Illogicopedia:VFH/HowTo:Get An Article Featured

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HowTo:Get An Article Featured

Score: 6 (6-0) Nomination by T3 19:33, 31 Aym 2009 (UTC)

Nom and For. Great advice. And just for the sake of irony, this needs to be featured.

  • Definitely For!. This article gives you tips on how to get a featured article. It all started out as a comment on My Talk Page. -- Skate1168 (Talk) 22:16, 31 Aym 2009 (UTC)
  • Yeah, I've been meaning to point these things out for a while. --Testostereich(ballsack) 22:19, 31 Aym 2009 (UTC)
  • For. It was too long so I didn't bother to read. it. But a feature writer wrote it so it must be good... —rms talk 02:15, 1 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • For. Good one. --THE 21:48, 9 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • For Needs a pic, though. CamelToe 18:09, 11 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • When is this going to get featured. I am waiting! -- Skate1168 (Talk) 18:56, 4 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
  • Well, you see, these things take time. First, the article needs to get enough votes to pass, which is around five or six positive points. NExt, it has to wait on the Queue for a while to let the other passed articles get featured first. Then, when it is the right time, this article will show up on the front page. If you want to help out with this process, go vote for the other articles on this page (Especially mine *wink*). :D —rms talk 19:14, 4 Yoon 2009 (UTC)

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