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Oxymel - Wikipedia

Oxymel (from Latin 'acid and honey', from Ancient Greek ὀξύς 'acid' and μέλι 'honey') is a mixture of honey and vinegar, used as a medicine. According to Scientific American, recently the mixture has been used successfully in a biofilm for topical uses on wounds where bacteria has become resistant to antibiotics, both ingredients having been used historicaly as antiseptics, but the combination was reported as killing as much as 1,000 times more bacteria than vinegar alone and as much as 100,000 times more than honey alone in biofilms.[1]

Its name is often found in Renaissance (and later) pharmacopoeiae in Late Latin form as either a countable or uncountable noun. As a countable noun, it is spelled variously as (singular) oxymellus[citation needed] and oxymellis,[2] and plural oxymeli[3] and oxymelli.[4][5]

Etymology and recipe


Cato the Elder describes it thus:

Oxymelli. Fit vinum ex aceto & melle quod oxymel vocaverunt voce Graecanica. Nam oξくしー(?) dicitur Graecis acetu & μίλ mel. Fit autem oxymel hoc modo. Mellis decem librae cum aceti heminis quinque, haec decies subserve faciunt atque ita sinunt inveterare. Themison summus autor damnavit oxymel & hydromel. Est autem hydromel vinum ex aquae & melle confectum, unde & nome. Celebrant autores ex omphacomel, quod fit ex uvae semiacerbae succo & melle fortiter trite unde & nome: Graec enim όμφας dicitur uvae acerbae, & όμφαφκας vocant uvas & fructus immaturus. Hinc omphalicium oleum dictum, quod ex olivis acerbis quas δίγρας(?) vocant, fit: & omphacium ex uva, quod vulgo agreste nominitant.

— Cato, reproduced by Columella, De Re Rustica[5]
A wine made from vinegar and honey, which in Greece was called oxymel, (from Ancient Greek oξύ 'acetu ' and μίλ 'mel', hence [Latin] "oxymel"). It is made thus. Ten libras[6] of honey with five heminas[7] of vinegar, which will be subsumed. Themison confused oxymel and hydromel. But hydromel wine is made from water and honey, hence the name. Its name recalls the creation of omphacomel, which is made from semi-dry [i.e. sharp] grapes and sweet honey, hence the name, from Ancient Greek όμφας 'uvae acerbae, Sour grapes ' and όμφαφκας 'fructus immaturus, unripe fruit'. Hence what is called omphalicium oleum ["omphalic oil"], from sour olives which in Greek is called δίγρας(?), and omphacium from grapes, commonly called agreste.

In the 1593 work Enchiridion chirurgicum, oxymel was recommended as part of a treatment for ophthalmia.[8]

Because Latin was (and is) still used widely in medical prescriptions, it was still known by this name in Victorian times:

Form. 206. Haustus cum Plumbi Acetate

: Plumbi Acetatis, gr. j. Solve in Aquae Rosae, ℥j.; et adde Oxymellis Simplicis, ʒj.; Tinct. Opii, ♏︎v.; Tinct. Digitalis, ♏︎x. Fiat Haustus, quartis vel sextis horis sumendus.

— James Copland, A Dictionary of Practical Medicine (1855)[9]
Formula 206. Drink with lead(II) acetate
Prescription: Lead acetate one grain. Dissolve in rose water, one ounce; and add undiluted oxymel, one drachm; tincture of opium, five minims; tincture of digitalis, ten minims. To be taken every four to six hours.

See also



  1. ^ Gawrylewski, Andrea, Scientific American Newsletter, October 11, 2023
  2. ^ Ettmüller, Michael (1690). "De Febribus". Operum omnium medico-phisicorum (in Latin). Vol. 1. Thomas Amaulry. p. 197. Retrieved 16 November 2015.
  3. ^ Claudius Galenus (1643). Laguna, Andrés (ed.). Epitome Galeni operum, in quatuor partes digesta, pulcherrima methodo [Galenus' works condensed, in four digests, the best methods] (in Latin). John Caffin & Francis Plaignard. p. 116. Retrieved 16 November 2015. Oxymelli.
  4. ^ Pliny the Younger (1853). Naturalis historiae (in Latin). Vol. xxxvii. p. 271. Retrieved 16 November 2015.
  5. ^ a b Columella (1536). De Re Rustica. Vol. Ii. 17. p. ca. 95, 780. Retrieved 16 November 2015.
  6. ^ One Roman pound libra = 328.9 g See: Ancient Roman units of measurement
  7. ^ One hemina = 273 ml See: Ancient Roman units of measurement
  8. ^ Antoine Chaumette (1593). Enchiridion chirurgicum (in Latin). Meiet. p. 64. Retrieved 16 November 2015. Cum Ophthalmia oritur a materia frigida: victus ratio praescribeda juxta humoris naturam, revulsiones, tum venae sectione, tum cucurbitulis, alisque modis faciendae: humor praeparandus syrupis capill.vc. acetosi simpl.de. biyantiis de duablo & quinque rad. melle rof. syrupo de hysopo, de staech & oxymel. sin.pl.& syllitico cum aquis foenic. euphrafie, hyssopi, betonic & alris [...]
  9. ^ Copland, James (1855). A Dictionary of Practical Medicine. Harper & Brothers. Retrieved 16 November 2015.