Daffy Duck」を編集へんしゅうちゅう

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{{q|you're dethhhhhhPICable|Daffy Duck on pretty much everything}}
{{q|you're dethhhhhhPICable|Daffy Duck on pretty much everything}}
5ぎょう: 4ぎょう:
Mr. '''Daffy Alexander Duck IV''' is a man (or duck, should I say) born to [[Mario]] and [[Hulk Hogan]] back in the 16th century. He started as a simple farm hand to [[Bugs Bunny]] and worked 45 hours a week without a problem. After this humble start, Mr. Duck went into show business and was on [[Looney Tunes]] snd lost the role of star to [[Bugs Bunny|his former boss]]. After this, Mr. Duck seeked the nomination for President of the United States. After losing the chance for the [[Democratic Party]]'s nomination, he decided to go and work for McDonald's. In 2009, Daffy Duck was pronounced dead and then was used to feed the hungry in [[Africa]].
Mr. '''Daffy Alexander Duck IV''' is a man (or duck, should I say) born to [[Mario]] and [[Hulk Hogan]] back in the 16th century. He started as a simple farm hand to [[Bugs Bunny]] and worked 45 hours a week without a problem. After this humble start, Mr. Duck went into show business and was on [[Looney Tunes]] snd lost the role of star to [[Bugs Bunny|his former boss]]. After this, Mr. Duck seeked the nomination for President of the United States. After losing the chance for the [[Democratic Party]]'s nomination, he decided to go and work for McDonald's. In 2009, Daffy Duck was pronounced dead and then was used to feed the hungry in [[Africa]].
==Early Life==
==Early Life==
Daffy Duck started as a much smaller duck, as one would expect. He was said to be born to the evil [[Granny]], but so many are not sure. Another theory is that Duck was born to a supermodel, but was left to Granny as a baby so that he could be taken care of. He was raised with many other children in Granny's house such as [[Bugs Bunny]], [[Sylvester Stallone|Sylvester]], [[Lola]], [[Peggy]], [[Puyl McCartney]] and [[Taz|some too stupid to mention]]. Duck was always the bully and made the other children cater to his every whim. Granny would then come along and teach him a "moral", then he would pretend to be sorry and then he would do it again.<ref>It is noted that he even did this to his first girlfriend, [[Olive Oyl]].</ref> After Duck grew up, he seemed to be a fine young man.
Daffy Duck started as a much smaller duck, as one would expect. He was said to be born to the evil [[Granny]], but so many are not sure. Another theory is that Duck was born to a supermodel, but was left to Granny as a baby so that he could be taken care of. He was raised with many other children in Granny's house such as Bugs Bunny, [[Sylvester Stallone|Sylvester]], [[Lola]], [[Peggy]], [[Puyl McCartney]] and [[Taz|some too stupid to mention]]. Duck was always the bully and made the other children cater to his every whim. Granny would then come along and teach him a "moral", then he would pretend to be sorry and then he would do it again.<ref>It is noted that he even did this to his first girlfriend, [[Olive Oyl]].</ref> After Duck grew up, he seemed to be a fine young man.
==Days as a Farmhand==
==Days as a Farmhand==
After his unsuccessful relationship with Olive Oyl, Duck decided to finally make a living for himself. He worked as a farmhand for [[Bugs Bunny]]. Bunny is so cheap that he did not even pay Duck minimum wage, [[Barack Obama|give him free health care]], or [[Barn|a place to stay]]. Duck <strike>wasted</strike> 23 years as a farmhand. After quitting, Duck hit is show business in Looney Tunes.
After his unsuccessful relationship with Olive Oyl, Duck decided to finally make a living for himself. He worked as a farmhand for [[Bugs Bunny]]. Bunny is so cheap that he did not even pay Duck minimum wage, [[Barack Obama|give him free health care]], or [[Barn|a place to stay]]. Duck <strike>wasted</strike> 23 years as a farmhand. After quitting, Duck hit is show business in Looney Tunes.
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