Illogicopedia:VFH/IllogiGames:Invasion of Illogiland

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IllogiGames:Invasion of Illogiland

Score: 5 (5-0) Nomination by Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:06, 21 Aym 2011 (UTC)
  • Yes - Do I need to explain? --T3 05:42, 7 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
  • For a slow-burning, hugely enjoyable text adventure that will take days to find all 4 endings. Not the best game to come out of IllogiGames, but still an excellent recommendation. - Another n00b 07:28, 7 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
  • I will vote for in place of Hindleyite not voting. People don't vote for themselves here? We uncy creatures vote for ourselves all the time. Sometimes I vote twice, one for and one against, and tie myself all in knots. Aleister 1:22 13-6-'11
  • Yodel --THE 16:40, 17 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
  • It's a classic, or something. —rms talk 18:01, 22 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
  • This is a self nom, but as usual, since this 'article' is my creation I shall refrain from voting on it. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:06, 21 Aym 2011 (UTC)

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