(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Template:Mediumcolors - Wikibooks, open books for an open world


Medium Density Colors
Medium Density Colors - Names and Values
Colour Name Colour Sample Hex RGB value
Aqua   #00ffff; rgb(0,255,255)
Aquamarine   #7fffd4; rgb(127,255,212)
Burlywood   #deb887; rgb(222,184,135)
Cadetblue   #5f9ea0; rgb(95,158,160)
Coral   #5f9ea0; rgb(255,127,80)
Cornflowerblue   #6495ed; rgb(100,149,237)
Cyan   #00ffff; rgb(0,255,255)
Darkgray   #a9a9a9; rgb(169,169,169)
Darkkhaki   #bdb76b; rgb(189,183,107)
Darksalmon   #e9967a; rgb(233,150,122)
Darkseagreen   #8fbc8f; rgb(143,188,143)
Darkturquoise   #00ced1; rgb(0,206,209)
Deeppink   #ff1493; rgb(255,20,147)
Deepskyblue   #00bfff; rgb(0,191,255)
Dodgerblue   #1e90ff; rgb(30,144,255)
Fuchsia   #ff00ff; rgb(255,0,255)
Gold   #ffd700; rgb(255,215,0)
Goldenrod   #daa520; rgb(218,165,32)
Greenyellow   #adff2f; rgb(173,255,47)
Hotpink   #ff69b4; rgb(255,105,180)
Khaki   #f0e68c; rgb(240,230,140)
Lightblue   #add8e6; rgb(173,216,230)
Lightcoral   #f08080; rgb(240,128,128)
Lightgrey   #d3d3d3; rgb(211,211,211)
Lightgreen   #90ee90; rgb(144,238,144)
Lightpink   #ffb6c1; rgb(255,182,193)
Lightsalmon   #ffa07a; rgb(255,160,122)
Lightskyblue   #87cefa; rgb(135,206,250)
Lightsteelblue   #b0c4de; rgb(176,196,222)
Magenta   #ff00ff; rgb(255,0,255)
Mediumaquamarine   #66cdaa; rgb(102,205,170)
Mediumorchid   #ba55d3; rgb(186,85,211)
Mediumpurple   #9370db; rgb(147,112,219)
Mediumslateblue   #7b68ee; rgb(123,104,238)
Mediumturquoise   #48d1cc; rgb(72,209,204)
Orange   #ffa500; rgb(255,165,0)
Orchid   #da70d6; rgb(218,112,214)
Palegoldenrod   #eee8aa; rgb(238,232,170)
Palegreen   #98fb98; rgb(152,251,152)
Palevioletred   #db7093; rgb(219,112,147)
Plum   #dda0dd; rgb(221,160,221)
Powderblue   #b0e0e6; rgb(176,224,230)
Rosybrown   #bc8f8f; rgb(188,143,143)
Salmon   #fa8072; rgb(250,128,114)
Sandybrown   #f4a460; rgb(244,164,96)
Silver   #c0c0c0; rgb(192,192,192)
Skyblue   #87ceeb; rgb(135,206,235)
Tan   #d2b48c; rgb(210,180,140)
Thistle   #d8bfd8; rgb(216,191,216)
Tomato   #ff6347; rgb(255,99,71)
Turquoise   #40e0d0; rgb(64,224,208)
Violet   #ee82ee; rgb(238,130,238)
Yellow   #ffff00; rgb(255,255,0)
Yellowgreen   #9acd32; rgb(154,205,50)

Use and Limitations


Makes a medium density colors list in a drop box. It is called as follows:


See Also
