Crazy Manufacturing Machine

ナビゲーションに移動いどう 検索けんさく移動いどう

My articles

Duck patrol2.JPG
This is an area patrolled and guarded by a modern security system.

Hi, I'm Illogico, and this my user page is crap, I will improve it soon... I'm newbie but experienced with wiki-code, and I, believe me if you want, I want to contribute positively to Illogicopedia, and this was my first article. I am brazilian with a lot of pride, I am not an invader, I came to stay and I am the leader and founder of the Brazilian Editors League (I just do not...) and I am logically... Illogico!

V3 missile.jpg
Dog's Space

Featured Illogicopedian


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Big brrother.png This user participated in Big Brrother 2017.
Iirojikope-tan full length.PNG This user loves Illogicope-tan, the cutest personification of Illogicopedia.

Firefox-3-1-beta2.jpg This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Lang-N This user is a native speaker of Portuguese.
Lang-1 This user can speak Spanish at a basic level.
Lang-2 This user can speak English at an intermediate level.
Clock.gif This user has been on Illogicopedia for 7 years, 6 months and 12 days.

Cg098this user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Cassiethis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Fluffalizerthis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Sennythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom.
2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomythis user is a werewolf.this user is a phantom. Doctor DUuHthis user is a registered user. Flutterthis user is a registered user. Taxwormthis user is a registered user.
ICUHthis user is a registered user. Goaterthis user is a registered user. Bamsemums!this user is a phantom. Willy on Wheelsthis user is a registered user.
Tails6000Dthis user is a registered user. Abuse filterthis user is a werewolf. Fenris2010