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Fiona Lazaar: Difference between revisions

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Fiona Lazaar is affiliated to La République en marche at Parliament
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| office = Member of the [[National Assembly (France)|National Assembly]]<br />for [[Val-d'Oise's 5th constituency]]
| term_start = [[2017 French legislative election|2017]]
| term_end = [[2022 French legislative election|2022]]
| predecessor = [[Philippe Doucet]]
| successor = [[Paul Vannier]]
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1985|09|19|df=yes}}
| birth_place = [[Val-d'Oise]], France
| nationality = French
| party = [[LaThe RépubliqueNew En Marche!Democrats]]
'''Fiona Lazaar''' (born 19 September 1985) is a French politician affiliated toof [[LaThe RépubliqueNew En Marche!Democrats]] (LREM) who was elected to the [[National Assembly (France)|French National Assembly]] on 18 June 2017 as a member of [[La République En Marche!]] (LREM), representing [[Val-d'Oise's 5th constituency]].<ref name="Bio">{{Cite web|url=http://elections.interieur.gouv.fr/legislatives-2017/095/09505.html |title=Elections législatives 2017 |accessdate=30 June 2017 |work=Ministry of the Interior |language=French}}</ref> She left LREM and was one of the founding members of [[The New Democrats]] in 2020, but returned as an associate of LREM in 2021. She was defeated in the [[2022 French legislative election|2022 elections]] by [[Paul Vannier]] of [[La France Insoumise]].
==Political career==
In parliament, Lazaar servesserved on the Committee on Foreign Affairs.<ref>[http://www2.assemblee-nationale.fr/deputes/fiche/OMC_PA720916 Fiona Lazaar] [[National Assembly (France)|French National Assembly]].</ref> In addition to her committee assignments, she iswas a member of the French-Singaporean Parliamentary Friendship Group.
From October 2018 to September 2020, Lazaar has been servingserved as one of five deputy chairpersons of the LREM parliamentary group, under the leadership of chairman [[Gilles Le Gendre]].<ref>Anne-Charlotte Dusseaulx (9 October 2018), [https://www.lejdd.fr/Politique/groupe-en-marche-a-lassemblee-gilles-le-gendre-a-choisi-ses-5-vice-presidents-3774800 Groupe En marche à l'Assemblée: Gilles Le Gendre a choisi ses 5 vice-présidents] ''[[Le Journal du Dimanche]]''.</ref> In July 2019, she stood as a candidate for the chairmanship of the Committee on Social Affairs; she was defeated in the second round by the incumbent chairwoman, [[Brigitte Bourguignon]].<ref>[https://www.nouvelobs.com/politique/20190724.AFP1236/remaniement-des-postes-lrem-a-l-assemblee-large-prime-aux-sortants.html Remaniement des postes LREM à l'Assemblée: large prime aux sortants] ''[[L'Obs]]'', 24 July 2019.</ref>
In addition to her parliamentary work, Lazaar was appointed by [[Prime Minister of France|Prime Minister]] [[Édouard Philippe]] to chair the National Council against Poverty and Social Exclusion ([[:fr:Conseil_national_des_politiques_de_lutte_contre_la_pauvreté_et_l'exclusion_sociale|CNLE]]) in 2020.<ref>[https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=9A9641CD59C03A00BB66379A55B1B4E2.tplgfr44s_1?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000041636383&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id&idJO=JORFCONT000041636042 Arrêté du 24 février 2020 portant nomination au Conseil national des politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale] [[Légifrance]].</ref>
Lazaar was one of the founding members of [[The New Democrats]] in 2020.<ref>{{cite web |title=Aurélien Taché et Émilie Cariou coprésidents des Nouveaux démocrates |url=https://www.lepoint.fr/politique/aurelien-tache-et-emilie-cariou-copresidents-des-nouveaux-democrates-16-12-2020-2406123_20.php |website=[[Le Point]] |date=2020-12-16 |access-date=2022-02-16}}</ref>
==Political positions==
===Domestic policy===
Within LREM, Lazaar alignsaligned with [[Aurélien Taché]], [[Laetitia Avia]] and few others in challenging [[secularism]].<ref>Alexandre Lemarié (14 October 2019), [https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2019/10/14/voile-a-l-ecole-jean-michel-blanquer-demande-des-sanctions-contre-le-depute-lrm-aurelien-tache_6015513_823448.html Voile à l’école : Jean-Michel Blanquer demande des sanctions contre le député LRM Aurélien Taché] ''[[Le Monde]]''.</ref>
In 2020, Lazaar went against her parliamentary group's majority and abstained from an important vote on a much discussed security bill drafted by her colleagues [[Alice Thourot]] and [[Jean-Michel Fauvergue]] that helpshelped, among other measures, curtail the filming of police forces.<ref>[http://www2.assemblee-nationale.fr/scrutins/detail/(legislature)/15/(num)/3254 Analyse du scrutin n° 3254, deuxième séance du 24/11/2020: Scrutin public sur l'ensemble de la proposition de loi relative à la sécurité globale (première lecture)] [[National Assembly (France)|National Assembly]].</ref><ref>Elisa Braun (24 November 2020), [https://www.politico.eu/article/controversial-security-bill-puts-mounting-pressure-on-macron/ Controversial security bill puts pressure on French interior minister] ''[[Politico Europe]]''.</ref>
===Economic policy===
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