
ナビゲーションに移動いどう 検索けんさく移動いどう

“Emos aren't depressed, they just have dangerously high levels of emoglobin that need to be excreted via wrist!”

~ Scientist on the theory of emolution

“Those darn Emos. They took my cool costume and used it as jeans!”

~ Venom out of Spiderman on reporting clothes theft

“I wish my grass was Emo, Then it would cut itself”

“I wish that girl I know would be emo, then she would cut herself and then maybe I can finally be happy again”

~ theOddity on the girl she hates


~ An ED user about to explode

“Stop mocking us, will you?”

~ The clinically depressed on emos

“I know: the square-root of a pentagonal prism...”

Emo can refer to...

  • A disease which kills the sufferer from the clothes inwards.
  • A fad in 2006.
  • Losers who have no life, whine about it constantly, and eventually either make money off of it, slit their wrists constantly, or commit suicide. Occasionally, these people will infect others, thus leading the infected victim's friends to notice and beat up the infecter. Even more occasionally the infected emo people simply go around with chainsaws and whack everyone within a six-foot radius before realizing that the chainsaw is not plugged in, thus rendering it almost useless. Except for applying Texas Chainsaw Manicures, providing the chainsaw is of Texan origin.
  • A style most commonly used by the above people, or by people who are wannabemo (wannabe emo) people, or people mocking emo people. Or people mocking people mocking emo people. Some females, who try to look emo, fail to look emo and instead look like a Japanese manga girl.
  • Goths, who are kind of pretty much r just emo people, but much less loser-like and whiny, and most are much better in every way than actual emo people. Also, gothic music is way better than emo music. Just saying.
  • A weird type of monkey, that wears eyeliner and likes to swim!!!1!
  • An easy target for jokes

Emos should never be confused with Elmo. Because Elmo tickles emos, thus exploding them.

An emo's death[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]

Too bloody to show, sorry.

See Also[編集へんしゅう | ソースを編集へんしゅう]