(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Langkasuka - Wikipedia

Langkasuka was an ancient Hindu-Buddhist kingdom located in the Malay Peninsula.[1][2] The name is Sanskrit in origin; it is thought to be a combination of langkha for "resplendent land" -sukkha for "bliss". The kingdom, along with Old Kedah, is among the earliest kingdoms founded on the Malay Peninsula. The exact location of the kingdom is of some debate, but archaeological discoveries at Yarang near Pattani, Thailand suggest a probable location. The kingdom is proposed to have been established in the 1st century, perhaps between 80 and 100 AD.[3]

1st century–15th century
A suggestion of the reach of the kingdom of Langkasuka. Most scholars consider Langkasuka to be located on the east coast of the Malay Peninsula, but some argued for a kingdom that extended from the east to the west coast. Ligor refers to Nakhon Si Thammarat and Kataha is Kedah.
A suggestion of the reach of the kingdom of Langkasuka. Most scholars consider Langkasuka to be located on the east coast of the Malay Peninsula, but some argued for a kingdom that extended from the east to the west coast. Ligor refers to Nakhon Si Thammarat and Kataha is Kedah.
• Established
1st century
• Disestablished
15th century
Succeeded by
Pattani Kingdom
Today part ofMalaysia

According to the legend given in the Kedah Annals, the kingdom was founded and named by Merong Mahawangsa. Another proposal suggests that the name may have been derived from langkha and Ashoka, the Mauryan Hindu warrior king who eventually became a pacifist after embracing the ideals espoused in Buddhism, and that the early Indian colonizers of the Malayic Isthmus named the kingdom Langkasuka in his honour.[4] Chinese historical sources provided some information on the kingdom and recorded a king Bhagadatta who sent envoys to the Chinese court.

Historical records


The earliest and most detailed description of the kingdom comes from the Chinese Liang dynasty (502–557) record Liangshu, which refers to the kingdom of "Lang-ya-xiu" (Chinese: おおかみきばおさむ, Middle Chinese: lɑŋ ŋˠa sɨu). The record mentions that the kingdom was founded over 400 years earlier,[5] which made its founding likely some time in the late 1st or early 2nd century. According to Liangshu, "Lang-ya-xiu" or Langkasuka was 30 days' journey from east to west, and 20 from north to south, 24,000 li in distance from Guangzhou. It mentions that Aloeswood (Aquilaria) and camphor were abundant in the kingdom, and its capital was described as being surrounded by walls to form a city with double gates, towers and pavilions. Both men and women in Langkasuka wore sarongs with their torsos bare and their hair loose, although the king and senior officials covered their shoulders with cloth and wore gold earrings and belts of gold cord. Women of high status wrapped themselves in cloth and wore jeweled girdles.[5] It gives further information on some of its kings and also relates a story on a succession:

Details from Portraits of Periodical Offering of Liang showing an emissary from Langkasuka with description of the kingdom. Song Dynasty copy of a Liang Dynasty painting dated to 526–539.

When the king goes forth he rides upon an elephant. He is accompanied by banners, fly-whisks, flags and drums and he is shaded with a white parasol. The soldiers of his guard are well-appointed. The inhabitants of the country say that their state was founded more than four hundred years ago. Subsequently the descendants became weaker, but in the king's household there was a man of virtue to whom the populace turned. When the king heard of this he imprisoned this man, but his chains snapped unaccountably. The king took him for a supernatural being and, not daring to injure him, exiled him from the country, whereupon he fled to India. The king of India gave him his eldest daughter in marriage. Not long afterwards, when the king of Lang-ya died, the chief ministers welcomed back the exile and made him king.

— Liangshu, translation by Paul Wheatley[6][7]

This king then ruled for more than 20 years. He was succeeded by his son, King Bhagadatta, who sent the first ambassadorial mission to China in 515.[8][9] Further emissaries were sent in 523, 531, and 568.[10]

The transcription of the kingdom's name in Chinese records changed over time. In the late seventh century, the Buddhist monk Yi Jing mentioned encountering three Chinese monks who lived in a place named Lang-jia-shu (ろうとぎ戍).[8]

A Song dynasty work Zhu fan zhi (published in 1225) gives a description of the country of Ling-ya-si-jia (しのげきば斯加). It mentions that its people cut their hair and wrapped themselves in a piece of cloth, its products included elephant tusks, rhinoceros horns, types of wood and camphor, and their merchants traded in wine, rice, silk and porcelain. It also says that the country paid tribute to a country named Sanfoqi, which is usually interpreted to be Srivijaya.[11][12]

Langkasuka was known as "Long-ya-xi-jiao" (りゅうきばさいかく) in Daoyi Zhilüe from the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368);[13] and "Lang-xi-jia" (おおかみ西にし) during the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), as marked in Admiral Zheng He's 1621 Mao Kun map.[14] Daoyi Zhilüe mentions that the natives of Langkasuka made salt from seawater and ferment rice wine, and produced hornbill casques, lakawood, honey and gharuwood.[15] The people wore cotton from the Philippines and printed cloth from India and local sources.[16]

"Langkasuka" was mentioned in the Malay text Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, and it was referred to as "Lengkasuka" in the Javanese poem Nagarakretagama.[1] Tamil sources name "Ilangasoka" as one of Rajendra Chola's conquests in his expedition against the Srivijaya empire. It was described as a kingdom that was "undaunted in fierce battles". Thai sources made no reference to Langkasuka, but Pattani was identified as one of the twelve Naksat cities under the influence of Nakhon Si Thammarat in Thai chronicles.[17]

Outline of Langkasuka's history


A brief outline of the history of Langkasuka can be determined from the limited historical records available. The kingdom is thought to have been founded some time early in the 2nd century AD. It then underwent a period of decline due to the expansion of Funan in the early 3rd century. In the 6th century it experienced a resurgence and began to send emissaries to China. King Bhagadatta first established relations with China in 515 AD, with further emissaries sent in 523, 531 and 568.[8] By the 8th century it had probably come under the control of the rising Srivijaya empire.[18] In 1025 it was attacked by the armies of King Rajendra Chola I in his campaign against Srivijaya. In the 12th century, Langkasuka was a tributary to Srivijaya. The kingdom declined and how it ended is unclear with several theories being put up.

The late 13th-century Pasai Annals, mentioned that Langkasuka was destroyed in 1370. However, other sources mentioned that Langkasuka remained under the control and influence of the Srivijaya Empire until the 14th century when it was conquered by the Majapahit Empire. Langkasuka was probably conquered by Pattani as it ceased to exist by the 15th-century. Several historians contest this and believe that Langkasuka survived up to the 1470s. The areas of the kingdom that were not under the direct rule of Pattani is thought to have embraced Islam along with Kedah in 1474.[19]


Mao Kun map from Wubei Zhi showing Langkasuka (おおかみ西にし) near the top right (Songkla further to its right, and Kelantan River and Trengganu to the left).

Chinese and Arab sources placed the ancient kingdom on the east coast of the Malay Peninsula. The New Book of Tang mentions that Langkasuka bordered Pan Pan, and a map in the Ming dynasty military treatise Wubei Zhi locates it south of Songkla near the Pattani River.[8] A 15th century Arab text similarly places the kingdom between Kelantan and Songkla. The only contradictory information comes from a later Malay text Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa which placed it on the west coast as the predecessor of modern Kedah, although its sovereign had some association with Pattani.[20][21] Chinese, Arab and Indian sources all considered Kedah and Langkasuka to be separate geographical entities. The Javanese poem Nagarakretagama placed it north of Saiburi, however it appears to imply that it was originally located on the west coast but was transferred later to the east.[5]

In 1961, taking account of the various sources, the geographer and historian Paul Wheatley concluded that Langkasuka should be located near the modern town of Pattani.[22] French archaeologist and historian Michel Jacq-Hergoualc'h concurred, and proposed the former estuary of the Pattani River near Yarang as the likely location of Langkasuka. He also suggested that whole area between Pattani, Saiburi and Yala may have been part of Langkasuka.[14] Modern archaeological explorations have uncovered ruins near Yarang, a village fifteen kilometers south of Pattani, which may be of the city described in Liangshu.[23] The city was located inland 10 miles from the coast and connected to the rivers leading to the sea via canals.[18] Silting of the waterways may have led to its decline.


Langkasuka among polities in ancient Malay realm.

Several archaeological expeditions were conducted in the 1960s to locate Langkasuka following Paul Wheatley's suggestion of its likely location. In 1963, Stewart Wavell led a Cambridge expedition to locate Langkasuka and Tambralinga, the details of this expedition are described in The Naga King's Daughter.

An archaeological investigation of the Yarang area began in 1989 by the Fine Arts Department of Thailand.[23] The majority of the ruins were clustered in the vicinity of a hamlet called Ban Wat, and may have formed the nucleus of the city. Others were scattered further to the North at Ban Jalæ, and a couple more at Ban Prawæ. The excavations found various Buddhist structures and objects including votive tablets and sculptures, indicating a strong Buddhist presence in the kingdom. Objects related to Hindu worship were also found.

Many Chinese and Arab coins made of bronze have been found in the region, an indication of the commercial activity of the kingdom. Two silver Sassanid coins have also been found.[24]


See also



  1. ^ a b Guy, John (2014). Lost Kingdoms: Hindu-Buddhist Sculpture of Early Southeast Asia. Yale University Press. pp. 28–29. ISBN 978-0300204377.
  2. ^ Proceedings of The 6th MAC 2016. MAC Prague consulting. 2016-02-16. p. 211. ISBN 978-80-88085-05-8.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  3. ^ Grabowsky, Volker (1995). Regions and National Integration in Thailand, 1892-1992. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-447-03608-5.
  4. ^ W. Linehan (April 1948). "Langkasuka The Island of Asoka". Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 21 (1 (144)): 119–123. JSTOR 41560480.
  5. ^ a b c Keat Gin Ooi, ed. (2004). Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor, Volume 1. ABC-CLIO. pp. 764–765. ISBN 978-1576077702.
  6. ^ Paul Wheatley (1961). The Golden Khersonese: Studies in the Historical Geography of the Malay Peninsula before A.D. 1500. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. pp. 253–254. OCLC 504030596.
  7. ^ はりしょ/まき54 Liangshu, Chapter 54. Original text of the entry on Langkasuka in Liangshu: おおかみきばおさむこくざい南海なんかいちゅう。其界東西とうざいさんじゅうにちぎょう南北なんぼくじゅうにちぎょう廣州こうしゅうまんよん千里せんり土氣つちけ物產ぶっさんあずか扶南りゃくどうへん𥴈沉婆りつとう。其俗男女だんじょみな袒而かみ,以吉かいため縵。其王及貴しん乃加雲霞うんかぬのくつがえ胛,以金なわためからまおびきむ鐶貫みみ女子じょしそく被布ひふ,以瓔珞繞。其國るい磚爲じょうじゅうもん樓閣ろうかくおういずるじょうぞうゆうはた毦旗,罩白ぶた兵衛ひょうえ甚設。國人くにびとせつ立國りっこく以來いらいよんひゃくねん後嗣こうし衰弱すいじゃく王族おうぞくゆう賢者けんじゃ國人くにびとおう聞知ぶんち,乃加しゅう,其鏁だんおう以爲しんいん敢害,乃斥逐出さかいとげ天竺てんじく天竺てんじくつま以長おんなにわか而狼きばおう大臣だいじんむかえかえためおうじゅうねんばばとぎたちだててんかんじゅうよんねん使つかいおもね撤多たてまつおもて曰:「大吉だいきち天子てんし足下あしもとはなれいんいかあい愍衆せい,慈心無量むりょう端嚴たんげん相好そうごう光明こうみょうあきら如水にょすいちゅうがつひろしあきら十方じっぽう眉間みけん白毫びゃくごう,其白如雪,其色あきら曜,また如月きさらぎこうしょてんぜんしんこれしょ供養くよう,以垂正法しょうぼうたから,梵行しゅぞう莊嚴しょうごん都邑とゆうしろかくだかたかし,如乾陁山。ろうかん羅列られつみちたいらただし人民じんみんおきもり快樂かいらく安穩あんのんちょ種種しゅじゅころもなお如天ふく。於一切いっさいこくためごくみことしょう天王てんのう愍念羣生,みんじん安樂あんらく,慈心ふかこう律儀りちぎ清淨せいじょう正法しょうぼう供養くよう三寶さんぼう名稱めいしょう宣揚せんよう,佈滿世界せかい百姓ひゃくしょうらく如月きさらぎ初生しょせいたとえ如梵おう世界せかいおもにんてん一切いっさい,莫不歸依きえ敬禮けいれい大吉だいきち天子てんし足下あしもとなお如現まえかたじけなうけたまわさきぎょうけいよしみ無量むりょういま使つかいとい大意たいいよく往,ふくかしこ大海おおうみ風波ふうはたちいまたてまつうすけんじねがい大家たいかきょくたれりょうおさめ。」
  8. ^ a b c d Michel Jacq-Hergoualc'h (2002). The Malay Peninsula: Crossroads of the Maritime Silk-Road (100 BC-1300 AD). Victoria Hobson (translator). Brill. pp. 162–163. ISBN 9789004119734.
  9. ^ Coedès, George (1968). Walter F. Vella (ed.). The Indianized States of Southeast Asia. trans.Susan Brown Cowing. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 51, 77–78. ISBN 978-0-8248-0368-1.
  10. ^ Miksic, John Norman; Geok Yian, Goh (14 October 2016). Ancient Southeast Asia. Routledge. p. 184. ISBN 9781317279044.
  11. ^ Geoff Wade (30 April 2013). Patrick Jory (ed.). Ghosts of the Past in Southern Thailand: Essays on the History and Histiography of Patani. NUS Press. pp. 60–61. ISBN 978-9971696351.
  12. ^ "《しょしげるこころざしまきじょう》". Original text: しのげきば斯國,たんうまれいふうろく晝夜ちゅうやいたまたゆうりくほど地主じぬしまとい縵跣あし國人くにびと剪發,またまとい縵。地產ちさん象牙ぞうげさいかくはや暫番、なまこうのうばんしょうきょう販,ようしゅべい、纈絹、甆器とうため貨;かくさき以此とうぶつじゅん金銀きんぎんしかこうはく。如酒いち墱,じゅんぎんいちりょうじゅんきんぜにまい墱准ぎんいちりょう,十墱准金一兩之類。としみつぎさんふつひとしこく
  13. ^ "とうえびすりゃく". Original text: みねいただき內平而外そびえみんたまききょ,如蟻坡。厥田下等かとう氣候きこうはんねつぞくあつ男女だんじょしいたぶさしろ,繫麻いっぬのぞく以結おや為重ためしげ親戚しんせき長者ちょうじゃいちにちめん必携ひっけいしゅ持物もちもの以問ろうため長夜ちょうやいん其醉。みんうみためしお,釀秫ためしゅゆう酋長しゅうちょう地產ちさん沈香じんこうかん於諸ばんつぎづるいただきくだみつとう黃熟おうじゅくあたま貿易ぼうえきかし用土ようどしるしぬのはちとげぬの靑白あおじろはなわんぞく
  14. ^ a b Geoff Wade (30 April 2013). Patrick Jory (ed.). Ghosts of the Past in Southern Thailand: Essays on the History and Histiography of Patani. NUS Press. pp. 62–63. ISBN 978-9971696351.
  15. ^ Paul Wheatley (1961). The Golden Khersonese: Studies in the Historical Geography of the Malay Peninsula before A.D. 1500. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. p. 80. OCLC 504030596.
  16. ^ John Miksic (15 November 2013). Singapore and the Silk Road of the Sea, 1300–1800. NUS Press. p. 179. ISBN 978-9971695743.
  17. ^ M.C. Chand Chirayu Rajani. "Background To The Sri Vijaya Story-Part I" (PDF).
  18. ^ a b Dougald J. W. O'Reilly (2006). Early Civilizations of Southeast Asia. Altamira Press. pp. 53–54. ISBN 978-0759102798.
  19. ^ Kamalakaran, Ajay (2022-03-12). "The mystery of an ancient Hindu-Buddhist kingdom in Malay Peninsula". Scroll.in. Retrieved 2023-07-08.
  20. ^ Michel Jacq-Hergoualc'h (2002). The Malay Peninsula: Crossroads of the Maritime Silk-Road (100 BC-1300 AD). Victoria Hobson (translator). Brill. pp. 164–166. ISBN 9789004119734.
  21. ^ "Langkasuka". Sejarah Melayu.
  22. ^ Paul Wheatley (1961). The Golden Khersonese. Studies in the Historical Geography of the Malay Peninsula before AD 1500. University of Malaya Press.
  23. ^ a b Michel Jacq-Hergoualc'h (2002). The Malay Peninsula: Crossroads of the Maritime Silk-Road (100 BC-1300 AD). Victoria Hobson (translator). Brill. pp. 166–175. ISBN 9789004119734.
  24. ^ Michel Jacq-Hergoualc'h (2002). The Malay Peninsula: Crossroads of the Maritime Silk-Road (100 BC-1300 AD). Victoria Hobson (translator). Brill. p. 191. ISBN 9789004119734.