
ナビゲーションに移動いどう 検索けんさく移動いどう
If you can read this, then you need to get out of the house more.

“1337 is teh PWNAGE!!”

~ User:Nerd42 on Leet

“1337 !$ 4\/\/$0/\/\3... /\/\4d3 by c4/\/\3r0/\/ y4 |\| 7!$ !$ 73|-| /\/\3><!<4|\|!!!!!”

~ Someone on Leet

Erm, yeah. Leet ( pronounced "Thirteen thirty-seven" ) is a brand new flavoured cordial from Robinsons which can be drunk or ingested via the earhole.

Please, save us from this insanity!!! I fear the world will collapse upon itself otherwise.

English[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

I dont know what to do i was just walkinh olh my hole!!!! and then it hit me a bat! a bat! bayt? well uyou uou uo uo see i was on a boat the nit hit me! a bat under the whole hole!´7h3nz ! puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu1t t3h b4n4n4upt3h3h3h3h3h3h3hz b4t53535353z 455 4nd ! wuz 1!3kz 4444444444hhhhhhhhhhhhh! don'tz3z roofies mez withz a peniz!!!!!!11 ima 3r453r 1!3kz Uz?!"#$%R&/(Y&TFGBNHG C OXIMORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and flute. the bird is a flute it flirts with danger its fists arte huge man! i mean a bird with a FIST WAS IT! I DONT KNOW HOW IT HAS FISTS MAN! I MEAN BIRDS DONT HAVE HANDS.... or ham. and then it happened. a school bus came and it fell on me. i dont know why but it was a bus and then i was in a birs nest. it was a bird like the flute WITH FISTS@!!@!#!#$ i got pecked on and then hit by the BIRD WITH FISTS so then it died of leu,,, kemya! KENYAAAAA! and then it was $up3r $\/\/337! Thankyou.

L33t[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

I cl()|\|7 k|\|()\/\/ \/\/l-l47 7() cl() 1 \/\/45 jl_l57 \/\/4lk1|\|l-l ()ll-l /\/\y l-l()13!!!! 4|\|cl 73h|\| !7 l-l!7 /\/\3 4 |347! 4 |347! |34y7? \/\/3|| l_ly()l_l l_l()l_l l_l() l_l() 533 1 \/\/45 ()|\| 4 |3()47 73h |\|!7 l-l!7 /\/\3! 4 |347 l_l|\|cl3l2 73h \/\/l-l()13 l-l()13! OXIMORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4|\|cl fll_l73. 73h |31l2cl !5 4 fll_l73 !7 fl1l275 w17h cl4|\|63l2 !75 f!575 4l273 l-ll_l63 /\/\4|\|! 1 /\/\34|\| 4 |31l2cl w17h 4 FIST WAS IT! I DONT KNOW HOW IT HAS FISTS MAN! I MEAN BIRDS DONT HAVE HANDS.... ()l2 l-l4/\/\. 4|\|cl 73h|\| !7 l-l4pp3|\|3cl. 4 5(l-l()()l |3l_l5 (4/\/\3 4|\|cl !7 f3|| ()|\| /\/\3. 1 cl()|\|7 k|\|()\/\/ \/\/l-ly |3l_l7 !7 \/\/45 4 |3l_l5 4|\|cl 73h|\| 1 \/\/45 1|\| 4 |31l25 |\|357. !7 \/\/45 4 |31l2cl l1k3 73h fll_l73 WITH FISTS@!!@!#!#$ 1 6()7 p3(k3cl ()|\| 4|\|cl 73h|\| l-l!7 |3y 73h BIRD WITH FISTS 5() 73h|\| !7 cl13cl ()f 13l_l,,, k3/\/\y4! KENYAAAAA! 4|\|cl 73h|\| !7 \/\/45 $l_lp3l2 $\/\/337! Tl-l4|\|ky()l_l.

4|)\/4|\|(3|) 1337[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

! (1()|\|7 |<|\|()\/\/ \/\/1-147 7() (l() 1 \/\/45 jl_l57 \/\/41|<1|\|1-1 ()11-1 /\/\`/ 1-1()13!!!! 4|\|(l 73|-||\| !7 1-1!7 /\/\3 4 |347! 4 |347! |34`/7? \/\/3|| 1_1`/()1_1 1_1()1_1 1_1() |_|() 533 1 \/\/45 ()|\| 4 |3()47 73|-| |\|!7 l-l!7 /\/\3! 4 |347 l_l|\|(l3l2 73|-| \/\/1-1()13 1-1()13! 0><!|\/|0|20|\|5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4|\|(1 |=11_173. 73|-| |3112c1 !5 4 |=l1_173 !7 |=111275 \/\/17|-| (14|\|63l2 !75 |=!575 41273 1-11_163 /\/\4|\|! 1 /\/\34|\| 4 |3112(1 \/\/17|-| 4 |=!57 \/\/45 !7! ! |)0|\|7 |<|\|0\/\/ |-|0\/\/ !7 |-|45 |=!575 |\/|4|\|! ! |\/|34|\| |3!|2|)5 |)0|\|7 |-|4\/3 |-|4|\||)5.... ()l2 1-14/\/\. 4|\|(1 73h|\| !7 1-14|'|'3|\|3c1. 4 5(1-1()()1 |31_15 (4/\/\3 4|\|(1 !7 |=3|| ()|\| /\/\3. 1 (1()|\|7 |<|\|()\/\/ \/\/1-1`/ |31_17 !7 \/\/45 4 |31_15 4|\|(l 73|-||\| 1 \/\/45 1|\| 4 |31125 |\|357. !7 \/\/45 4 |31l2(l l1|<3 73|-| |=l1_173 \/\/!7|-| |=!575@!!@!#!#$ 1 6()7 |'3(|<3(l ()|\| 4|\|(l 73|-||\| 1-1!7 |3`/ 73|-| |31|2|) \/\/!7|-| |=!575 5() 73|-||\| !7 (113{l ()|= 131_1,,, |<3/\/\`/4! |<3|\|`/444444! 4|\|(l 73|-||\| !7 \/\/45 $1_1|'3l2 $\/\/337! 7l-l4|\||<`/()1_1.

$33 @1$0[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Numbers of Sanity:
-4 | Zero/0 | 0.0001 | 0.167 | Zero Point Nine Reccuring/0.9999999999999 | One/1/First | Two/2/Second/No two | Three/Third | πぱい/3.1415926535897932... | Four/Fourth | Five/5/Fifth | Six | Seven | The root of all evil | Eight/8 | 8.386023 | Nine/9 | Ten | Eleven | Tenteen | 16...16 | 17/number | 31 | 32 | 42 | 43 | 45 | 57 | 61 | 64 | 69 | 71.8 | 88 | 91 | A hundred/100 | 111 | 116 | 118 | 300 | 333 | 400 | 419 | 420 | 555 | 617 | 666 | 789 | 909 | 1111 | 1337 | 1973 | 1984 | 1987 | 1992 | 2000 | 2004 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2012 | 2014 | Over nine thousand/9001 | 10000 | 69420 | 328742 | 104270865 | 111,766,361 | 13809827354 | 73020590879353 | 333333333333333 | +9 trillion | +6 octillion | Googol | Bunch of 1s | Babblion | Bajillion | Kajillion | Googolplex | Infinity | Ercjivredwisdenaxsengievk

Natural numbers

Numbers of Insanity:
Infinity-1 | -0 | Bleen | Numbers of the Alphabet | 4 8 15 16 23 42 | 64 (Wikipedia) | 99 Red Balloons | | 64 304 427 796 201 678 062 3 040 | Flargleflex | Igh | Morbillion | The number q | Zilch/Zrilch/Zkilcch | ωおめが | υうぷしろん | BANANA | 18 19 20 | Illogicillion