ?
  18. Baltaretu, Camelia
  19. Baltatescu, Ionela
  20. Bancescu, Irina Adriana
  21. Banica, Elena Petre
  22. Belingher, Daniel
  23. Bilevsky, Gabriela
  24. Boboc, Cristina
  25. Bonciu, Florin
  26. Bulearca, Marius
  27. Buligescu, Bianca
  28. Bulin, Daniel
  29. Bulz, Nicolae
  30. Bunduchi, Elena
  31. Cace, Costin Adrian
  32. Cace, Sorin
  33. Calanter, Paul
  34. Calin, Adrian Cantemir
  35. Campeanu, Virginia
  36. Caraiani, Petre
  37. Cartas, Maria Sr.
  38. Chilian, Mihaela-Nona ?
  39. Chindris-Vasioiu, Oana
  40. Chiritescu, Vergina
  41. Chisagiu, Livia
  42. Chitea, Mihai Alexandru
  43. Chitiga, Georgiana
  44. Chivu, Luminita
  45. Ciuhu, Ana Maria ?
  46. Ciuiu, Daniel
  47. Ciumara, Tudor
  48. Comes, Calin-Adrian
  49. Constantinescu, Andreea Violeta
  50. Covaci, Brindusa
  51. Criste, Adina
  52. Cristea, Anca
  53. Diaconescu, Tiberiu
  54. Dimitriu, Mihail
  55. Dobrescu, Emilian
  56. Dobrescu, Emilian M.
  57. Dobrota, Carmen Elena
  58. Dospinescu, Andrei Silviu
  59. Dragoi, Andreea Emanuela
  60. Driga, Diana Maria
  61. Dumitrescu, Alina Ligia
  62. Dumitrescu, George Cornel
  63. Dumitru, Ionut
  64. Enache, Andreea Oana
  65. Fistung, Daniel Frantz
  66. Florescu, Ioana Cristina
  67. Frone, Simona Maria
  68. Gaf-Deac, Ioan I.
  69. Gavrila, Viorica
  70. Gavrilescu, Camelia
  71. Georgescu, George
  72. Gheorghe, Carmen Adriana
  73. Gheorghe, Florentina Viorica
  74. Ghita, Simona Ioana
  75. Ghiţac, Dana
  76. Ghizdeanu, Ion
  77. Goschin, Zizi
  78. Gradinaru, Giani
  79. Grigorescu, Adriana
  80. Gudanescu, Nicoleta
  81. Hornianschi, Nicoleta
  82. Iancu, Aurel
  83. Ilie, Georgeta
  84. Ioan-Franc, Valeriu
  85. Ionescu, Cornel
  86. Iordan, Marioara
  87. Iorgulescu, Raluca Ioana
  88. Istoc, Elena Manuela
  89. Iuliana, Ionel
  90. Ivan, Valeriu
  91. Ivan-Ungureanu, Clementina
  92. Izvoranu, Anca Marina
  93. Jula, Dorin
  94. Kevorchian, Cristian Hacic
  95. Kruzslicika, Mihaela
  96. Lazar, Alexandra Ioana
  97. Leovaridis, Cristina
  98. Luca, Lucian
  99. Lupu, Iulia
  100. Lupu, Radu A.
  101. MANEA (Todose), Daniela Ioana
  102. Manta, Otilia P.
  103. Matei, Marius
  104. Mazilescu, Raluca
  105. Meghisan-Toma, Georgeta-Madalina
  106. Mereuta, Cezar
  107. Mihai, Mihaela
  108. Milea, Camelia
  109. Mitrache, Mihai Andrei
  110. Moagar Poladian, Simona
  111. Moisoiu, Cristian Marius ?
  112. Molnar, Maria
  113. Munteanu, Andreea-Clara
  114. Munteanu, Irina-Denisa
  115. Muscalu, Mihai Sabin
  116. Nastac, Dumitru Iulian
  117. Neagoe, Iulia Elena
  118. Neagu, Cornelia
  119. Neagu, Florentina-Stefania
  120. Nedelcu, Ana-Maria
  121. Nicolae-Balan, Mariana
  122. Oehler-Sincai, Iulia Monica
  123. Olteanu, Dan Constantin
  124. Oprea, Mihaela Georgiana
  125. Padurean, Elena
  126. Panait, Mirela
  127. Pauna, Bianca
  128. Pauna, Carmen Beatrice
  129. Pauna, Catalin
  130. Pavelescu, Florin Marius
  131. Pecican, Liana ?
  132. Pelinescu, Bogdan
  133. Pelinescu, Elena
  134. Pencea, Sarmiza
  135. Petre, Radu Tudor
  136. Pislaru, Dragos
  137. Platon, Victor Sr.
  138. Polimeni, John M.
  139. Popa, Florina
  140. Popovici, Oana Cristina
  141. Preda, Vasile
  142. Prisecaru, Petre
  143. Radu, Anamaria Catalina
  144. Radu, Brindusa Mihaela
  145. Radulescu, Magdalena
  146. Raileanu Szeles, Monica
  147. Rosu, Elisabeta Rosu
  148. Rusali, Mirela
  149. Russu, Corneliu S.
  150. Rusu, Alexandra
  151. Rusu, Marioara
  152. Saman, Corina
  153. Sandu, Steliana
  154. Scutaru, Cornelia
  155. Serbulescu, Radu ?
  156. Simion, Artur-Emilian
  157. Simion, Maria
  158. Simionescu, Mihaela
  159. Sin, Alexandru
  160. Sprincean, Nicu
  161. Stancu, Stelian
  162. Stanculescu, Ecaterina
  163. Stanescu, Simona Maria
  164. Stanica, Cristian Nicolae
  165. Stefanescu, Maria Livia
  166. Stoian, Florela
  167. Stoica, Ivona
  168. Surugiu, Marius-Razvan
  169. Tanase, Alexandru
  170. Taranu, Mariana-Camelia
  171. Tocan, Madalina
  172. Toma, Camelia
  173. Tudor, Monica Mihaela
  174. Turtoi, Crina Sinziana
  175. Udroiu, Iuliana
  176. Unguru, Manuela
  177. Uzlau, Carmen Marilena
  178. Vasile, Valentina
  179. Voicilas, Dan Marius
  180. Zamsa, Simona
  181. Zeldea, Cristina Georgiana

Registered alumni from this institution

Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
People who have registered with RePEc and have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .

  1. Acatrinei, Marius (2013)
  2. Albu, Lucian Liviu (1991)
  3. Andrei, Dalina Maria (2008)
  4. Antonescu, Daniela (2003)
  5. Caraiani, Petre (2008)
  6. Ciuhu, Ana Maria (2019) ?
  7. Constantinescu, Andreea Violeta (2016)
  8. Diaconescu, Tiberiu (2014)
  9. Ene, Corina Maria (2010)
  10. Frone, Simona Maria (2000)
  11. Jula, Nicolae Marius (2010)
  12. Mitrache, Mihai Andrei (2017)
  13. Pislaru, Dragos (2013)
  14. Radu, Brindusa Mihaela (2015)
  15. Simionescu, Mihaela (2013)
  16. Uzlau, Carmen Marilena (2008)


Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:incearo line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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